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January 29, 2013 Lake Diefenbaker Reservoir Operation Proposed Operating Manual Development.

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Presentation on theme: "January 29, 2013 Lake Diefenbaker Reservoir Operation Proposed Operating Manual Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 January 29, 2013 Lake Diefenbaker Reservoir Operation Proposed Operating Manual Development

2 Outline Background About Lake Diefenbaker Typical Operations 2010/11 Operations University of Saskatchewan Review of 2010/11 Operations 2012 Stakeholder Engagement Reservoir Operations Manual Template Proposed Process for Lake Diefenbaker ROM

3 Background WSA responsible for operation and maintenance of 45 dams, control structures and/or weirs. Provincial 25 Year Saskatchewan Water Security Plan calls for review and update of reservoir operating plans (now operating manuals) on a priority basis Government has committed to completing ROM for Lake Diefenbaker be early 2014.



6 Lake Diefenbaker Specifications Reservoir Design Full Supply Level (FSL) 556.87 metres Effective drainage area 126,000 km 2 Maximum depth 58 metres at FSL Length 225 km at FSL Area 43,000 hectares at FSL Storage at FSL 9,400,000 dam 3 (total) 4,300,000 dam 3 (live)

7 Operation Targets for Lake Diefenbaker



10 Diefenbaker Lake Levels

11 Diefenbaker Flows and Levels 1:10 year Peak Inflow

12 U of S Review of 2010/11 Lake Diefenbaker Operations Reviewed flow and operational records, data records, interviewed staff and external experts Final report delivered February 2012 8 major recommendations First identifies the need for a document clearly outlining the priorities and rules for operating the reservoir over the range of expected flow conditions Second identifies the need to clarify the operating objectives. Remaining deal with data, modeling, and understanding of river ice.

13 2012 Stakeholder Engagement WSA recognized need for stakeholder input in fall 2011 Independent consultant retained to conduct an engagement process starting in late May 2012. Separate meetings for each sector (d/s municipal, environment, First Nations, government, industry, u/s municipal, recreation, metis) Explored values and priorities Report provided to WSA in December 2012. Posted on website Rivers/Dams-and-Reservoirs/Developing-and-Operating-Plan- for-Lake-Diefenbaker/

14 ROM Template Intended primarily for use by Forecasting & Operations Provides clarity, consistency, defensibility, multiple forecasters Intended to fit into OM&S manuals required by CDA guidelines Applies to current realities Seven sections plus Appendices 1.Introduction and background 2.Objectives (purposes and priorities) 3.Constraints (dam safety, physical, legal) 4.Operating Zones and Rule Curves 5.Operating Plans 6.Protocol to determine operating recommendation 7.Procedure to execute decision

15 ROM Template 5. Operating Plans (flow conditions terminology from CDA) Routine Below normal flow (not all users satisfied) Normal flow (all or most users satisfied) Moderate floods (not all users satisfied) Unusual Large floods (multiple users not satisfied) Emergency Situation in which the dam is potentially threatened Refers to Emergency Response Plan if available

16 ROM Template 6. Protocol to determine Operating Recommendation For use by Forecasters What meteorologic stations, hydrometric stations What hydrologic and routing models, where they are May include flow charts and check lists What documentation is required and where it is to be filed May refer to Products and Procedures Manual (under development)

17 ROM Template 7. Procedure to execute decision Procedure to move from recommendations to implementation…decision chain Communication of decision externally – Who, how and when notification of decision is provided to reservoir users and downstream stakeholders May include flow charts and check lists What documentation is required and where it is to be filed

18 Process for Lake Diefenbaker ROM Revise existing into new ROM format Develop suite of alternative Operating Plans 2010/11 Review Stakeholder Engagement report Internal consultation and buy-in Develop reservoir performance measures Assessment of alternative Operating Plans WRM modeling for water supply and seasonal and inter- annual variability Flood routing assessment, reservoir peak levels and duration, downstream flows and levels Simple economic assessment

19 Process for Lake Diefenbaker ROM Selection of preferred alternative Compile assessment results Internal review and selection Finalize documentation of assessments and process Preferred draft ROM and supporting documentation available for government approval

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