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From Climate Data to Adaptation Large-ensemble GCM Information and an Operational Policy-Support Model Mark New Ana Lopez, Fai Fung, Milena Cuellar Funded.

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Presentation on theme: "From Climate Data to Adaptation Large-ensemble GCM Information and an Operational Policy-Support Model Mark New Ana Lopez, Fai Fung, Milena Cuellar Funded."— Presentation transcript:

1 From Climate Data to Adaptation Large-ensemble GCM Information and an Operational Policy-Support Model Mark New Ana Lopez, Fai Fung, Milena Cuellar Funded by Tyndall and Environment Agency

2 Adaptation Challenges 1.Uncertainty in climate information 2.Interactions with other uncertain changes 3.Integrated assessment

3 Wimbleball Water Resource Zone

4 Route Map Large ensemble climate data River flow ensemble Water resource system modelling

5 Large GCM Ensemble: CPdN Explore model uncertainty by varying settings of poorly constrained model parameters HADCM3L model: standard atmosphere & low resolution ocean. 26 perturbed parameters (radiation, large scale cloud formation, ocean circulation, sulphate cycle, sea ice formation and energy convection) Initial condition ensembles. Transient runs: –1920-2000 forced with historical CO 2, solar and volcanic forcing. –2000-2080 forced with different possible scenarios

6 First 246 Completed Simulations IPCC 4AR models CPDN model runs Global Mean Temperature: SRES A2 Anomaly from 1961-1990

7 Data Available 10-year seasonal mean fields Monthly mean (time series): –Large regions (Giorgi) –Selected grid-boxes (including UK) Variables include –Total precipitation rate –Convective cloud amount –Surface air temperature (1.5m) –Relative humidity (1.5m)

8 Modelling Set-up Downscale climate in space and time –SW England -> River Exe –Monthly -> Daily Generate ensemble of daily river flows –CATCHMOD rainfall-runoff model Run flow-ensemble through water resource model

9 Downscaling: Precipitation Gamma transform method –Remove GCM monthly biases –Select daily values from observations August 1930-1985 Frequency Monthly Precip (mm/d) Model Observed August 2020-2060 Frequency Monthly Precip (mm/d) Model Observed

10 Downscaling: Precipitation

11 Downscaling: PET Calculate GCM PET from –Temperature, RH & cloud-cover (radiation) –Adjust for climatological bias –No daily downscaling

12 Downscaling: PET

13 River Flows

14 Month % Change Mean Flow Change: 2020-2039 from 1961-1990

15 Wimbleball Water Resource Model Supplies: –Somerset & Devon (Exeter, Tiverton) River & reservoir dominated 50 ML/d Groundwater Lancmod WR model

16 Wimbleball Reservoir: Historic Monthly Storage, 1930-2005 Month Storage (Ml x 10 4 )

17 Wimbleball Reservoir: 2040 Ensemble Monthly Storage, 2040 Month Storage (Ml x 10 4 )

18 Wimbleball Reservoir: Changing Risk September Storage Year Storage (Ml x 10 4 )

19 Failure to Meet Demand Devon Demand Failure Year No. Simulations

20 Failure to Meet Demand Devon Demand Failure No. Simulations Year Ave. Shortfall

21 Outstanding Issues / Future Work Biases in runoff simulations Simplistic downscaling Higher multiple year failures in simulations Scenarios / ensembles of changing demand Incorporating adaptation options Staged methodology Relative likelihoods Comparison with UKCIP08 / ENSEMBLES

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