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AASHTO Subcommittee on Design ALBUQUERQUE, NM July 14, 2008 1 Development of a Strategic Plan for the AASHTO Subcommittee on Design Daniel D’Angelo, P.E.

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Presentation on theme: "AASHTO Subcommittee on Design ALBUQUERQUE, NM July 14, 2008 1 Development of a Strategic Plan for the AASHTO Subcommittee on Design Daniel D’Angelo, P.E."— Presentation transcript:

1 AASHTO Subcommittee on Design ALBUQUERQUE, NM July 14, 2008 1 Development of a Strategic Plan for the AASHTO Subcommittee on Design Daniel D’Angelo, P.E. Director and Deputy Chief Engineer, Office of Design New York State Department of Transportation

2 AASHTO Subcommittee on Design ALBUQUERQUE, NM July 14, 2008 2 Presentation Overview The “charge”! Process followed Results to date (SWOT analysis; draft vision, mission & goals) Next steps

3 AASHTO Subcommittee on Design ALBUQUERQUE, NM July 14, 2008 3 Charge of the SCOD Vision Task Force Last year, SCOD passed a resolution resolving to develop a vision, mission, and goals – i.e., a strategic plan – to guide the work of the Subcommittee and its technical committees. A second charge of the task force was to review the Subcommittee’s Operating Procedures with the goals of: –providing feedback to the technical committees; –reviewing procedures for assigning chairpersons and members to the technical committees; and –providing guidance to the technical committees regarding work plans and meeting schedules to enhance communications.

4 AASHTO Subcommittee on Design ALBUQUERQUE, NM July 14, 2008 4 SCOD Vision Task Force Members Chair: Rick Land, California Rob Cary, Virginia Dan D’Angelo, New York Mark Gaydos, North Dakota Mike Kennerly, Iowa Kirk McClelland, Maryland Jim McDonnell, AASHTO Jim McMinimee, Utah Gary Mroczka, Indiana David O’Hagan, Florida Kathleen Penney, District of Columbia

5 AASHTO Subcommittee on Design ALBUQUERQUE, NM July 14, 2008 5 Process Followed Use of conference calls/e-mail. Brainstormed strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of current SCOD. Alignment with AASHTO, SCOH. Researched other organizations. Prepared drafts for SCOD review/input.

6 AASHTO Subcommittee on Design ALBUQUERQUE, NM July 14, 2008 6 Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) Analysis Strengths Technical skills of members Breadth of knowledge of members Committee/technical committee structure Quality/usability of documents Establishment of uniformity/standard of practice Visionary/adaptability Forum for lessons learned Defense against litigation (data to support adopted standards) Structure to bring issues to attention of SCOH, CEO’s, FHWA and research entities Represents profession/industry Effective regional meetings and discussions

7 AASHTO Subcommittee on Design ALBUQUERQUE, NM July 14, 2008 7 SWOT Analysis Weaknesses Resolution of issues takes time (consensus not always easy) Members unaware/current with Technical Committee activities SCOD members not assigned to Technical Committees Coordination with other Subcommittees Relationship to FHWA unclear Lack of focus on safety Overlap with other research (TRB, SHRP2, NCHRP) Executive Council meetings too infrequent, lack of focus Involvement of members (lack of time) Unclear roles and responsibilities of members Less-than-desired communication between members Lack of opportunity for open debate, dialogue, and decision-making

8 AASHTO Subcommittee on Design ALBUQUERQUE, NM July 14, 2008 8 SWOT Analysis Opportunities Improve communication and coordination Lead innovation and new practices (be more pro-active) Increase best-practice sharing Share with and involve more contractors and consultants Provide more input on proposed and on-going research Increase involvement with other Subcommittees Increase involvement with Technical Committees Leverage technology more Leadership, more visibility, and stronger role Align, coordinate, and set priorities for the Technical Committees Provide for faster project delivery

9 AASHTO Subcommittee on Design ALBUQUERQUE, NM July 14, 2008 9 SWOT Analysis Threats Retention of professionals in the State DOT’s Cost escalation of construction Lack of transportation funding Community pressures Environmental pressures Increasing project development complexity Desire for faster project delivery Pace of technology change and ability to adapt Portions of Green Book becoming outdated “Have to do,” not best practices Inaction may lead to irrelevance of the subcommittee

10 AASHTO Subcommittee on Design ALBUQUERQUE, NM July 14, 2008 10 Vision Statement Alignment AASHTO Vision The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials is the voice for transportation and catalyst for organizational and technical excellence. SCOH Vision Statement SCOH will be the leader for achieving and sustaining world-class highway systems, optimizing the safe movement of people and goods, enhancing the environment, and sustaining national security.

11 AASHTO Subcommittee on Design ALBUQUERQUE, NM July 14, 2008 11 Sample Visions of other Organizations American Society of Civil Engineers’ (ASCE) Vision Statement Engineers as global leaders building a better quality of life National Society of Professional Engineers’ (NSPE) Vision Statement NSPE is the recognized voice and advocate of licensed Professional Engineers Maryland State Highway Administration Vision Statement Providing our customers with a world class highway system Indiana Department of Transportation Vision Statement Driving Indiana's Economic Growth Caltrans Mission Statement Caltrans Improves Mobility Across California. New York State Department of Transportation, Office of Design Vision The Office of Design will be a first class, leading edge team of motivated, empowered, and respected people equipped with the tools needed to provide high quality services and products. Regional offices and others we work with will view us as valuable partners in providing a quality transportation system for the people of the State of New York.

12 AASHTO Subcommittee on Design ALBUQUERQUE, NM July 14, 2008 12 SCOD’s Current “Assignment” The subcommittee shall investigate available data and pursue studies to develop and keep current appropriate publications pertaining to principles, methods, and procedures of transportation facility design, including but not limited to geometric, aesthetic elements, and pavements; investigate, develop, and keep current recommended practices for the design of facilities to integrate safety features; recommend and promote design practices which will protect and enhance the quality of the environment, provide a forum for the exchange of practices and experience in the field of transportation facility design; and give due consideration to the effect of all design features on economic and energy resources. It shall identify and report to its parent standing committee on any federal regulatory mandates of national concern. Each member department shall be entitled to membership thereon. To ensure consistency and the best thinking of the association, the subcommittee shall work cooperatively, as appropriate, with other technical subcommittees. This is NOT a “Vision”!!!

13 AASHTO Subcommittee on Design ALBUQUERQUE, NM July 14, 2008 13 SCOD Draft Vision It is the vision of the AASHTO Subcommittee on Design to be the national voice and the leading source of innovation and technical guidance for the design programs of the transportation agencies.

14 AASHTO Subcommittee on Design ALBUQUERQUE, NM July 14, 2008 14 SCOD Draft Mission Statement It is the mission of the AASHTO Subcommittee on Design to be leaders in transportation design and project delivery by sharing knowledge, advancing innovation, promoting quality and safety, ensuring proficiency, pursuing research opportunities, and collaborating with other organizations and disciplines to improve our ability to provide safe and efficient solutions to meet the transportation and mobility needs of our customers.

15 AASHTO Subcommittee on Design ALBUQUERQUE, NM July 14, 2008 15 7 Draft Goals 1.Accelerate the delivery of projects 2.Develop design solutions that meet the purpose and need of a project, address its context, and protect the natural and human environment 3.Improve the cost effectiveness of projects 4.Improve the safety of the traveling public and the workforce 5.Promote new technologies and processes to advance the state of the practice 6.Ensure quality in all design products 7.Foster collaboration with other organizations and disciplines

16 AASHTO Subcommittee on Design ALBUQUERQUE, NM July 14, 2008 16 Next Steps Review, comment by SCOD members Dissemination of Draft Strategic Plan to Technical Committees for feedback and incorporation of their place in the plan Final revision by Task Force Subcommittee Ballot of Strategic Plan Submission to SCOH for approval Review and Revision of SCOD Operating Procedures for ability to achieve Vision, Mission, Goals Ballot of Revised Operating Procedures

17 AASHTO Subcommittee on Design ALBUQUERQUE, NM July 14, 2008 17 Presentation Summary The “charge”: 2007 resolution – develop vision, mission & goals; review/update operating procedures! Process followed: analysis (SWOT), strategic alignment, research, proposed drafts for SCOD review/input. Results to date: task force discussion & research resulting in SWOT analysis and a draft vision, mission & goals. Next steps: discussion now and in Regional meetings, vote on Thursday, technical committee input, update operating procedures, SCOH endorsement.

18 AASHTO Subcommittee on Design ALBUQUERQUE, NM July 14, 2008 18 Comments? Thoughts? Ideas?

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