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Behaviors that Promote and Destroy Teamwork Module 6, Lesson 2 Productive Team Behavior Supporting Behavior Asserting Initiating Refereeing Focusing.

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Presentation on theme: "Behaviors that Promote and Destroy Teamwork Module 6, Lesson 2 Productive Team Behavior Supporting Behavior Asserting Initiating Refereeing Focusing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Behaviors that Promote and Destroy Teamwork Module 6, Lesson 2 Productive Team Behavior Supporting Behavior Asserting Initiating Refereeing Focusing

2 Supporting Encouraging team members to express their ideas Making sure everyone gets a chance to be heard Be supportive of the person’s right to speak by listening and responding, even if you disagree Asserting “Blowing the whistle” when members are behaving inappropriately - Gatekeeper Avoid being aggressive, but don’t allow put- downs or monopolizing of the discussion

3 Initiating Speak up! Share ideas, even if you don’t think they amount to much. Teams build on “triggers” or ideas that start from one contribution. Refereeing A third person can often help two people resolve a conflict. Sometimes a simple question will clarify the controversial issues. Sometimes called negotiation or mediation

4 Focusing Occasionally summarizing what’s been said to help the team stay on track. Pointing out how far the team has come can help the members see what’s left to do.

5 Unproductive Behavior Squelching or Shutting Off Labeling Dominating Yes-Butting Naysaying Ignoring

6 Squelching Interrupts, usually with an unrelated comment or sarcastic remark Member makes a suggestion and team ignores it as though nothing had been said Labeling Tries to psychoanalyze the speaker Questions the speaker’s motive Example: “You’re just being paranoid” or “You’re just trying to protect your job.”

7 Dominating Does all the talking May think he/she is a leader, but actually is just shutting off communication. Makes members compete for a chance to speak. Yes-Butting Really just a hypocrite Sends a double message Confusing and offensive Example: “That’s an excellent idea, but I don’t think we can use it.”

8 Naysaying Disagrees, no matter what is said Pessimist Discourages ideas Gives members an excuse to do nothing. Ignoring Express disinterest: say nothing, doodle in their notebooks, whisper to others while speaker is speaking. Just a “warm body” at the meeting Discourage team members by showing a lack of interest.

9 How to Battle Unproductive Behavior Squelching the Squelcher Move the discussion back quickly to what the person was saying before the squelching If Squelcher tries another attack, it’s time to be assertive.

10 No Labeling Allowed Stay professional, not personal Tell labeler that the team is examining what is being said, not who is saying it. Establish ground rules to prevent labelers from having a chance. Dominating the Dominators Dominators may need to feel important or get attention which may give them strong leadership qualities. Teach them to share limelight Pull other team members into discussion

11 No Buts about It Afraid of disagreements, conflict avoidant. Assure team that they are free to offer any ideas they wish Encourage trust and open communication. Just Say No to Naysaying Point out that the idea might not work or might be a long shot (agree with the Naysayer briefly), but that you’ll never know until you try Suggest ways to improve the odds of success: 1.Get more information 2.Anticipate problems

12 Heat up the Warm Bodies Make them feel valuable to the team. Draw them out with whatever special talents of skills they have. Find a way to make them take an interest in what the team is doing.

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