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Welcome Kagan-holics! Administrator Support Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Kagan-holics! Administrator Support Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Kagan-holics! Administrator Support Meeting

2 Agenda Class Building/Team Building Structure of the Month (SAM)
Distribute "SAM" calendars “Look Fors” in the classroom Who are your District Coaches What to expect from your District Coach

3 Learning Objectives I will gain a working knowledge of the structure of the month I will know who my District KAGAN Coach is and what to expect out of them I will understand the “Look Fors” in a KAGAN classroom I will model the KAGAN Structure of the Month with my faculty

4 Teacher Says “Flat Tire”
Response “Pump it Up!”

5 Key #4: Classbuilding Know, accept and like each other
Feel a sense of belonging

6 Exchanging Stickies Part 1 (Classbuilding)
Place six sticky notes on your faux dry erase board On the first two stickies write “One fun thing you did this summer” On the next two stickies write “One way you relaxed this summer” On the next two stickies write “Your favorite TV shoes you watched or caught up on this summer” When the signal word is given you will stand up, hand up, and pair up Each partner takes a turn reading the other partners sticky notes As one partner reads they take sticky notes that relate to them somehow. RULE: There must be one sticky note left on the other persons board at all times When done find a new partner until time is called

7 Teambuilding Key #5: Feel sense of team identity, support, belonging

8 Exchanging Stickies Part 2 (Teambuilding)
Return to your team with your new stickies Starting with one person read a sticky from your board Initial your sticky and place it in the center of the table If there are any other team members who can relate to that sticky they initial it Continue until all stickies are gone Discuss your commonalities until time is called

9 Reflection Think Time: “How can I use “Picking Stickies” as a structure for content?” When the signal is given jot down a few ideas by yourself All Write Round Robin When the signal is given starting with person number 1 read your idea If you have it put a star by the same idea if you do not have it record that idea on your board Continue going around to each player until time is called

10 Key #1 Structures A structure… organizes classroom instruction.
is content free and repeatable. implements PIES.

11 RallyRobin (2 people) OR RoundRobin (4 people)
Topic given. Think Time. Signal Word. Greeting. Begin: Oral responses. Take Turns. Time called. Gambit (praise) or celebration. Closure (Good-bye).

12 Rally Robin Think Time: Look at the following Picture. Think of adjectives that describe the following scene When the signal word is given starting with partner “A” list your adjectives back and forth Continue until I say stop Do not repeat an adjective

13 Round Robin Think Time: Look at the following picture. Come up with sentences that tell us things you know about a locust. When the signal is given start with person number “3” and have each person share their sentence. Only go once around If you went around more than once what structure would that be called?

14 Round Table It’s in the Bag
Step 1. Starting with person number “1” feel the bag and write a clue on the Clue Form Step 2: Each team member takes a turn. Go around twice Step 3: Once done pass the paper around and each person reads a clue that has been written on the form. Team Guesses what they think is in the bag. Step 4: After the object has been revealed each team uses the clue to create a team riddle.

15 October “SAM” Rally Coach
Tips and Tricks: Be sure to model coaching techniques repeatedly. Focus on 4 “T”s of coaching: Tip*, Tip*, Teach, *Try Again Provide coaching hints on the overhead, backs of QQT cards, etc. Can be used with worksheets for 100% engagement. Answer sheet can be given or anchor chart used. Will be much more effective if Classbuilders and Teambuilders are being used weekly.


17 Structure of the Month Schedule
August Rally and Round Robin September Variations of Rally and Round Robin October Rally Coach November Stand Up, Hand Up, Pair Up/Quiz Quiz Trade December Mix Pair Share/Timed Pair Share January Fan and Pick February Sage and Scribe March Showdown April May Match Mine

18 KAGAN Coaches Coach School Lisa Womack
Rosenwald, CCWA, Mowat, Patterson Jeremy Centeno Breakfast Point, Beach, Parker, Southport, Cherry Street, and Lucille Moore, Hiland Park Daphne Graham Mosley, Arnold, Surfside, Tyndall, North and Bay Haven, University Academy Jeannie Williams Bozeman, M.Brown, Callaway, Lynn Haven Jennifer Rogers Rutherford, Everitt Jennifer Harrington Bozeman, Lynn Haven Christy Williamson Cedar Grove Misty Elkins Oakland Terrace, Bay High Lorrane Blastick Jinks

19 KAGAN Coach Duties Coaches will be in charge of setting up their schedule with a school Send Letter to Administrator and Teachers Send Structures to Focus on Need Schedule Returned from Administrator Copy Coaching Forms Schedule every 8 weeks

20 “Look-Fors” in the Classroom
Desk Labeled/Management Mats Groups Structures Posted Quiet Signal

21 Hints for Teachers Model Structure First Visual Timer PIES

22 Silly Sport and Goofy Games
Sculpture Garden p.138 A walk in the sculpture garden is more fun when the sculptures are human clay! Sculpture and clay Sculptor sculpts Sculpture Garden (a walk in the garden) Switch roles Revisit the garden

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