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Technical Data Management Information System (TDMIS) Viewing TMs Within TDMIS 15 Dec 2010 NSDSA Contact Information Help Desk: (805) or DSN Web: Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
Viewing TMs Within TDMIS
TDMIS provides a means to view/download qualified TMs on-line. In order to access the TMs, users must have an active TDMIS account. A TDMIS account is also required when the NAVSUP Naval Logistics Library (NLL) directs the user to TDMIS as alternative to ordering a hardcopy or CD-ROM. A TDMIS account can be requested at (click on “Click here to submit a Customer Service Request (CSR)”, then click on “TM Users/Library Personnel”, and under TDMIS Accounts click on “New Account”. TDMIS is accessed at TDMIS users are permitted access to specific TMs based upon the assigned distribution statement. Military and Government employee accounts allow access to unclassified TMs with Distribution Statements A through E, while contractor accounts are more restrictive. Additionally, there are some publications that have Technical Manual Management Activity (TMMA)-imposed access restrictions. TDMIS users can request permission to view restricted TMs from the TMMA using the TDMIS function “On Line Publication Access Requests”. This document primarily focuses on use of the “Publication Data” method to access TMs from within TDMIS, however there are several ways: Publication Data Module View Technical Data Manuals Module Library Data Module
Viewing TMs Within TDMIS
Although many TMs are available for viewing from within TDMIS and more are continuously being added, there are some TMs that are not available. When a TM is available, a “View Item” button will be present on the Publication Data screen. If the TM is not available, a statement indicating non-availability will be present. Some common reasons why a TM may not be accessible include: TM is under development with a status of “UD” or was never issued with a status of “NI”. TM is classified or has other restrictions. TM is old and there is no complete copy/no adequate quality copy available for scanning and no digital copy is available. TM has just been released and has not yet been made available for viewing. TM is not in a pdf format.
Viewing TMs Within TDMIS Publication Data Module
1. Log into TDMIS. 2. On the left side of the screen, click on “Publication Data”. 3. The publication data search screen appears.
Viewing TMs Within TDMIS Publication Data Module
4. Based on the information available, select the appropriate search type. Pub Number. Used when either all or part of the assigned publication number is known. This is the most direct method to access the desired TM. “Pub Number” is the default setting for this dropdown. Change Number. Used when information for a change package only is desired. Book Titles. Used as the search criteria when all or part of a publication title is known (examples: “Pump, water”, “AN/USQ-9B”, “Model Number AB-12345”). Stock Number. Used when all or part of the stock number is known. This is also a direct method to access the desired TM.
Viewing TMs Within TDMIS Publication Data Module
Note: For example purposes, S9086-AA-STM-010, NSTM Chapter 001, NSTM Publications Index and User Guide is being used. 5. Enter the search criteria. With a known publication number, ensure “Pub Number” is selected and enter the publication number (example: S9086-AA-STM-010). To narrow the search results to only those publications that are currently active, select “All Active Statuses”. Click on “Search”. Note: Only a portion of the publication number could be entered as the search criteria, however, the more detailed the input criteria the more specific the return results will be. Note: Additional examples of entering search criteria when a partial title or a stock number are known are shown at the right.
Viewing TMs Within TDMIS Publication Data Module
Note: The top example shows part of the search results when “All Statuses” is selected, while the bottom example shows the results when “All Active Statuses” is selected. TMs with a status of “UD” (Under Development) will not be viewable 6. Select desired publication from the list of TMs meeting the search criteria by clicking on the publication number.
Viewing TMs Within TDMIS Publication Data Module
7. Click the “View Item” button. Clicking the “View Item” button launches the publication. Note: If the TDMIS user has access to the publication a “View Item” button will be present in the displayed Publication Data Record.
Viewing TMs Within TDMIS Publication Data Module
8. Selected publication is displayed.
Viewing TMs Within TDMIS View Technical Manuals Module
Note: This option currently is only available to shipboard personnel. Only TM Records identified on the ship’s Index of Technical Publications (ITP) will be displayed. 1. Log into TDMIS. 2. On the left side of the screen, click on “View Technical Manuals”. 3. The Technical Manual Listing screen appears. From the dropdown select the desired activity and click on “Search”.
Viewing TMs Within TDMIS View Technical Manuals Module
4. The result will bring up list of applicable TMs as identified on the selected ship’s Index of Technical Publications (ITP). 5. Locate and click on the publication range for the desired TM. For example, NAVSEA TM S9086-AA-STM-010 would fall in the range of S9073-AM-SBV-010 through S9086-QN-STM-010.
Viewing TMs Within TDMIS
6. The list of publications within the selected range is displayed. To launch the TM, click on “View pub” for the desired TM. NOTE: If the desired TM is not displayed within the list, use the Publication Data Module to access the TM.
Viewing TMs Within TDMIS Library Data Module
Note: In order to use this module to view Technical Manuals, your activity Library Data must be in the TDMIS Library Data Module. 1. Log into TDMIS. 2. On the left side of the screen, click on “Library Data”. 3. Select your activity from the dropdown list (Example “NAVSURFWARCEN NSDSA PORT HUENEME CA”).
Viewing TMs Within TDMIS Library Data Module
4. Click on “Search Library Data”. 5. Enter the desired TM number (example: S9086-AA-STM-010) in the Document Number field and click on “Search”.
Viewing TMs Within TDMIS Library Data Module
6. Select desired TM by clicking on the publication number. 7. To launch the TM, click on “Click here to view this Document on line”.
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