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Who am I?.

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Presentation on theme: "Who am I?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who am I?

2 Who am I? I help people stay safe.
I make sure people follow the rules. I direct traffic. I solve crimes.

3 What number do you call if you have an emergency?
I’m a Police Officer What number do you call if you have an emergency?

4 Who am I? I put out fires. I also help when there’s been an accident.
I drive a fire truck. It has a big hose that sprays water, a ladder that reaches tall buildings, and a siren that tells people we’re coming.

5 What do you do if your house is on fire?
I’m a Firefighter What do you do if your house is on fire?

6 Who am I? I bring your mail to your house.
I pick up mail from you and take it to the post office.

7 I’m a Postal Worker What is your address?

8 Who am I? I help people when they are sick or hurt.
I give people medicine when they are sick. I also give check-ups to keep people from getting sick.

9 What is one thing you do when you go to the doctor?
I’m a Doctor What is one thing you do when you go to the doctor?

10 Who am I? I clean people’s teeth. I fill cavities.
I tell people how important it is to come see me twice a year.

11 How many times should you brush your teeth each day?
Dentist How many times should you brush your teeth each day?

12 Who am I? I help people learn new things like math and reading.
I work in a school.

13 What is your favorite thing to do at school?
I’m a Teacher What is your favorite thing to do at school?

14 Who am I? I am a doctor for animals.
I take care of animals when they are sick or hurt.

15 I’m a Veterinarian Do you have pets?

16 Who am I? I plant crops like wheat, fruits, and vegetables.
I make sure the crops get sunshine and water. I raise animals like cows, chickens, and goats.

17 What’s one food that might grow on a farm?
I’m a Farmer What’s one food that might grow on a farm?

18 The End What do you want to be when you grow up?

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