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mCLASS®:Reading 3D™ Harcourt Rigby
Text Reading and Comprehension mCLASS®:Reading 3D™ Harcourt Rigby
Basic Early Literacy Skills
TRC Overview Accurate and Fluent Reading of Connected Text Reading Comprehension Vocabulary and Language Skills Basic Early Literacy Skills BOY Kindergarten through EOY Grade 5 Administered Mobile Device Leveled books and materials booklet Materials NOTE TO TRAINERS: Please make sure you have the most up-to-date version of this presentation. This presentation is dated August 5, 2012. The filename of the corresponding participant pdf is: “R3D_Next_Harcourt_Rigby_TRC_module_Product_Training_Participant_120805” Trainers in North Carolina – share the website: This file is the TRC component of the Reading 3D Training. It should be opened and presented as agenda item #9 in the full R3D product training. Participants receive the “R3D All Versions” slides in one bound manual and the “R3D STEP_TRC” slides in a separate bound manual. Refer them to the STEP TRC manual when you begin this section. Please ensure you have speakers ready and test the audio practice before the session. If the sound doesn’t play loud enough from within the PowerPoint, play the files using a media player like Windows Media Player or iTunes. Harcourt Rigby Demo login Username: sharcourtABC Password: 1234 TRC 2 2
TRC Benchmark Goals RB to B C D G to H J to K L M to N O P to Q R to S
Grade BOY Reading Level Goal(s) MOY Reading EOY Reading Kindergarten RB to B C D Grade 1 G to H J to K Grade 2 L M to N Grade 3 O P to Q Grade 4 R to S S to T Grade 5 T to U U PARAPHRASE: This chart displays proficiency cut points for TRC. In Kindergarten, students are assessed on Print Concepts (PC) and Reading Behaviors (RB). The Score Categories available for the Print Concepts and Reading Behaviors assessments are Independent (IND) and Frustrational (FRU). You have a handout which details all levels for cutpoints (Far Below Proficient, Below Proficient, Proficient, and Above Proficient) for all times of year K – 5. The Reading Levels achieved at BOY and MOY Kindergarten display in black. Goals vary for each grade level and assessment period. If the student has no previous assessments, the application recommends beginning assessment at the grade-level expectation for the student’s grade and the time of year. Use the student’s DORF score to help determine a starting point; if the DORF score is below or well below Benchmark, start at a lower book level than the grade-level expectation. If the student’s DORF score is well above Benchmark, start at a higher book level than the grade-level expectation. Once the mCLASS® system has data, the recommendation is based on the most recent TRC result. TRC 3 3
Conversion Chart 4 PARAPHRASE: Refer participants to this handout.
The Rigby version of mCLASS®:Reading 3D™ uses the Guided Reading Leveling system. TRC 4 4
Assessment Materials 5 PARAPHRASE: Refer participants to this handout.
The books listed on this handout comprise the Rigby Ultra bookset. You may not have all of these titles in your classroom. Use this chart to identify the Benchmark books at each level and the follow-up comprehension task(s). Point out the Knowledge of Print (KOP) section of the chart. The two levels for KOP are Print Concepts (PC) and Reading Behaviors (RB). PC and RB indicate foundational reading skills. TRC 5 5
Print Concepts Goal: 13 out of 16 Cover: Front of Book
Print Contains Message Directionality: Beginning, L to R, Return Sweep 1:1 Match Meaning of a Period (.) First and Last Parts of a Sentence. Matching Upper and Lower Case letters Frames One and Two Letters Frames One and Two Words Frames First and Last Letters of a Word Frames a Capital Letter PARAPHRASE: Print Concepts assesses knowledge of basic print concepts. Students who score 12 or fewer are Frustrational (FRU). Students who score 13 or more are Independent (IND). The device then prompts users to assess with Reading Behaviors. TRC 6 6
Reading Behaviors Goal: 5 out of 6 Indicate Title Matches Words 1:1
Left-Right Directionality Return Sweep Maintains Language Pattern Uses Picture Support PARAPHRASE: Reading Behaviors assesses knowledge of basic support behaviors for literacy development. Students who score 4 or fewer are Frustrational (FRU). Students who score 5 or 6 are Independent (IND). The device prompts users to assess with a Level B book. NOTE: The concept of maintaining a language pattern refers to the student using repetition for the last few pages he or she reads. The student may miss the word which changes on each page and still get credit. Students are not penalized for inaccuracy because this measure focuses on reading behaviors. The student may point inaccurately during 1:1 matching but still get credit for maintaining the language pattern. TRC 7 7
KOP Results Screen Tap Motiv. or Note to record additional information. Tap Delete to invalidate probe. PARAPHRASE: After administering either PC or RB, users can: Add Notes and Motivation information. Tap the blue RB or Level B to move to the next level. Tap Delete to invalidate the assessment and re-administer. Proceed to next level. TRC 8
TRC Knowledge of Print (KOP) Trainer Demo
Marking Correct Incorrect Observe Instructions to assessor Assessed concepts Page numbers Use of index cards Running score DIRECTIONS: Use a simulator or project your mobile device to demonstrate the measure. Choose a demo Grade K student. Demonstrate the items listed on the slide. Note that no timer is associated with the KOP assessments. TRC 9 9
TRC Knowledge of Print (KOP) Partner Practice
Assessor Select a Kindergarten student. Choose Benchmark. Select TRC. Select Print Concepts (PC) and the book On The Table. Tap Begin. Score student responses on device. Student Read aloud the script. ACTIVITY: Time: 10 minutes Grouping: Pairs Purpose: Practice administering and scoring TRC Knowledge of Print assessments Materials: Mobile device, practice scripts in presentation copy, books “On the Table,” and “Look at Me” Directions: Pair up and complete TRC Knowledge of Print Partner Practice. One partner acts as the student and the other partner acts as the assessor. Switch roles at the conclusion of Print Concepts. The assessor for Print Concepts needs “On the Table.” The assessor for Reading Behaviors needs “Look At Me.” The assessor should look only at the device (not the script). The student reads from the hard copy script in the training materials. Keep this slide visible during the practice. TRC 10 10
TRC Knowledge of Print Practice
Concept Page Assessor Student Score “I’m going to read you this story, but I want you to help me.” Cover “Show me the front of the book.” Point to the front of the book 1/16 Print contains message 2 - 3 “I’ll read this book. You help me. Show me where to start reading. Where do I begin to read?” Point to a word. 2/16 Directionality: Beginning 6 - 7 “Show me where to start.” Point to the first word. 3/16 L to R “Which way do I go?” Drag finger from left to right. 4/16 Return Sweep “Where do I go next?” Point to second line of text. 5/16 1:1 Match “Point to each word as I read.” (Read page 6 aloud) Point to each word. 6/16 Meaning of a Period (.) 8 “What is this for?” Explain the function or say, “period.” 7/16 First word 12 – 13 “Show me the first part of the sentence.” Point to the first letter, word, or line of text. 8/16 Last word “Show me the last part of the sentence.” Point to the last letter, word, or line of text. 9/16 DIRECTIONS: Circulate and assist participants during activity. TRC 11 11
TRC Knowledge of Print Practice
Concept Page Assessor Student Score Matching Upper & Lower Case 14 – 15 “Find a lower case or little letter like this [point to “T”].” “Find a lower case or little letter like this [point to “O”].” Point to a lower case “t.” Point to a lower case “o.” 10/16 Frames one letter 16 “This sentence says, ‘The teddy bear is on the table.’ I want you to push the cards across the sentence like this until all you can see is just one letter.” Frame one letter. 11/16 Frames two letters “Now show me two letters.” Frame a word. Frames one word. “Now show me one word.” 12/16 Frames two words “Now show me two words.” Frames first and last letter “Now show me the first letter of a word.” “Now show me the last letter of a word.” Frame a first letter. Frame a last letter. 13/16 Frames a capital letter “Now show me a capital letter.” Point to any lower case letter. PARAPHRASE: The device prompts to assess Reading Behaviors. Team members switch roles. TRC 12 12
TRC Knowledge of Print (KOP) Partner Practice, continued
Assessor Select a Kindergarten student. Choose Benchmark. Select TRC. Select Reading Behaviors (RB) and the book Look at Me. Tap Begin. Score student responses on device. Student Read aloud the script. ACTIVITY: Time: 10 minutes Grouping: Pairs Purpose: Practice administering and scoring TRC Knowledge of Print assessments Materials: Mobile device, practice scripts in presentation copy, “Look At Me” Directions: Switch roles from the previous practice. Assessor of Print Concepts now reads as the student. The assessor should look only at the device (not the script). The student reads from the hard copy script in the training materials. Keep this slide visible during the practice. TRC 13 13
TRC Knowledge of Print Practice
Concept Page Assessor Student Score “I’m going to read you this story, but I want you to help me.” Indicate Title Cover “The name of this book is “Look at Me.” Show me the title of the book.” Point to the title. 1/6 Whole Book “A little boy tells us about what he is doing. Let’s take a look at the pictures.” Do a book walk with the student. 2 - 4 Go back to the beginning of the story and read pages 2 and 4 aloud to the student. “Now you point and read the rest of the story.” Point to first word of each line only. 1:1 Match Whole Does not move finger from first word of line while reading. Directionality: L to R Return Sweep Maintains language pattern Does not maintain language pattern Uses picture support Use one of the pictures to confirm a word. 2/6 DIRECTIONS: Facilitate discussion and answer questions upon completion. Participants compare Assessment screens. Think about the student who was assessed. Describe his/her Knowledge of Print. What patterns do you see in his/her responses? Sample Answer: The child knows only about the title of the book and that pictures clues can support a story. What instruction do you recommend for this student? Sample Answer: This student should be instructed in concepts of words as units of meaning and directionality while reading. After all errors have been reviewed, instruct participants to tap Done to advance to the results screen. TRC 14 14
TRC Knowledge of Print Check for Understanding
True or False? There are 16 items assessed in Print Concepts and 16 items in Reading Behaviors. A student must score at least 13 items correct in Print Concepts to move on to Reading Behaviors. A student must score at least four items correct in Reading Behaviors to continue the assessment with a Reading Record. ACTIVITY: Time: 5 minutes Grouping: Individual Materials: Presentation Copy Purpose: Check for understanding of TRC Knowledge of Print scoring rules Directions: Participants show thumbs up (true) or thumbs down (false) as trainer reads questions aloud. Review the answers below. Answers: False, 16 PC and 6 RB True False, 5 correct items TRC 15
TRC Reading Records The ability to accurately read and comprehend authentic text PARAPHRASE: Reading Records use leveled texts to determine a student’s instructional reading level. TRC 16 16
Why Leveled Readers? Promotes fluency Reduces frustration
Facilitates comprehension Integrates isolated skills PARAPHRASE: Promotes fluency by tying practice to ability level. Student feels control over text and, therefore, less frustrated. Facilitates reading for meaning, with only a few new words to decode. Integrates isolated comprehension skills into connected text. TRC 17 17
Criteria for Instructional Level
Frustrational Accuracy ≤ 89% or Written Comp. = 1/3 Oral Comp. ≤ 3/5 Instructional Accuracy 90 – 94% and Written Comp. ≥ 2/3 Oral Comp. ≥ 4/5 Independent Accuracy ≥ 95% PARAPHRASE: A Reading Record and follow-up Comprehension task are required. The mCLASS®:Reading 3D™ program prompts assessors to continue to administer the Benchmark assessment until the Instructional Level is found. Instructional: The student not only performs well, but feels challenged. Frustrational: The student seems unable to progress. Independent: The student performs well. This is the level used for seatwork and home reading. If a student reads two consecutive levels and achieves a proficiency of Independent on the lower and a rating of Frustrational on the higher, the student is assigned the Independent level. The mCLASS®:Reading 3D™ program rounds down accuracy scores to whole numbers (e.g., 94.6% becomes 94%). TRC identifies the student’s instructional reading level. TRC 18 18
Jake’s Plan Let’s say Jake scores Frustrational at Level N and Instructional at Level M. Which book level would you use for small-group instruction? Which book level would you suggest he check out of the library for reading at home? Which levels would you guide him away from when reading independently? ANSWERS: 1. Level M 2. Level J, K, or L 3. Levels M and higher TRC 19 19
Settings Tap Level list to select book level. Tap Book list to
PARAPHRASE: At the beginning of the year, and for students new to the system, the default level is the goal for the appropriate grade and assessment period. For students with TRC data, the device recommends a level based on the student’s past performance. Assessors may bypass the system recommendations. Change the level by choosing from the Level list. Tap a book from the book list to select it. “Time Saver” Functionality Reading 3D has a “Time Saver” function for students who have reached the top reading level. At MOY and EOY only, when the teacher clicks start to assess a student who is already at top level, a prompt indicates the student is already at the top level. The teacher is provided with an option to skip the assessment, or continue with the assessment. If the teacher confirms, “No assessment” then the score will presume the top reading level. A presumed result appears in white text on the student and class pages on the device and web. Tap Book list to select book title. TRC 20 20
TRC Reading Record Demo
Timing Features Starting Pausing Marking Substitutions Omissions Insertions Tolds Self-corrections Observe Recording repetitions Recording behaviors DIRECTIONS: Use a simulator or project your mobile device to demonstrate the measure. Choose a demo Grade 1 student. Demonstrate the items listed on the slide. Emphasize error patterns and how they are coded. Use the subsequent slides as additional examples. PARAPHRASE: Ask your Administrator/Reading Coach for school-specific guidelines regarding timed/untimed assessments. TRC 21 21
Text Format Dots indicate line breaks in the student text. 22
PARAPHRASE: Page numbers are often not sequential because pictures are included, especially in the lower-level books. The black dots on the device screen represent line breaks in the student’s version of the text. TRC 22 22
Record Reading Behaviors
If the student says, “Every sat-, Saturday”: Tap the word Saturday. Write exactly what the student said (“sat-”). Tap Save. PARAPHRASE: If the student exhibits a unique reading behavior, tap the word. It becomes bold and selected in black. The freehand space displays and provides a canvas for recording the student’s statements. Since a behavior note is not assigned an error type, it is not recorded as an error. Tap Clear to erase the contents of the freehand space. TRC 23 23
Repetition If the student says, “We like to dance, dance”:
Tap the Repetition button at the top left of the screen. Tap and drag to select the repeated word (dance). Repeat steps 1 and 2 for subsequent repetitions. To mark a repeated phrase, tap the Repetition button, then swipe the entire phrase. PARAPHRASE: A repetition is not an error. A turquoise arrow appears above the words to indicate the repetition. The first repetition is marked with an X. Subsequent repetitions are marked with a Repetition Value at the starting point of the arrow. Document no more than nine repetitions. To erase repetitions, tap the small circle at the end of the repetition arrow. To mark multiple words or a phrase as repeated, tap the Repetition arrow and swipe the phrase. Repeat the process for multiple repetitions. TRC 24 24
Record Errors Self Correction (SC) Substitution (sub) Insertion (^)
Omission (omit) Told (told) PARAPHRASE: The Error Coding Toolbar allows the assessor to record the specific type of miscue. Use this data to inform instruction for the student. TRC 25 25
Substitution If the student says, “Everything looks fun”:
Tap the word funny. In the freehand space, write “fun.” Tap sub. Tap Save. PARAPHRASE: If the student misreads or substitutes a word, tap the word. Note exactly what the student said in the freehand space. Tap sub on the Error Coding Toolbar. The word appears in orange with a strikethrough. The substituted word appears inside an orange bubble in the selected spot in the passage. The assessor has the option of either tapping sub first or writing a note on the canvas. TRC 26 26
Insertion If the student says, “It’s my best friend, Jill”:
Tap the word after the insertion (friend). In the freehand space, write “best.” Tap Insertion (⌃). Tap Save. PARAPHRASE: If the student inserts a word, tap the word after the insertion. Note exactly what the student said in the freehand space. Tap Insertion (^) on the Error Coding Toolbar. A purple caret appears before the selected word. The inserted word appears inside a purple bubble in the selected spot in the passage. The assessor has the option of either tapping ^ first or writing a note on the canvas. Recording insertions are important because they indicate a departure from the text that might impact the child’s fluency, accuracy, or comprehension. TRC 27 27
Omission If the student says, “I see living room”:
Tap the omitted word (the). Tap omit. PARAPHRASE: If the student omits a word, tap the word, then tap omit on the Error Coding Toolbar. The freehand space will close when omit is tapped. You do not need to tap Save. The word in the passage appears in blue and is outlined. If you wish to record a note, record it before tapping omit. Then tap Save. The note appears inside a black bubble in the selected spot in the passage. TRC 28 28
Told If the student says, “Things look di-, dif-”:
Record any attempt(s). Wait five seconds for a complete response. Say “different.” Tap the word you tell the student (different). Tap told. Tap Save. PARAPHRASE: If the student struggles with a word, record attempt(s) in the freehand space. Wait five seconds, then tell the student the word and tap the word. Then tap told on the Error Coding Toolbar to count it as an error. Tap Save. The told word appears in red in parentheses. If a student tried sounding out a word and this behavior was recorded, it will appear in a black bubble in the selected spot in the passage. TRC 29 29
Self-Correction If the student says, “Here is my mane, I mean, name”:
Tap the word (name). In the freehand space, write “mane.” Tap sub. Tap SC. Tap Save. PARAPHRASE: A self-corrected word displays in green and is not counted as an error. The word in error (before the self-correct) appears inside the color-coded bubble in the selected spot in the passage. TRC 30 30
Contractions If the student says, “hadn’t” instead of “had not”:
Tap the first word (had). In the freehand space, write “hadn’t.” Tap sub. Tap Save. Tap the second word (not). Draw a line or slash in the freehand space. Tap Save. “Not” will display in bold, but does not count as an error. PARAPHRASE: Two words read as a contraction should count as one error. TRC 31 31
TRC Reading Record Quick Reference
Correct Incorrect Student reads correct words Insertions Student correctly sounds out words Substitutions Student repeats words Omissions Student self-corrects Words read in the wrong order Five-second hesitations Proper nouns (the first instance only) DIRECTIONS: Review the TRC Reading Record scoring rules. Record a proper noun error only once, regardless of how many times the proper noun appears in the text or how many times the student says the word incorrectly. TRC 32 32
TRC Trainer-Led Practice
Assessor Select a Grade 2 student. Choose Benchmark. Select TRC. Select Level L and the book titled The Statue of Liberty. Select Start Timed Administration. Score student responses on device. Record motivation and notes. DIRECTIONS: Demonstrate steps 1-5 with your projected device or simulator. Participants practice assessing on their devices while you read the script on the next slide. Instruct participants NOT to tap Done until after you have completed the error review on the next slide. TRC 33 33
Trainer-Led Practice Script
Key: A bold word indicates a mistake. An ellipsis (…) indicates a five-second hesitation. A comma (,) indicates a self‑correction. An asterisk (*) indicates an omission. Many people have come from other countries to live in the United States. Some people have to find new jobs. Other people are looking for * better way to live. All * them want to be free. For more than 100 years, the Statue of Liberty greeted … as they sail into New York Harder. It gave hoops to everyone who dream of freedom. The people of France * been friends with the people of the United States for a long time. One other man from France wanted to show, share his love of freedom by giving the United States a gift. That gift was a huge … The stat would show the friendship between the two counties. DIRECTIONS: Facilitate discussion and answer questions upon completion. Participants compare Assessment screens. Think about the student who was assessed. Describe his/her reading fluency skills. What patterns do you see in his/her reading? Sample Answer: Child substitutes alternate real words while reading. What instruction do you recommend for this student? Sample Answer: Instruct student to sound out an unfamiliar word before substituting an alternate word. After all errors have been reviewed, instruct participants to tap Done to advance to the results screen. To open the Review Mode and/or edit the record, tap the blue % or accuracy rate from the Results screen. TRC 34
Reading Record Results Screen
Tap Accuracy rate to review probe. Tap Delete to invalidate probe. Tap Motiv. or Note to record additional information. PARAPHRASE: To review assessment details, tap the student’s Accuracy rate. To invalidate assessment results, tap Delete. Tap Motiv. and/or Note to record additional information. Buttons highlighted in blue indicate further assessment is required. Comprehension tasks required TRC 35 35
TRC Retell (Benchmark Levels E and lower)
Fiction Non-Fiction Tap Retell to access questions. PARAPHRASE: Retelling is required for all Benchmark levels E and below. Access the Retelling follow-up task from the TRC Results screen. Prompt the student to retell the story or text with questions such as: What happened at the beginning? What happened next? How did the story end? What new information did you learn from the text? The device lists sample responses. For fiction titles, score one point each for detail retold from the beginning, middle, and end of the story. For nonfiction titles, score one point each for three facts retold from the text. Proficient is 2/3 and higher. Tap Done to record the score. For levels D through E, ask the Oral Comprehension questions after the student completes the retelling. TRC 36 36
TRC Written Comprehension (Benchmark Levels F and higher)
Tap Written Comp to access the rubric. PARAPHRASE: Written Comprehension is required for Benchmark books levels F and above. The mCLASS®:Reading 3D™ kit contains the student materials for this measure. The teacher listens to words read aloud. After the Reading Record is complete, prompt the student to read the rest of the text silently and to complete the written comprehension questions. Students are allowed to refer to their books while completing the written comprehension task. A student in Kindergarten or Grade 1 BOY who reaches this level and has trouble writing dictates answers to the assessor. Ask the Oral Comprehension questions after the student completes the written comprehension task. TRC 37 37
Classroom Management to Support TRC Written Comprehension
Teacher assesses Student A with Reading Record Student A finishes the text, if directed, and independently completes Written Comprehension Teacher assesses Student A with Oral Comprehension Student A engages in Core Activities 10:00 am 10:10 am 10:20 am 10:30 am Student B engages in Core Activities Teacher assesses Student B with Reading Record Student B finishes the text, if directed, and independently completes Written Comprehension Teacher assesses Student B with Oral Comprehension PARAPHRASE: This slide illustrates a suggested management structure for TRC administration with the written comprehension follow-up task. Two students’ TRC assessments (reading record, written comprehension, oral comprehension) are completed in 20 minutes each. The teacher spends a total of 30 minutes assessing the two students. The brown line represents the teacher’s movement between the two students. “Core Activities” include learning centers, independent reading, independent or partner work in texts or workbooks, writing in journals, or small-group instruction with a second teacher or paraprofessional. TRC 38 38
Written Comprehension Scoring Rubric
Score Level What it means What it requires No Understanding The response demonstrates no understanding of the text. Completely incorrect, irrelevant to the question, or missing 1 Minimal The response demonstrates a minimal understanding of the text. Minimally addresses the demands of the questions Uses minimal information to show understanding of the text in relation to the question 2 General The response demonstrates a general understanding of the text. Partially addresses the demands of the question Uses text-relevant information to show understanding 3 Complex The response demonstrates an understanding of the complexities of the text. Addresses the demands of the question Effectively uses text-relevant information to clarify or extend understanding PARAPHRASE: Written Comprehension questions are scored using a four-point rubric (0–3 points). Proficient is 2/3 and 3/3. TRC 39 39
Scoring Written Comprehension
Tap the corresponding number. Tap the arrow to view rubric criteria. PARAPHRASE: Tap Done to record the score. TRC 40 40
Practice Scoring TRC Written Comprehension
Harry the Tow Truck, Level J 1. What problem does Harry need to solve to help the car drivers get home? 2. Describe the events at the end of the story that solved Harry’s problem. A Student Sample He needs to get the orange van onto it’s wheels and get the van out of the way. Harry has to get ther fast and get the gob[job] done fast so the drivers can get home. Harry’s problem was Harry tought he can’t pulled the red truck pass the big tree. B Student Sample He had to hurry getting the orange truck on the road. He got a strong rope and tied it to the truck and move the truck on the road. C Student Sample Harry and Bod had to solve the probrem of the orig [orange] mooveing truk. What solved Bob’s and Harry’s probrem was the strog rope that Bob tied aroend the van and then the van came back on it’s willis [wheels]. D Student Sample He can go faster or tell them to go the other way. He was happy because that job was not hard at all. ACTIVITY: Time: 10 minutes Grouping: Pairs Purpose: Practice scoring a Written Comprehension response using the scoring rubric Materials: Participant Copy Directions: Participants pair up with a partner in proximity. Allow participants 5 minutes to read, discuss, and score these student samples of Written Comprehension. Direct participants to the previous slide titled Written Comprehension Scoring Rubric in their presentation copy. Bring participants back to review and share opinions on scoring. Answers: Sample A = 3 [Discuss: answers fully address the question and use text-relevant information to clarify and extend understanding. Sample B = 2 [Discuss: answers partially address the questions and use text-relevant information.] Sample C = 2 [Discuss: while the answer to question 1 is not robust, the answer to question 2 partially addresses the request for description and uses text-relevant information to show understanding] answer 1 demonstrates a general understanding of the problem facing the orange moving truck. Answer 2: partially addresses the request for description.] Sample D = 0 [Discuss: both answers are either irrelevant, incorrect, and/or missing information] * All grammar and spelling in these samples are true to students’ original responses. TRC 41 41
TRC Oral Comprehension (Benchmark Levels D and higher)
Tap Oral Comp to access questions (Benchmark) or rubric (Progress Monitoring). PARAPHRASE: Oral Comprehension is required for Benchmark levels D and higher and all Progress Monitoring Texts. Access the Oral Comprehension follow-up task from the TRC Results screen. The student may look back at the book to answer the questions. TRC 42 42
TRC Oral Comprehension
Benchmark Tap Correct or Incorrect to record answers to questions provided. Progress Monitoring Tap the arrow to access suggested questions. PARAPHRASE: Use the text‑specific questions on the device for Benchmark texts. Proficiency is 4/5 and higher. Use the Oral Comprehension rubric for Progress Monitoring texts. Text-specific questions do not appear on the handheld for Progress Monitoring books. To record an overall comprehension score, rate the students’ responses in each of the four areas: Literal, Inference, Critical, and Creative. The Oral Comprehension Rubric uses a scale of 1‒4; Proficiency is 3/4 and higher. Score answers. TRC 43 43
MSV Analysis Record strategies the student used while reading.
PARAPHRASE: MSV, or miscue analysis, is an optional task available for all texts in TRC. Categorize students’ miscues by referring to the notations in the freehand space and the error patterns recorded on the Error Coding Toolbar. Tap Go to MSV. TRC 44 44
MSV Analysis Meaning Does the word the student used make sense?
Did the student preserve meaning? Syntax/Structure Does the word the student used sound right? Did the student preserve language structure? Visual Does the word the student used match the print? Did the student preserve the visual appearance of the word? PARAPHRASE: These analysis categories are based on Marie Clay’s graphic records of a student’s oral reading, called running records. These categories help identify student error patterns based on meaning, syntax/structure, and visual cues. More examples are available in An Observation Survey by Marie Clay (1993). The letter assigned to the miscue should reflect the strategy the assessor observed the student use during the assessment. A miscue can be recorded in more than one category. NOTE TO TRAINER: Use this opportunity to discuss MSV coding with participants to take the discussion deeper. Meaning: If a student substitutes a word in text and that substituted word makes sense, then the child is using meaning to read. If the student substitutes a word in text and that substituted word does not make sense then the child is not using meaning. Did the student preserve meaning when she substituted “roving” for “roaring”? (No. Ask participants to explain why this doesn’t preserve the meaning of the sentence.) Syntax/Structure: If the substituted word does not sound right in text then the student is not listening to himself read and using conventional English language. If the substituted word sounds correct as we use in our English language then the substitution is correct. Did the student preserve language structure/syntax when she substituted “roving” for “roaring”? (Yes. Ask participants to explain the ways in which the error preserves sentence structure/syntax.) Visual: If a student substitutes a word in text and that substituted word has a visual connection and a graphic-phonemic connection then that student is using visual when reading. If a student substitutes a word in text and that substituted word is not visually connected then the student is not using visual to read. Did the student preserve the visual when she substituted “roving” for “roaring”? (Yes. Ask participants to identify the parts of the word which preserved the visual appearance of the word.) TRC 45 45
Which strategies did this student use to substitute while reading?
MSV Practice Which strategies did this student use to substitute while reading? We live in a home at the lake. house We put ice cream in the freezer. have Our family had a ran cat. pet I got a new pair of shoes. Billy and the girl playing ball until dark. played We are going to ride he bus to he beach. the the M S V M S V M S V M S V ACTIVITY: Time: 10 minutes Grouping: Individual Purpose: Practice scoring student errors with MSV Materials: Participant Copy Directions: Participants work independently to analyze the sentences and circle the strategy/strategies the student used while reading. Point out that the word on top (in orange) is the substituted word; the word below (in brown) is the original word from the text. Allow participants 5 minutes to read and score these examples of substitution. Bring participants back to review and share opinions on analysis. Answers: M, S, and V are all preserved when the student substituted “home” for “house.” Visually, both words are connected by the first two letters. M and S are both preserved when the student substituted “put” for “have.” It makes sense and sound correct, but there isn’t a visual connection. No strategies are used when the student substituted “ran” for “pet.” Only S is preserved when the student substituted “got” for “have.” The meaning of the sentence has changed and there isn’t a visual connection. V and M are preserved when the student substituted “playing” for “played.” The structure is no longer correct. V is the only strategy used when the student twice substituted “he” for “the.” The sentence no longer makes sense or is structurally correct. M S V M S V TRC 46 46
MSV Analysis Tap the arrow to scroll through the miscues.
The selected word highlights. Assign M, S, and/or V based on the strategy used while reading. PARAPHRASE: From the Results Screen, tap the accuracy rate to review the probe. Tap the Go to MSV button to begin MSV coding. Scroll through the errors using the blue arrows; the word selected will highlight. V is assigned to the error of “final” substituted for “finally.” The substitution preserves a visual connection to the original word, yet does not preserve meaning or syntax. TRC 47 47
MSV Analysis of Self-Corrections
For self-corrections, analyze both the original error and the correction. PARAPHRASE: Errors and self-corrections are recorded separately to help target instruction. The student preserved Meaning and Visual cues with the substitution of “kick” for kicked. She used Syntax to guide the correction. TRC 48 48
TRC Results with MSV The bar graph shows the frequency of each strategy. PARAPHRASE: The MSV bar graph appears on the Results screen only if the optional MSV analysis is completed. The height of the bars on the graph adjust to show the number of times the student used a cueing system (i.e., strategy) when reading the text. An under-represented strategy indicates the opportunity for instruction. TRC 49 49
TRC Partner Practice Assessor Select a Grade 3 student.
Choose Benchmark. Select TRC. Select Level M and the book titled Trees on Our Planet. Select Start Timed Administration. Score student responses on device. Administer Oral Comprehension. Record motivation, notes, and MSV analysis. Student Read aloud the script. ACTIVITY: Time: 10 minutes Grouping: Pairs Purpose: Practice administering and scoring TRC Reading Record and MSV analysis Materials: Mobile device, Practice script in presentation copy Directions: Pair up and complete TRC Practice. One partner acts as the student and the other partner acts as the assessor. The assessor should look only at the device (not the script). The student reads from the hard copy script in the training materials. Student improvises responses to oral comprehension follow-up task. Keep this slide visible during the practice. TRC 50 50
TRC Partner Practice Script
Key: A bold word indicates a mistake. An ellipsis (…) indicates a five-second hesitation. A comma (,) indicates a self‑correction. An asterisk (*) indicates an omission. People have been cutting down trees for thousand of years. The wood from trees is very useful. It can be used to build houses. It can be used to make tables and chair and other furniture. Wood can be made into paper, too. But, all around the world, too much, many trees have been cut down. More and more houses have been built. Large cities has been built. In the past, people decide to turn huge areas of forest into farm land. They cut down millions of trees. They clear the land quickly. But then some heavy rain came, and good soil on top of the ground was washed away. Nothing much would grow there. Today, people realized how important trees are. Their wide branches help to stop the rain * washing the topsoil away. Their strong roots hold the soil in place, even on … mountains. And forest provide a home for many different kinds of nice animals. So people are now growing trees to replace * ones that have been cut down. When the young trees are strong … , they are planted where they are need most. But they take a long time to grow tall. We must all help to put trees back on our plant. DIRECTIONS: Facilitate discussion and answer questions upon completion. Participants compare Assessment screens. Think about the student who was assessed. Describe his/her reading fluency skills. What patterns do you see in his/her responses? Sample Answer: Child fails to read, and sometimes changes, word endings. What instruction do you recommend for this student? Sample Answer: Instruct student to keep reading the word until the last letter so that suffixes are accurate and to monitor comprehension to see if verb tense or plural noun fits the rest of the sentence. After all errors have been reviewed, instruct participants to tap Done to advance to the results screen. To open the Review Mode and/or edit the record, tap the blue % or accuracy rate from the Results screen. The time does not continue if the reading record selected was a timed administration. TRC 51 51
Book Management Click Enter. PARAPHRASE:
Log in to to create your own Book list. Click Enter next to My Book List under the Book Management section. School-level system or full access users have a yellow “My School Book List” option under Book Management. Click Enter. TRC 52
Unlocked Book List Chose a level system. Click Add/Remove Books.
PARAPHRASE: From an unlocked Book List you can view mCLASS Library titles on your Progress Monitoring Book List. Books shown on this page already appear on your handheld. Change the level system as needed. The mCLASS Library supports two level systems: Reading Recovery & Early Intervention and Guided Reading. To avoid confusion, it is recommended that districts/schools select a level system at the beginning of the school year. Click the Add/Remove Books button to add or remove books from your Book List. Visit publisher partners to purchase PM kits with multiple texts. Titles shown in grey are part of a school book list. They can only be added/removed by a user at the school level with full or system access. A lock at the top of the screen indicates a list is unavailable for editing. School-level system or full access users have the option to lock book lists using the “My School Book List” link under Book Management from the home page. Click to access PM kit publishers. TRC 53
Editing Your Book List Search for a specific title. Refine your search
by publisher, reading level, and/or language. Click a category header to sort. PARAPHRASE: Click Add/Remove Books on the Book list. Enter a title or key word to search the mCLASS® library. Use the menus to sort results or to search a narrower list. Click on any of the headings to sort the library. Click the page numbers in the upper right of the list to scroll to the next page. Any books shown in grey were added by a district or administrator and cannot be edited. They are part of the School Book List. TRC 54
Book List Updated Summary
Click Save. PARAPHRASE: In some cases, schools or districts create a Progress Monitoring Book List for the entire school or district. These books are locked and unavailable for editing as indicated by a lock at the top of the screen. Select any additional books to download to an individual mobile device. There is not a known limit to the number of books that can be downloaded to the mobile device, however, to make it manageable for the user, it is suggested to keep the number of books limited to 30–50 at a time. Select books to add to mobile device. TRC 55
Book List Updated Summary
PARAPHRASE: Once the desired books are added or deleted, a summary appears to the right. The list uploads to the mobile device when next synced. Book list changes and sync reminder TRC 56
Sync Adds Books to Device
Log in from a mobile device to add selected PM books. Tap the sync icon if already logged in. PARAPHRASE: Logging in or tapping the sync icon will download the text of the selected PM books to the mobile device. TRC 57
TRC PM Selection Select a level. Select a book. PARAPHRASE:
Select a reading level to assess the student. The handheld recommends a level based on the student’s grade and the time of year. Choose from the Book list. TRC 58
To add a title that is not in the mCLASS®:Reading 3D™ system, select level A or higher, and tap Add Book. Though the text of the book never appears on the handheld, users have the option to select Timed or Untimed Administration. The Add Book option is only available for Progress Monitoring (not Benchmark). The Add Book button will change to Edit Book after the book has been added. TRC 59
Add New Book Tap Done after The User Entered 120-150 words.
PARAPHRASE: If Timed Assessment is selected, use the handheld to generate a fluency score. Tap Pause Timer if the student stops reading in the middle of the Reading Record. Tap Done after collecting a 120–150 word sample or the student reaches the end of the book. After you tap Done, the TRC User Entered screen appears on the handheld. Tap Done after words. The User Entered Screen appears. TRC 60
Add New Book Tap any field to view an on-screen calculator.
Results display after tapping Done. PARAPHRASE: Tap in a field to view an on-screen calculator. Once all numbers are entered for total words, the handheld calculates errors and self-corrections for the reading record. Tap Done to view the TRC Results screen. TRC 61
Start a PM Book Texts selected from the mCLASS® library appear
on the handheld. PARAPHRASE: Set the beginning of the text. An accuracy and fluency Reading Record can start at the beginning or in the middle of any page of the book. Tap and hold the first word the student will read if in the middle of a page. Select whether to assess a Timed or Untimed Administration. A timed administration will produce a Words Correct Per Minute (WCPM) fluency score. Ask your Administrator/Reading Coach for school-specific guidelines regarding timed/untimed assessments. Start a PM Reading Record at the beginning of any page. TRC 62
PM Reading Record Use the same procedures as for Benchmark.
PARAPHRASE: Follow along as the student reads. A Reading Record should be approximately 120–150 words for a student reading at Level E or greater. Score the text as the student reads. TRC 63
TRC PM Results Screen Place the bracket after the last word read.
Tap Oral Comp to complete the PM Record. PARAPHRASE: Once the student comes to the end of the text or a good stopping place for the reading record, tap Done. The Set Ending screen appears. The the assessor taps and holds the last word read to place the bracket. The TRC PM Results screen looks similar to the one for Benchmark. The difference lies in how comprehension is checked. Select Oral Comp to administer the follow-up comprehension task using the rubric. Progress Monitoring books do not have text-specific questions. TRC 64
TRC Check for Understanding
To record a behavior without marking the word as incorrect, tap the word and write the behavior in the freehand space. To record a Substitution, Omission, or Told, tap the word, then tap the error code on the Error Coding toolbar. To record a repetition, drag your finger or stylus across the repeated words. To move up a reading level, the student must score 85% or higher accuracy on the Reading Record and 4/5 or higher on Oral Comprehension. To move down a reading level, the student must score 75% or lower on the Reading Record and 3/5 or below on Oral Comprehension. ACTIVITY: Time: 5 minutes Grouping: Individual Materials: Presentation Copy Purpose: Check for understanding of TRC Reading Record scoring rules Directions: Participants circle the “thumbs up” if they agree with the statement and circle the “thumbs down” if they don’t agree with the statement. Review the answers below by participants making the symbols with their hands held high. Answers: 1. Thumbs up/ TRUE 2. Thumbs up/ TRUE 3. Thumbs down/ FALSE; tap the Repetition arrow first before swiping the words to indicate a repeat 4. Thumbs down/ FALSE; a student must score 95% or higher to move up a reading level 5. Thumbs down/ FALSE; a student must score 89% or lower to move down a reading level TRC 65 65
TRC Reflection What questions do you have?
Write your “A-Ha” moment on a sticky note, then attach it to the chart. What would you teach next if Jake’s assessment data showed: A TRC Accuracy rate of 86%? _________________________________ Consistently repeated phrases? _______________________________ Weak oral comprehension? ___________________________________ ACTIVITY: Time: 5 minutes Grouping: Individual, then whole group Materials: Presentation copy Purpose: Consolidate knowledge of TRC Directions: Participants write an A-Ha moment on a sticky note and attach to the chart. Jot down responses to question three. Participants share responses to question three with partners/tables/group, depending upon the size of the group. Trainer calls participants back and participants share any “big picture” questions they may have with the whole group. TRC 66 66
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