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  To be considered a disorder, a behavior must be:  Deviant  Distressful  Dysfunctional.

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Presentation on theme: "  To be considered a disorder, a behavior must be:  Deviant  Distressful  Dysfunctional."— Presentation transcript:


2   To be considered a disorder, a behavior must be:  Deviant  Distressful  Dysfunctional

3   Disorders are caused by genetics and environmental and cultural factors  Some disorders only exist in certain cultures Biopsychosocial Approach

4   DSM-IV – Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders  Helps make diagnoses consistent; using the DSM, different psychologists usually classify a person the same  However, labeling can lead to bias and self-fulfilling prophesies Classifying and diagnosing disorders

5   Generalized Anxiety Disorder – person is unexplainably and continually tense and uneasy – trembling, sweaty palms, heart palpitations etc. No physical cause. Patient cannot identify cause  Panic Disorder – short-term feeling of intense dread; feeling like something terrible is about to happen Anxiety Disorders

6   Persistent, irrational fear and avoidance of a specific object or situation  They are sometimes normal fears (heights, spiders) but taken to an extreme Phobias

7   Acrophobia: Heights Aquaphobia: Water  Gephyrophobia: Bridges Ophidiophobia: Snakes  Aerophobia: Flying Arachnophobia: Spiders  Herpetophobia: Reptiles Ornithophobia: Birds  Agoraphobia: Open spaces Astraphobia: Lightning  Mikrophobia: Germs Phonophobia: Speaking aloud  Ailurophobia: Cats Brontophobia: Thunder  Murophobia: Mice Pyrophobia: Fire  Amaxophobia: Vehicles, driving Claustrophobia: Closed spaces  Numerophobia: Numbers Thanatophobia: Death  Anthophobia: Flowers Cynophobia: Dogs  Nyctophobia: Darkness Trichophobia: Hair  Anthropophobia: People Dementophobia: Insanity  Ochlophobia: Crowds Xenophobia: Strangers

8   1. Fear of snakes  2. Fear of being buried alive  3. Fear of heights  4. Fear of being bound or tied up  5. Fear of drowning  6. Fear of public speaking  7. Fear of hell  8. Fear of cancer  9. Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes  10. Fear of fire Top ten fears (men and women combined)

9   1. Fear of being buried alive  2. Fear of heights  3. Fear of snakes  4. Fear of drowning  5. Fear of public speaking Top 5 fears of men

10   1. Fear of snakes  2. Fear of being bound or tied up  3. Fear of being buried alive  4. Fear of heights  5. Fear of public speaking Top 5 fears of women

11   tiskaidekaphobia (the number 13)  uxoriphobia (one’s wife)  Santa Claustrophobia (getting stuck in a chimney)  panaphobia (everything)  phobophobia (fear itself) Have you heard of…

12   Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) – unwanted repetitive thoughts or actions  Become a disorder when they interfere with everyday living  Examples  Happens more to teens and young adults

13   Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – Traumatic stress that leads to symptoms such as haunting memories, nightmares, social withdrawal, jumpy anxiety, and insomnia  Very few people who experience a traumatic situation exhibit PTSD, but they are much more likely to.

14   Learning – classical fear conditioning  Biological perspective- Natural selection; spiders, snakes, not bombs.  Genes – twin studies  Social – anxiety levels have increased over the last 50 years Explaining Anxiety Disorders

15   Dissociative Identity Disorder – is it real?

16   Characterized by emotional extremes  Major Depressive Disorder – “common cold” of psychological disorders  Fairly common natural response to stress  Lethargy, feelings worthlessness, loss of interest in formally enjoyed activities Mood Disorders

17   Bipolar Disorder  Mania and depression  Common among creative people  Less common than major depression

18   List  Genes – depression runs in families  Neurotransmitters – Norepinephrine and serotonin (exercise releases serotonin)  Negative thoughts and moods interact  Culture – in more individualized countries, there is less to fall back on in times of stress Explaining Mood Disorders

19   Characterized by disorganized and delusional thinking, disturbed perceptions, and inappropriate emotions and actions  Disorganized thinking  Voices and other hallucinations  Inappropriate emotions and actions  Subtypes  Causes – dopamine; less frontal lobe activity; maternal virus; genes Schizophrenia

20   Inflexible and enduring patterns of behavior that impair social functioning  Avoidant – sensitivity to rejection  Schizoid – eccentric; emotionless disengagement  Histrionic – shallow attention-getting  Borderline – unstable identity and relationships; impulsive emotions  Antisocial  Narcissistic Personality Disorders

21   Anti-social personality disorder (sociopath/psychopath)  Lack of Conscience  Ruthless  Show low levels of stress and arousal, even during stressful situations  Have less frontal lobe tissue  Environment plays a role, too – Australia  Do most criminal display ASPD?

22   1. I think I am a special person.  2. I expect a great deal from other people.  3. I am envious of other people’s good fortune.  4. I will never be satisfied until I get all that I  deserve.  5. I really like to be the center of attention. Narcissistic personality disorder

23   Strong need to be admired; inflated sense of self- importance; lack of insight into others feelings; feelings of entitlement  High, but very fragile, self-esteem (need others to verify their worth)  Prefer friends who are weak or unpopular so they won’t compete for attention  Talk mostly about themselves  Prone to envy Characteristics of NPD

24   Very common  Chart of countries and rate of mental disorders  Poverty  Risk and protective factors Rates of Psychological Disorders

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