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Mid unit assessment Why did SO MANY people (such as Mrs Endo) die in Kobe on January 17th 1995? Task To complete this mid unit levelled assessment you.

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Presentation on theme: "Mid unit assessment Why did SO MANY people (such as Mrs Endo) die in Kobe on January 17th 1995? Task To complete this mid unit levelled assessment you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mid unit assessment Why did SO MANY people (such as Mrs Endo) die in Kobe on January 17th 1995? Task To complete this mid unit levelled assessment you need to produce a report for the Japanese government about the earthquake based around the question; “Why did SO MANY people (such as Mrs Endo) die in Kobe on January 17th 1995?” The report should be organised into 3 sections and should use information from the Mystery slips on Mrs Endo and some researched information. Your report should be no longer than 2 sides of A4 paper. The 3 sections are; 1: WHY did the Kobe quake happen? Here you must explain ALL the factors that caused the 1995 quake to happen. It would be helpful if you included labelled diagrams and some maps too. Remember, Geography is all about LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! 2. HOW did it affect Kobe? Here you must explain the many different ways that people, and the city itself, were affected by the quake. You should also explain WHY the damage was so SEVERE! Pictures, eyewitness accounts would be good here. Be aware that, as you discovered in the case of Mrs Endo, many of the factors are linked. 3. WHAT LESSONS should be learned from Kobe? Here you should deal with what needs to be done in Kobe, and all Japanese cities, to ensure that this kind of loss of life and destruction is greatly reduced in the future. You should also consider HOW we can better prepare large cities for earthquakes of this scale. Connectives The reason for this is.. This links to …. Firstly, secondly…finally In addition to this…. The evidence for this is…. However… On the other hand…. Also…. I think that…

2 Writing frame Basic Introduction –I have been given the task to...... The Kobe Earthquake happened on the…. The Kobe Earthquake was located….. 1: WHY did the Kobe quake happen? The Kobe Earthquake happened because……. The plates that were involved were….. This caused an earthquake because…. This happened because… 2. HOW did it affect Kobe? The social impacts of the |Kobe Earthquake were… This links to… This caused XXXX to happen… The result of this was….. The Economic Impacts were… 3. WHAT LESSONS should be learned from Kobe? In Kobe they should look to improve the buildings by… The people also need preparing by…. This will reduce loss of life because…. In conclusion, I have shown that..... The reason why so many people such as Mrs Endo Died in the Kobe Earthquake are.. Introducing and Locating the place, the background, the dates etc. Here you must explain ALL the factors that caused the 1995 quake to happen. It would be helpful if you included labelled diagrams and some maps too. Here you must explain the many different ways that people, and the city itself, were affected by the quake. You should also explain WHY the damage was so SEVERE! Pictures, eyewitness accounts would be good here. Be aware that, as you discovered in the case of Mrs Endo, many of the factors are linked. Here you should deal with what needs to be done in Kobe, and all Japanese cities, to ensure that this kind of loss of life and destruction is greatly reduced in the future. You should also consider HOW we can better prepare large cities for earthquakes of this scale.

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