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Love Theories Day Two.

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Presentation on theme: "Love Theories Day Two."— Presentation transcript:

1 Love Theories Day Two

2 The Triangle Theory of Love Robert Sternberg
Passion, intimacy, and commitment Varieties of love occur b/c of the ways people combine these elements.

3 Theory of Love Liking= Intimacy alone
Companionate love = intimacy + commitment Romantic love= intimacy + passion Infatuation = passion alone Fatuous (shallow) love= passion + commitment Empty love= commitment alone.

4 Ideal love according to Sternberg
Consummate love= combines all three ingredients. Most relationships romantic passion subsides and intimacy increases. Why?

5 Attachment Theory of Love
People acquire their attachment styles in large part from how their parents cared for them.

6 The attachment theory of Love. Philip Shaver and Cindy Hazan
There are three forms of attachment: secure avoidant anxious-ambivalent

7 Securely attached lovers
Secure about their position in the relationship. Rarely jealous or worried about being abandoned Adults: they report having had warm, close relationships with their parents. Parents were benevolent and kind Based on surveys: 59% of adult pop.

8 Anxious/ ambivalent Lovers
Always fretting about their relationships Want to be close but worry that their partners will leave them. People describe them as “clingy” Adult: report feeling more ambivalence toward their parents, esp. mothers Parents were punitive and kind Survey 11% of adult pop.

9 Avoidant Lovers Distrust and avoid intimate attachments
Adult: describe their parents in almost entirely neg. terms Parents were cold, punishing, and rejecting Survey: 25% of adult pop.

10 Summary of the three types
Anxious = I often worry that my partner will stop loving me. Avoidant = My partners often want me to be more intimate than I feel comfortable being. Secure= Sometimes people see me as boring because I create little drama in relationships. Rarely: a person can be the combination of anxious and avoidant.

11 Results Mismatched attachment styles can lead to a great deal of unhappiness in a relationship, even for people who love each other greatly. Goal: tap into a more secure mind-set and finding secure role models.

12 The End

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