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“Citizens Serving Communities” Flight Support to the Community Let’s do it safely.

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Presentation on theme: "“Citizens Serving Communities” Flight Support to the Community Let’s do it safely."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Citizens Serving Communities” Flight Support to the Community Let’s do it safely

2 “Citizens Serving Communities” Overview  Who we serve  Stan Eval  Safety Items

3 “Citizens Serving Communities” Who We Serve  CAP Cadets Cadets Rest of our Members Rest of our Members  Air Force AFRCC AFRCC AFNORTH AFNORTH  Community at Large Federal, State, and Local Federal, State, and Local  Awesome Responsibility

4 “Citizens Serving Communities” Standardization/Evaluation Standardization/Evaluation

5 “Citizens Serving Communities” Standardization/Evaluation Standardization/Evaluation  Col Andrew E. Skiba, CAP Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations (DCS/O) Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations (DCS/O)  Col Joseph R. Vazquez, CAP Director, Operations & Assistant DCS/O Director, Operations & Assistant DCS/O  Col Edwin W. Lewis, Jr., CAP Director, Standardization & Evaluation Director, Standardization & Evaluation

6 “Citizens Serving Communities” Stan/Eval - DOV  PETE KALISKY National Administrative Staff National Administrative Staff  HQ CAP/DOV 888.211.1812 EX 331 Fax: 800-555-7902 888.211.1812 EX 331 Fax: 800-555-7902 105 South Hansell St., Maxwell AFB, AL 36112-6332 105 South Hansell St., Maxwell AFB, AL 36112-6332

7 “Citizens Serving Communities” Stan/Eval - DOV  Aircraft Checklists

8 “Citizens Serving Communities” Stan/Eval - Trend Analysis Stan/Eval - Trend Analysis  Areas Landings Landings Stalls Stalls CAPR 60-1 CAPR 60-1 Ground Handling/Taxi incidents (from Safety reports) Ground Handling/Taxi incidents (from Safety reports)

9 “Citizens Serving Communities” Detect a Problem?

10 “Citizens Serving Communities” Stan/Eval - DOV  Russian Proverb: Trust but Verify Documentation Documentation Landings/x-wind/other runway Landings/x-wind/other runway

11 “Citizens Serving Communities” Stan/Eval - DOV  Wing Sups to CAPR 60-1 on Web New sups as MS Word document – Please New sups as MS Word document – Please Via E-mail – Please Via E-mail – Please Coordinate with the CAP Region, SD, LR, Coordinate with the CAP Region, SD, LR,  Online CAPF 5 Course available Discusses each item on the Fm 5 in more detail Discusses each item on the Fm 5 in more detail

12 “Citizens Serving Communities” Stan/Eval - DOV Safety, Training, Evaluation Emphasis items  75% of our landing mishaps have CFIs on board Don’t let it go too far Don’t let it go too far Leave yourself an out (IA) Leave yourself an out (IA) Even if you are not the PIC, say something Even if you are not the PIC, say something CRM CRM

13 “Citizens Serving Communities” Stan/Eval - DOV  10 Sep 02, CAPF5 checkride, VMC  68-year-old private pilot (examinee) with 398 hours  47-year-old CFI (check pilot) with 971 hours  Forced landing practice to a touch & go landing  Direct crosswind 10-14 knots on 2943’ x 50’ runway  Steep approach, long landing  Trees listed as hazards on both ends of runway  Witnesses say aircraft stalled and collided with trees  Aircraft substantially damaged – pilots seriously injured

14 “Citizens Serving Communities” Stan/Eval - DOV

15 “Citizens Serving Communities” “Good” Accident Risks  The well-balanced person.  The mature person.  The well-controlled person.  The person with a healthy and realistic outlook.  The person with satisfactory interpersonal relations.  The person with kindly and tolerant attitudes toward others.  The person with a well-developed social and civic conscience.  The person with an ingrained sense of responsibility.  The people who are essentially moderate individuals, able to exercise adequate control over their impulses and emotions.

16 “Citizens Serving Communities” Abnormal Behaviors  The selfish, self-centered, or id-directed person.  The highly competitive person.  The over-confident, self-assertive person.  The irritable and cantankerous person.  The person who harbors grudges, grievances, and resentment.  The blame-avoidant person who is always ready with excuses.  The intolerant and impatient person.  The person with marked antagonism to and resistance against authority.  The frustrated and discontented person

17 “Citizens Serving Communities” In God We Trust, Others We Monitor

18 “Citizens Serving Communities” Let’s be Careful Serving Our Communities

19 “Citizens Serving Communities” 60-1 Changes GA8   (a) Be a qualified SAR/DR mission pilot.   (b) Have a minimum of 300 PIC hours.   (c) Be instrument rated.   (d) Satisfactorily complete the on-line GA8 course.   (e) Complete flight training and check ride recommendation from a qualified GA8 instructor pilot.   (f) Satisfactorily complete a CAPF 5 proficiency check with a check pilot who is GA8 instructor qualified. The GA8 check pilot used must not be the same instructor pilot who completed the training.

20 “Citizens Serving Communities” 60-1 Changes   Prior to operating CAP G1000 equipped aircraft as a pilot-in-command, each CAP pilot must receive an initial CAPF 5 check ride from a factory-trained or CAP designated check pilot who meets all the requirements as a FITS qualified flight instructor IAW the Cessna training syllabus plus meets the following requirement: Non-factory trained check pilots in the C-182T NAV III must have provided a minimum of 15 hours of logbook- documented aircraft instruction in the G1000 equipped aircraft prior to being eligible for designation by the wing/region commander as a G1000 check pilot.

21 “Citizens Serving Communities” Stan/Eval - DOV  New Aircraft Acquisitions More C-182s means more members upgrading and increases our challenge to get them to: “Land on the main gear” –Gently! More C-182s means more members upgrading and increases our challenge to get them to: “Land on the main gear” –Gently! CAPR 60-1, 3-3.a.3) – 100 hr PIC/10 in acft/25 landings – Minimum CAPR 60-1, 3-3.a.3) – 100 hr PIC/10 in acft/25 landings – Minimum

22 “Citizens Serving Communities” In The Works  CAPR 60-1  CAPR 60-11  NCPSC

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