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Green IT Kingswood TAFE 30 June 2011 P ROFESSIONAL D EVELOPMENT.

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1 Green IT Kingswood TAFE 30 June 2011 P ROFESSIONAL D EVELOPMENT

2 W ORKSHOP Topics include: 1. Powermeter use 2. USB controlled powerboards 3. WiFi energy monitoring 4. Low power motherboards/PC 5. Alternative energy sources - solar and wind

3 ‘ THE ONE KILOWATT CLASSROOM ’ Low energy desktop computing - achieving less than 40 watts per PC

4 S USTAINABILITY CHALLENGE  An average modern classroom is equipped with computers, large screen, lighting, heating and cooling and can be quite energy intensive – consuming 5-6 kilowatts of power  Average computer use consuming 150-200W  The challenge is to have modern equipment and facilities to support good learning outcomes, and  Use technology in such a way as to minimise the energy consumed  The goal of the project is a modern classroom consuming only one kilowatt of power – this will require low energy desktop computing, less than 40watts per station.

5 P ROCESS  Researching and learning the basics of ICT Sustainability  Experimenting - setting up a trial, purchasing hardware and software, and getting some hands-on experience  Doing a field trial to identify potential applications, gaining practical knowledge in real- world environments  Developing a feasibility study and proposal, choosing hardware and software vendors  Launching a pilot, to confirm technical operation, correct any problems and prepare for the final deployment and scaling  Presentation of results and review

6 L OW E NERGY D ESKTOP C OMPUTING P ROJECTS  Thin clients  Atom processor mainboard  Solid state hard drives  Green power supply units  “Light” operating systems Thin Client Desktop with Atom Processor Mainboard Solid State Drive

7 A CHIEVEMENTS Thin client desktop: 30 watts under full load to 15 watts on idle 4 watts on off Desktop with an Atom mainboard (Asus): 34 watts under full load 24 watts on idle 0 watts on off

8 A CHIEVEMENTS A typical 2.5” hard drive based on rotating magnetic platters usually requires between -  0.5w and 1.3w when it runs idle  2 w and 4 w when it is under maximum load Solid state hard drive 2 watts under full load Less than 1 watt idle

9 A CHIEVEMENTS Green Power Supply Units An “80 Plus” power supply can save about 85 kilowatt-hours per PC, per year. In many ways, it's the heart of a green PC, since it manages the power for all the other components. It also has the most dramatic effect on your energy bill. “80 Plus” power supplies are also lead- free and RoHS-compliant.

10 A CHIEVEMENTS ‘Light’ OS “Light” operating systems e.g. Zorin OS 4 lite  Nearly no risk of getting malware  Faster - its tested to be more than twice as fast as normal OS  Free:  Review: 2011/01/02/zorin-os-a-small-review/ 2011/01/02/zorin-os-a-small-review/

11 F UTURE PROJECTS UNDER PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT INCLUDE :  development of turn-key green ICT solutions  fitting out of a training room  development of multimedia resources in ICT sustainability


13 T HE B ENEFITS Learning for Sustainability In embracing the ”one kilowatt classroom” concept we have been able to develop strategic skills and knowledge that place us well for future employment in this emerging Green IT area while adding considerable value to our community of knowledge The low energy desktops demonstrate the theory and practice of Green IT to students – they will become an integral part of semester 2 delivery for the new sustainability unit : ICTSUS4184A Install and test power saving hardware

14 A CKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank the following individuals for their support Sherrie Haywood and Paul Cheleski Head Teachers and Information Technology Teachers Kingswood Catherine Miller and Brian Clarke, Head Teachers, Information Technology Jann Dillon, A/Manager Educational Programs Joanne Saville, Teacher, Consultant for Students with Vision Impairment George Kemeny, Student

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