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Corporate Fitness Programs How to lower overall healthcare costs and increase workforce productivity.

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Presentation on theme: "Corporate Fitness Programs How to lower overall healthcare costs and increase workforce productivity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Corporate Fitness Programs How to lower overall healthcare costs and increase workforce productivity.

2 Christopher Tolisano, Owner Best Day LLC. Licensed Athletic Trainer

3 Pete Salaga Strength/ Conditioning Specialist Group Fitness Director

4 Posture Movement Prevention

5 We like to call it BIOMECHANICS

6  Muscle imbalances develop from repetitive daily activities  Examples- Sitting (yes, we all do it too much)  Why this position can be the beginning of the end for a sitting workforce.

7  Muscles are like rubber bands  Flexion/Relaxation Phenomenon

8 Scientists at the University of Missouri have found that the act of sitting seems to shut off the circulation of a fat-absorbing enzyme called lipase.

9 Scientists at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana analyzed the lifestyles of more than 17,000 men and women over about 13 years, and found that people who sit for most of the day are 54% more likely to die of heart attacks.


11 We all know that exercise is good for us. Exercise programs are a double-edged sword. Why?

12  Designed by a professional to address your individual “biomechanics”  Preventative Interventions  Progression Based  Variety is the Spice of Life Fitness

13  “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” - Ben Franklin  We are a society of fix it when it breaks.  This is costing employers/employees lost time at work, productivity, and decreased motivation.

14  Healthcare Costs: 2.8 Trillion dollars (1/5 of GDP)  Arthritis or chronic joint symptoms is the number one cause of disability, affecting nearly 1 of every 3 adults in the United States.  Medical Treatment of Back Pain= 25 billion/year  Workers Comp. and Time Loss From LBP= 25 billion/year

15  Employers are realizing the best strategy to control costs is to address the underlying factors that contribute to employee population health.  Multiple studies indicate that prevention, early detection and chronic disease management is the long term solution.

16 Options: 1. We come to you 2. You come to us 3. Private sessions

17  You provide the space, we provide the instruction  Exercise examples  1 hour classes include: strength, cardio, posture correction, balance, core, plus lots of knowledge  Effective for every fitness level

18  Best Day Fitness Studio – 6626 Central Avenue St. Petersburg, 33707

19  Strength and Conditioning ( all ages )  Injury Rehabilitation and Prevention  Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injury Recovery  Nuero-Muscular Re-Education

20 Pricing Details Located on Handout. Payments in Advance for Reservations. Please contact us for special requests and other options for group camps.

21  Your online resource for everything Best Day  Online Class Reservations  Digital Form Entry  Fitness Tips, Research, and everything else you need to know to make this day your Best!



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