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Part-time Instructor - Brian Goldberg 1 Beginning JAVA Programming CIS 175 First Day Orientation

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Presentation on theme: "Part-time Instructor - Brian Goldberg 1 Beginning JAVA Programming CIS 175 First Day Orientation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Part-time Instructor - Brian Goldberg 1 Beginning JAVA Programming CIS 175 First Day Orientation email:

2 2 First Day Orientation Introduction Text Book Syllabus Course Objectives Grade Determination My availability Problem Solving Programming Languages

3 3 Introduction Mr. Brian Goldberg – Programmer Started in the early 80’s working for a small company predicting enlistment in the military Hardware: pre IBM PC Software: BASIC, Word processing, general data clerk

4 4 Computer Experience (cont) 1990, Computer Sciences Corporation, EPA Predicting emissions from cars, trucks and motorcyles Hardware: long since gone, non-existent, UM based, MTS mainframe, IBM PC and MAC Software: FORTRAN

5 5 Computer Experience (cont) 1994, MEDSTAT, Data Conversion Health Care Information Company, any more explanation is too complicated Hardware: about to be non-existent, minicomputer, HP3000 Software: FORTRAN

6 6 Computer Experience (cont) 1996, STATPROBE, Statistical Reporting Helps pharmaceutical companies get new drugs and medical procedures approved by the FDA Hardware: IBM PC with OS/2 Software: SAS and SAS Macros

7 7 Computer Experience Last One 1997, M-CARE, Customer Service, Data and Operations HMO owned by UM Hardware: about to be non-existent, minicomputer, HP3000 Software: COBOL, AMISYS a million dollar claims payer package

8 8 M-CARE (cont) AMISYS uses all the HP3000 tools we use and 4GL’s which will all go away when HP3000 goes away SUPRTOOL a database handy man Image databases COGNOS Powerhouse – a suite of tools – QUICK, QTP, and QUIZ

9 9 Introduction Taught CPS171 - 14 times –7 with visual C++ –7 with borland turbo Taught CIS121 - 3 times Other classes –CIS100 –CIS116/117 when it was two classes –CIS103/104 predecessor to CIS117

10 Part-time Instructor - Brian Goldberg 10 Introduction M.A. Math/CS, EMU 1994 B.S. Math/Stats, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 1990

11 Part-time Instructor - Brian Goldberg 11 Text Book A First Book Of Java –by Gary J. Bronson –Publisher: Course Technology –Copyright 2002

12 Part-time Instructor - Brian Goldberg 12 Web Based E-Mail -- User ID and Password

13 13 Course Objectives The student will edit, compile, execute and get hard copy of a simple program. The student will use good documentation, formatting and naming conventions to insure program readability.

14 Part-time Instructor - Brian Goldberg 14 Course Objectives The student will write a program using the JAVA arithmetic operators, input/output methods and appropriate manipulators for formatting.

15 15 Course Objectives The student will write a program using appropriate selection statements such as if- else and switch. The student will write a program using appropriate looping statements such as while, for, and do-while.

16 16 Course Objectives The student will learn about both one dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays.

17 Part-time Instructor - Brian Goldberg 17 Course Objectives The student will use classes with data, member functions and constructors.

18 18 Syllabus Attendance on non- Test days Labs are due in class Homework submission web page Download JDK1.3 Apptitude page Over rides

19 19 Good Study Habits Class Attendance / Discussion Complete assigned reading Home Work completed on time Study for Tests Ask questions about Programming in general and Visual JDK1.3 in specific

20 20 Grade Determination Five Machine Problem Programs MP1-MP5 - 40% of your grade Three tests and one Final - 40% of your grade Attendance – 10% of your grade Labs – 20% of your grade

21 Part-time Instructor - Brian Goldberg 21 My availability After class By email On the phone

22 Part-time Instructor - Brian Goldberg 22 Problem Solving An important skill used in programming

23 Part-time Instructor - Brian Goldberg 23 Programming Languages A solved problem is translated into a programming language like JAVA JAVA is known as a high-level language also called a program, piece of code or coding

24 24 Problem Solving In this simple exercise you will learn to make an Algorithm for Membership Identification Cards and new Member Handbooks JAVA/misc/Cards.htm

25 Part-time Instructor - Brian Goldberg 25 Compiling Recall a solution to a problem can be written in a programming language Compiling is turning a program into instructions that a computer understands

26 Part-time Instructor - Brian Goldberg 26 Running Programs A compiled program can be run This is when a computer actually carries out the instructions

27 Part-time Instructor - Brian Goldberg 27 Program Structure Every JAVA program is a class and the name of the JAVA program is the name of the class

28 Part-time Instructor - Brian Goldberg 28 The Function called Main Every class program must have a function called main

29 Part-time Instructor - Brian Goldberg 29 Syntax The JAVA syntax tells us What is meant by syntax?

30 Part-time Instructor - Brian Goldberg 30 Identifier syntax There is a proper syntax associated with an identifier name (True/False)? LetterOrUnderScore followed by one or more LetterOrDigitOrUnderscore

31 Part-time Instructor - Brian Goldberg 31 Blocks Groups of statements are called blocks Begin with a { and end with a }

32 Part-time Instructor - Brian Goldberg 32 Style It is good programming style to document your programs Use constants Doesn’t change the outcome of the program What does good style achieve?

33 Part-time Instructor - Brian Goldberg 33 JOptionPane This is a statement used to display output Various dialog window options

34 Part-time Instructor - Brian Goldberg 34 Examples Page 30

35 Part-time Instructor - Brian Goldberg 35 Examples See an example on the web of a simple program JAVA/inc/

36 Part-time Instructor - Brian Goldberg 36 Lab 1 In this simple exercise you will learn to make your first program. JAVA/labs/lab1.htm

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