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PS 9.2 UPGRADE Purchasing 1 OUHSC - PeopleSoft Financials Upgrade 9.2 - May 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "PS 9.2 UPGRADE Purchasing 1 OUHSC - PeopleSoft Financials Upgrade 9.2 - May 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 PS 9.2 UPGRADE Purchasing 1 OUHSC - PeopleSoft Financials Upgrade 9.2 - May 2014

2 Summary Security 1.All Roles will remain the same (Inquiry, Req entry/approval) 2.User access will not change 3.Network access required and no change to current security process to access system Workflow with Visibility 1.Requisition approval – Real Time 2.Workflow process includes departmental, specialty, grant, AP and with Purchasing added as final approver. 3.All users (Entry and Approvers) can view all approval steps within workflow 4.View Header and Line comments from approval page 5.Attachments Automated matching is new and will apply on all purchase orders. A lot fewer manual processes. 2 OUHSC - PeopleSoft Financials Upgrade 9.2 - May 2014

3 3 Requisition Entry Data Entry 9.0 Maintain Requisitions 9.2 Maintain Requisitions with the new View Approval link once submitted

4 OUHSC - PeopleSoft Financials Upgrade 9.2 - May 2014 4 Data Entry Requisition Entry 9.0 Requisition Defaults Account code required

5 OUHSC - PeopleSoft Financials Upgrade 9.2 - May 2014 5 Requisition Entry Account code is now greyed out Data Entry 9.2 Requisition Defaults

6 Open Requisitions - WB Open Requisitions – Waiting for Bid Due to the new workflow, 9.0 Requisitions in Waiting for Bid status will not come over in the 9.2 upgrade. Beginning May 28 th, You can use the copy from feature on the maintain requisitions page and copy your requisition over. Please reference the old Req number on the new requisition in the header comments. All requisitions not in approved status by May 21 st at 5:00 PM, will not come over into the new system. They will have to be re-entered. OUHSC - PeopleSoft Financials Upgrade 9.2 - May 2014 6

7 Approval – Requisition Review 7 OUHSC - PeopleSoft Financials Upgrade 9.2 - May 2014 9.0 Approval page

8 8 Approval – Requisition Review OUHSC - PeopleSoft Financials Upgrade 9.2 - May 2014 Approval Page 9.2 1. 9

9 OUHSC - PeopleSoft Financials Upgrade 9.2 - May 2014 9 * Review Information 9.2 Review Requisition Click Approval – Requisition Review Header comments and line details will appear in new window Close window when complete

10 10 OUHSC - PeopleSoft Financials Upgrade 9.2 - May 2014 Approval Options – Requisitions Approver Options 9.2 “ Approve ” sends the requisition to next level of approvers “ Deny ” sends the requisition back to Entry Person If Deny is selected, type the reason in the comments field. An email notification will automatically be sent to the Entry Person. The Creator will have access to the Requisition to make necessary changes. The Denied Requisition is saved to “Pending” and workflow will re-route to Approver. If Requisition is no longer required, contact Purchasing to close and recon funds. “ Hold ” If department has more than one approver the hold Requisition will no longer be available on the other approvers worklist. “ Pushback” sends requisition to previous approval step without any notification. NOTE: Only specialty approvers will see this. The following requisition has been "Denied". Requisition Number:0000069212 Date:2014-04-30 You can navigate directly to the approval page for more information by clicking the link below. PLOYEE/ERP/c/PV_MAIN_MENU.PV_REQ_APPRO VAL.GBL?Action=U&BUSINESS_UNIT=OUHSC&R EQ_ID=0000069212

11 OUHSC - PeopleSoft Financials Upgrade 9.2 - May 2014 11 Approval – Requisition Review * Review Information 9.2 *To Review Approval History Click *Reviewer = Buyer Assignment

12 OUHSC - PeopleSoft Financials Upgrade 9.2 - May 2014 12 *Requisition Review 9.2To Review Attachments follow menu below Inquiry Options Menu Choice Click on Header comments Header comments will appear with view of attachments

13 OUHSC - PeopleSoft Financials Upgrade 9.2 - May 2014 13 Inquiry Options *Requisition Workflow 9.0 Step 1: Menu Choices Purchasing Requisitions Req Workflow Status View Step 2: Search Criteria Enter the Requisition ID that you want to view. Click Step 3: View Results

14 OUHSC - PeopleSoft Financials Upgrade 9.2 - May 2014 14 *Requisition Review 9.2 Inquiry Options Click on Approval Status to view workflow approval

15 OUHSC - PeopleSoft Financials Upgrade 9.2 - May 2014 15 Inquiry Options *Requisition Review Document Status 9.2

16 OUHSC - PeopleSoft Financials Upgrade 9.2 - May 2014 16 Questions?

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