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2 ESTIMATION OF HIDDEN COMPUTER COSTS IN THE POPULATION ABOUT THE RESEARCH Should provide an INDICATION of the extent of computer problems among the parts of the Norwegian population that work with computers every day. The research is based on telephone interviews with a random selection of the working sector of the Norwegian population. One of the conditions was that the participants were working in a company with more than 10 employees. 800 people in total were interviewed from the 4 bigger cities of Norway (Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim and Stavanger).

3 ESTIMATION OF HIDDEN COMPUTER COSTS IN THE POPULATION ABOUT THE RESEARCH The interviews were performed by Norsk Statistikk AS in September, 2001. The research was conducted by using a system that has been used previously in estimations performed in the populations of Norway and Sweden, as well as employees in different organisations, by Cap Gemini Ernst & Young during the last few years. However, this time computer aided computer interviews have been used for the collection of information this time, instead of questionnaires via mail like earlier. There is no reason to believe that the changed method has had any affect on the results. Please note that the results have to be interpreted within the statistical margin of error of +/- 1,5-3,5%. The insecurity is highest by 50/50, lowest by 5/95.

4 ESTIMATION OF HIDDEN COMPUTER COSTS IN THE POPULATION CONDITIONS FOR THE ESTIMATIONS We assume a work force of 2,27 millions in Norway (source: Of these we assume that 46% are PC users (source: Norsk Mediabarometer, 1999). We have used an annual income of 300 000 per employee. In addition we count 25% extra for employer tax (holiday pay), as well as 17% of other overhead costs (offices, other costs connected to the employees) - totally NOK 426.000. The corresponding figure of last year’s research was NOK 409.000 per employee (+4,4% - source: Annual work load is assumed 1800 hours/48 weeks.

5 ESTIMATION OF HIDDEN COMPUTER COSTS IN THE POPULATION ESTIMATION OF COSTS The respondents in the research use an average of 2 hours 51 minutes every week to solve their own and other people’s computer problems. That is 136 hours per employee every year. Corresponding figures for the estimation of hidden computer costs in 2000 gave a result of 119 hours per employee every week, on their own and other people’s computer problems, and in 1996 the outcome was 125 hours.

6 ESTIMATION OF HIDDEN COMPUTER COSTS IN THE POPULATION ESTIMATION OF COSTS The total time spent on their own and other people’s computer problems make 136 hours x 1,044,200 persons, that means a total of 78,895 man years. 78,895 man years x 426,000 NOK = 33,609,270,000 NOK or 33,6 billion NOK. Corresponding figures in 1996 were 16.2 billion kroner, in 2000 27.8 billion NOK. Average of time spent in the “worst” fourth in the research is 618 minutes or a total of 10 hours 18 minutes.

7 ESTIMATION OF HIDDEN COMPUTER COSTS IN THE POPULATION ESTIMATION OF COSTS For an imaginary company with 200 PC users the hidden computer costs are about 6.437.000 NOK. For an imaginary company with 500 PC users the hidden computer costs are about 16.093.000 NOK. For an imaginary company with 1000 PC users the hidden computer cost are about 32.187.000 NOK.

8 ESTIMATION OF HIDDEN COMPUTER COSTS IN THE POPULATION Other results In average the participants of the research work 39,3 hours weekly, whereof 24,1 hours are with a PC. 9 out of 10 participants use word processing/work sheets/presentation applications and e-mail. 8 out of 10 state that they use Internet, an increase of 15% from last year’s research. The most time consuming computer problem for the participants in the research is to help others – the average user spends 38 minutes weekly, followed by problems connected to printing/printer and a waiting period to receive reply to inquiries (22 minutes) When grouping we discover that access problems claim 67 minutes, user support related issues claim 60 minutes and printer/printing problems claim 22 min

9 ESTIMATION OF HIDDEN COMPUTER COSTS IN THE POPULATION Other results More than half of the participants help others with word processing/work sheets/ presentation applications. The most important source of problem solving for the participants in the research is the support department within their own organisation (83%), followed by co-workers (73%). These options are also the most frequently used. Only 1% of the respondents state that they don’t have any other alternatives in order to solve computer problems.

10 ESTIMATION OF HIDDEN COMPUTER COSTS IN THE POPULATION Other results 34% of the respondents state that they have not received any kind of computer training from the current employer. More men than women (30% against 38%) state that they have not received computer training from the current employer. Among the ones that have received such training, 53% state that they have had training within software, 25% other computer training. As previously, better training is considered the most important measure in order to solve the computer problems of the respondents (26%).

11 ESTIMATION OF HIDDEN COMPUTER COSTS IN THE POPULATION Other results Close to half of the participants consider computer problems very disturbing. 9 out of 10 feel that the use of a PC is a requirement in order to undertake their work. Only a minority of the participants think that their own company has a user service that is not organized properly. Only 12% state that the applications which they mostly work with are poorly adapted to their working methods, 66% state that the applications are adapted to the needs of the company. 1 out of 3 state that they would have achieved more during their work day with better training, and 4 out of 10 respondents state that they don’t agree with this. However 45% state that they don’t take full advantage of the potential in the applications available to them.

12 ESTIMATION OF HIDDEN COMPUTER COSTS IN THE POPULATION Composition of the respondents 16% of the respondents state that they have executive responsibilities, 30% that they are intermediate managers. Age considered, the composition is evenly spread, with the largest group between 31 and 40 years of age (33%). 25% of the respondents work in companies with more than 1000 employees. 61% state that they work within the private sector, 39% within the public sector. Service industry is the bigger industry in the research (32%).

13 ESTIMATION OF HIDDEN COMPUTER COSTS IN THE POPULATION Graphics % FIGURES ARE BASED ON A TOTAL OF 800 RESPONSES 0-10 h 12% 10-14 h 9% 15-19 h 11% 20-24 h 15% More than 24 h 53% In average, how much time do you spend working with a PC weekly?

14 ESTIMATION OF HIDDEN COMPUTER COSTS IN THE POPULATION Graphics Less than 37 hours 15% 37 hours 29% 38-39 hours 9% 40 hours or more 47% Total work week in hours? % FIGURES ARE BASED ON A TOTAL OF 800 RESPONSES

15 ESTIMATION OF HIDDEN COMPUTER COSTS IN THE POPULATION Graphics 90% 88% 79% 45% 33% 30% 19% Word processing Electronic mail/calender/notebook Internet Company critical systems Project management Economy, pay and employee systems Other applications 0%20%40%60%80%100% Working with a PC, which of the following applications do you work with? % FIGURES ARE BASED ON A TOTAL OF 800 RESPONSES

16 ESTIMATION OF HIDDEN COMPUTER COSTS IN THE POPULATION Graphics 90% 88% 79% 45% 33% 30% 19% 92% 81% 64% 37% 13% 23% 44% Word processing Electronic mail/calender/notebook Internet Company critical systems Project management Economy, pay and employee systems Other applications 0%20%40%60%80%100% 20012000 Working with a PC, which of the following applications do you work with? % FIGURES ARE BASED ON A TOTAL OF 800 RESPONSES

17 ESTIMATION OF HIDDEN COMPUTER COSTS IN THE POPULATION Graphics 38min 22min 17min 16min 14min 13min 12min 11min 6min 171min Helping others Printing/printer problems Waiting period to get help for functional inquiries Accessing or problems with company critical systems Other computer problems Accessing information in databases/systems Internet connection/access Accessing problems with mail Accessing word processing, work sheets, pres.appl. Virus/removal of virus Total 0min50min100min150min200min Average 2001 How much time do you usually spend weekly to solve problems in connection with: Figures are rounded to the nearest minute

18 ESTIMATION OF HIDDEN COMPUTER COSTS IN THE POPULATION Graphics " " " " " " " " " " Helping others Printing/printer problems Waiting period to get help for functional inquiries Access to/problems with company critical systems Other computer problems Access to information in databases/systems Internet connection/access Access to/problems with mail Access to word processing, work sheets, pres.appl. Virus/removal of virus Waiting period for reponse to general inquiries Total 0min50min100min150min200min Average 2001 Average 2000 " How much time do you usually spend weekly to solve problems in connection with: Figures are rounded to the nearest minute

19 ESTIMATION OF HIDDEN COMPUTER COSTS IN THE POPULATION Graphics # # # # # # # # # # # " " " " " " " " " " " Helping others Printing/printer problems Waiting period to get help for functional inquiries Access to/problems with company critical systems Other computer problems Access to information in databases/systems Internet connection/access Access to/problems with mail Access to word processing, work sheets, pres.appl. Virus/removal of virus Total 0min100min200min300min400min500min600min700min Average 2001 Average ”best” fourth Average ”worst” fourth " # How much time do you usually spend weekly to solve problems in connection with: Figures are rounded to the nearest minute

20 ESTIMATION OF HIDDEN COMPUTER COSTS IN THE POPULATION Graphics 52% 18% 14% 13% 12% 1% 25% Word processing, work sheets, pres.appl. Company critical systems Mail applications Printing/printer problems Internet connection/access Access to information in databases/systems Virus/removal of virus Waiting period for response to functional inquiries Other 0%10%20%30%40%50%60% What do you help others with? Tall i % av base 800

21 ESTIMATION OF HIDDEN COMPUTER COSTS IN THE POPULATION Graphics Tall i % av base 80 What options do you have at your work place to solve the problems? 83% 73% 44% 35% 30% 4% 1% Support dep./ressources in own org. Co-workers Central helpdesk outside own org. Support from software suppl. Support from computer suppl. Other options No options 0%20%40%60%80%100%


23 ESTIMATION OF HIDDEN COMPUTER COSTS IN THE POPULATION Graphics Tall i % av base 800 What options do you have at your work place to solve the problems? 83% 73% 44% 35% 30% 4% 1% 76% 81% 27% 25% 18% 7% 2% Support dep./ressources in own org. Co-workers Central helpdesk outside own org. Support from software suppl. Support from computer suppl. Other options No options 0%20%40%60%80%100% 2001 2000

24 ESTIMATION OF HIDDEN COMPUTER COSTS IN THE POPULATION Graphics Tall i % av base 800 Which options do you use most frequently to solve your computer problems? 45% 38% 18% 6% 4% 7% Support dep./ressources in own org. Co-workers Central helpdesk outside own org. Support from software suppl. Support from computer suppl. Other 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%

25 ESTIMATION OF HIDDEN COMPUTER COSTS IN THE POPULATION Graphics Tall i % av base 80 53% 25% 34% 0%10%20%30%40%50%60% Have you received any computer training at your current employer, and if so; what kind of training? Training in applications or software Other kind of computer training Have not received any kind of training

26 ESTIMATION OF HIDDEN COMPUTER COSTS IN THE POPULATION Graphics What do you think would be the best solution to solve your computer problems? 26% 10% 8% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 5% 32% Better training in the use of applications More ressources to internal user support/Help desk Better access til to support services New equipement Support agreement for software Better/simpler user manuals Purchasing external user support/Help desk Better functionality in the Simpler software New software/applications Faster reply to inquiries Faster correction of errors Higher stability in the systems Clearer internal responsibilities New versions of software Centralised support service Decentralised support service Other Nothing in particular 0%5%10%15%20%25%30%35% Tall i % av base 800

27 ESTIMATION OF HIDDEN COMPUTER COSTS IN THE POPULATION Graphics To what extent do the following statements concerning the use of the PC correspond to your understanding of working with a PC? 8,2 6,8 5,7 5,5 4,7 4,1 3,4 2,9 13579 Averages in a scales 1 (not at all) til 9 (absolutely correct)) Gjennomsnittstall av base 800 The PC is a prerequisite for me to perform my daily work The applications I work with are tailored to the company’s needs I don’t take full advantage of the potential of the applications I have access to It is hard to modify the applications I work with Computer problems are a great factor of disturbance I would be able to do more every day with more computer training We have too few ressources to solve computer problems We have a poorly organised support service in our company The applications that I mostly work with are poorly adapted to my way of working

28 ESTIMATION OF HIDDEN COMPUTER COSTS IN THE POPULATION Graphics To what extent do the following statements concerning the use of the PC correspond to your understanding of working with a PC? 8,2 5,5 4,1 3,4 8,2 5,8 4,5 3,7 8 5,3 4 3,1 13579 Average 2001Average 2000Average 1996 Gjennomsnittstall av base 800 The PC is a prerequisite for me to perform my daily work Computer problems are a great factor of disturbance We have too few ressources to solve computer problems We have a poorly organised support service in our company

29 ESTIMATION OF HIDDEN COMPUTER COSTS IN THE POPULATION Graphics 16% 30% 54% Executive Intermediate manager Don’t have a management responsibility 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70% What position do you have? Tall i % av base 800

30 ESTIMATION OF HIDDEN COMPUTER COSTS IN THE POPULATION Graphics Tall i % av base 800 18-30 years 20% 31-40 years 33% 41-50 years 28% Over 51 years 19% What is your age?

31 ESTIMATION OF HIDDEN COMPUTER COSTS IN THE POPULATION Graphics 29% 16% 9% 12% 7% 25% 2% Less than 50 50-100 101-200 201-500 501-1000 Over 1000 Don’t know/won’t reply 0%5%10%15%20%25%30%35% How many employees are there in your company? Tall i % av base 800

32 ESTIMATION OF HIDDEN COMPUTER COSTS IN THE POPULATION Graphics Tall i % av base 800 Private sector 61% Public sector 39% Is your company within the private or public sector?

33 ESTIMATION OF HIDDEN COMPUTER COSTS IN THE POPULATION Graphics Tall i % av base 800 Within what industry does your company operate? 32% 26% 17% 8% 5% 3% Other service industry Public services Industry/producton/oil/power Bank/finance/insurance Media Commerce Telecom Shipping/transportation/travel 0%5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%

34 ESTIMATION OF HIDDEN COMPUTER COSTS IN THE POPULATION Technical comments Reference number in Norsk Statistikk AS:CAP14200 Employer:CAP GEMINI ERNST & YOUNG Contact at customer:Dag Paulsen Responsible at Norsk Statistikk AS:John Lauring Pedersen Method for info collection:Computer aided telephone interviews Universe and target group:People employed in companies with more than 10 employees. Method of selection:Drawn from Telenors subscriber registry. Netto selection:800 respondents Margins of error:1,5% – 3,5% Field work performed:September, 2001 Report delivered Cap Gemini:8. October, 2001 The research is performed according to Norsk Markedsanalyse Forening’s ethical policies and ESOMARs (European Society of Opinion and Market Research) ethical code for performing market research.


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