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The sun and moon! By: Caroline Williams.

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Presentation on theme: "The sun and moon! By: Caroline Williams."— Presentation transcript:

1 The sun and moon! By: Caroline Williams

2 The Moon The moon has many craters
The moon is not bigger than the sun or earth The moons craters are very large The moon goes through all its phases in a month The moon does not make its own light

3 The amazing sun!!!! The sun makes it own light
If we were to be closer to the sun it would be to hot and we could not live The sun is very hot The sun is the biggest object in the solar system The sun is a star

4 Rotate Rotate means to turn in circles
The earth rotates around the sun The sun does not rotate

5 Sphere The earth is a sphere A sphere is a 3d circle

6 Axis The earth spins on its axis
A real or imaginary line going through the middle of something

7 Revolves The moon revolves around the earth
An object moving around another object

8 Orbit An object going around another object. The earth orbits the sun.
It takes 365 days for the earth to make one revolution around the sun.

9 Phases It takes around 29 days for the moon to go through its phases
Phases are an apparent in the moons shape

10 Craters A hollow area in the moon
The moon has craters from big rocks or metal hitting the moon

11 Conclusion The sun and moon do pretty amazing things!!!
That is the end of my slide show

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