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The Ottawa Hospital Clinical Category: e-Reports of Services ImagineNation Challenge Clinical Document Manager Electronic Discharge Summary.

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Presentation on theme: "The Ottawa Hospital Clinical Category: e-Reports of Services ImagineNation Challenge Clinical Document Manager Electronic Discharge Summary."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Ottawa Hospital Clinical Category: e-Reports of Services ImagineNation Challenge Clinical Document Manager Electronic Discharge Summary

2 Defines a comprehensive toolset containing EHR-Embedded Document Selector Tool Customized Document Types/Templates Form Controls, Macros and Data Tools Enterprise Voice Recognition Solution Integrated Document Display Within EHR Internal/External Electronic Document Distribution Clinical Document Manager (CDM)

3 Defines an online EHR document that remains active throughout the inpatient visit encompassing: Diagnosis List Procedures Investigations Summary of Stay Discharge Plan Electronic Prescription Electronic Discharge Summary

4 CDM Document Template Selector Defined Set of Document Types, Templates and Tools “Document Type” can be defined by Clinical Provider type (ie: Physician, Nurse, Allied Health) Medical Specialty (ie: Surgery, Medicine) Workflow (ie: Consultations, Clinical Notes, Procedures) “Document Templates” can be defined by Clinical Requirements (ie: Specific Procedure Types) Specific Workflows (ie: Special Assessment Types)


6 Body copy goes here CDM Customized Document Types/Templates

7 Corporate Instance of Dragon Medical Enterprise Roaming user voice profiles User voice profile access at >8500 computers Voice templates and macros Available for Clinical Documents and Discharge Summaries Enterprise Voice Recognition Solution

8 Documents are available on-line in the EHR as soon as they are placed in final status. Electronic Discharge Summaries are here A large number of Medical and Allied Health documents can be created. Integrated Document Display Within EHR

9 Electronic Document Distribution Distribute to caregivers involved with patient and select others as needed from list of hundreds of clinicians

10 EDS – Electronic Discharge Summary

11 Electronic Discharge Summary with eDistribution Dialog

12 Electronic Prescription Electronic prescription printed to local printer with summary of final eDS – given to patient on day of discharge.

13 The combination of CDM (Clinical Document Manager) and EDS (Electronic Discharge Summary) provides a robust toolset to health providers at TOH. Health services are recorded and transmitted to the EHR and to the circle of community care providers in a timely manner for the purpose of improving continuity of care and patient outcomes. e-Reports of Services Summary

14 CDM/eDS Baseline Data eDS Number of eDS users: 3235 users Number of eDS distributions/month (November): 2452 This number accounts for 93% of TOH discharges for the month of November. CDM Number of CDM users (November): 2979 authorized users Number of CDM documents/month created (October): 36,700

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