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1 The Orca Institute Governance for Patient Safety TM Leading Practice Worker Safety Plan Approval and Oversight Leading Practice Impact HIGH - Time SHORT.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The Orca Institute Governance for Patient Safety TM Leading Practice Worker Safety Plan Approval and Oversight Leading Practice Impact HIGH - Time SHORT."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The Orca Institute Governance for Patient Safety TM Leading Practice Worker Safety Plan Approval and Oversight Leading Practice Impact HIGH - Time SHORT - Cost MINIMAL Contents  Practice Overview  Objectives  Process Flowchart  Practice Steps  Practice Guides and Templates  Worker Safety Plan Component Check List

2 2 The Orca Institute Governance for Patient Safety TM Leading Practice Worker Safety Plan Approval and Oversight Leading Practice Objectives

3 3 The Orca Institute Governance for Patient Safety TM Leading Practice Worker Safety Plan Approval and Oversight Leading Practice Flowchart Ensure plan is based on leading practices (1) Gain board approval (2) Guide plan development (3) Approve annual plan (4) Oversee performance Gain board approval for added oversight Approve the annual plan Oversee performance Dashboard metrics guide Leading Practices plan content guide Executive Summary

4 4 The Orca Institute Governance for Patient Safety TM Leading Practice 1.GAIN BOARD APPROVAL More workers are injured in healthcare industry sector than any other. In 2010 in the US alone, over 650,000 cases of injury or illness were reported. Take a lead role in advocating that the board assume the responsibility for approving and overseeing the effectiveness of the Worker Safety Plan. The case is developed utilizing the Leading Practice, and accompanying resources. Make the case to the board, provide your recommendation and support the discussion. 1.ALIGN THE PRACTICE The board should assign an individual or committee to align the Practice and supporting resources with the organization’s operating environment. Including caregivers in the refinement of the Practice and in development of the Plan is highly recommended. 1.GUIDE PLAN DEVELOPMENT The Worker Safety Plan should be compared by management and the appropriate board committee to leading practice content, processes and procedures. The Worker Safety Plan Guide provides a current list of leading practice content. The board committee should annually recommend board approval, respecting that the board has final approval responsibility. 4.OVERSEE PLAN EFFECTIVENESS A board committee should provide oversight to the effectiveness of the Worker Safety Plan, tracking performance, reporting challenges to the board and ensuring performance gaps are rapidly filled. Critical performance measure include worker injuries, worker illness, lost time on the job, cost of harm, and cost of lost productivity. Patient and Caregiver in the Boardroom Leading Practice Flowchart Steps

5 5 The Orca Institute Governance for Patient Safety TM Leading Practice Worker Safety Plan Approval and Oversight Leading Practice Plan Content

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