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Personality Enduring pattern of feeling thinking and behavior that make individual unique person.

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2 Personality Enduring pattern of feeling thinking and behavior that make individual unique person

3 Elements of personality  Since early age  Consistent over time  Recognized by friends  Stable in different situations

4 Personality disorders  Deeply ingrained maladaptive pattern  From adolescence  Person or society suffers  Extreme variation of trait not due to mental illness

5 Relation between mental illness and personality  all people with personality disorder have mental illness  2-personality disorders are mental illness  3- coincidental

6 Approach personality trait model dimensional approach type model clinical types

7 Dimensional approach Eysenck Costa and McCair Clonninger cattle

8 Eysenck Neuroticism – psychoticism Extraversion – Introversion Costa and McCairy OCEAN O openness C conscientiousness E extraversion A agreeability N neuroticism

9 Clonninger Novelty seeking Harm avoidance Reward dependence

10 Clinical types  Cluster A odd eccentric Paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal  Cluster B dramatic antisocial (psychopathic), histrionic, borderline, impulsive, and narcissistic  Cluster C anxious Avoidant, obsessive, dependent

11 Schizoid personality disorder  Distance from social relations  Few interests and pleasures  Emotionally cold

12 Paranoid personality disorder  Sense of exploitation  Preoccupied with mistrust  No confidant  Sensitivity to insult

13 Schizotypal personality disorder  Eccentric  Unusual believes  Speak vague circumstantial  Problems with close relations

14 Antisocial personality disorder  Intolerance to frustration  Seek urgent satisfaction  Lack of guilt or remorse  Breaking rules and norms  Impulsive  Substance abuse

15 Borderline personality disorder  Fear of abandonment  Feeling of emptiness  Suicidal and self harming  impulsive  Brief psychotic episodes  Childhood sexual abuse

16 Histrionic personality disorder  Center of attention  Excessive display of emotions  Manipulative

17  Narcissistic personality disorders  Inflated sense self importance  Cant see others non appreciation  Associate with important people as they see

18 Avoidant personality disorder  Avoid situation criticism  Chronic feeling of inadequacy  Shy restrains  Seek praise

19 Obsessive compulsive personality disorder (anankastic)  Inflexible  One way to do things stubborn obstnaid  Meticulous  Check rechecks  Indecisive

20 Dependant personality disorder  Fear of being alone  Subordinate responsibility to others  Difficulty in making decision alone

21  Note  personality change  affective personality disorders

22 Determinants of personality  genetic  family  society

23 Management  Presenting problem  psychotherapy

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