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Service in World War II Cold War Segregation contradicts democratic goodness Distraction in fight on communism Wrongfully accused see what its like to.

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2 Service in World War II Cold War Segregation contradicts democratic goodness Distraction in fight on communism Wrongfully accused see what its like to be mistreated

3 Brown v Board of Education, 1954 Plessy v Ferguson is reversed NAACP case is led by Thurgood Marshall Separate is not equal-end segregation with all deliberate speed

4 Little Rock Crisis Central High blocks nine black students Ike sends troops to enforce integration

5 Montgomery Bus Boycott Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat Southern Christian Leadership Conference is formed Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. chosen to lead-starts non violence

6 Freedom Rides Results in Interstate Commerce Clause being used to prohibit segregation of public facilities (sit-ins desegregate restaurants)

7 TV publicizes Bull Conner using dogs, fire hoses, cattle prods on protest marchers Civil Rights Act of 1964 results Outlaws discrimination in employment, public accommodations

8 March on Washington March on Washington calling for passage of Civil Rights Act 1964 MLK gathers 200,000 w/60,000 being white

9 TV publicizes Selma protest march for voting rights being broken up w/bullwhips, tear gas, billy clubs Results in Voting Rights Act of 1965 No literacy tests, Fed registers voters not state

10 Another legislative result is the 24 th Amendment (no poll tax)

11 Black Power Original purpose for black owned business, school control, black police, black politicians, pride Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee under Stokely Carmichael wants rights by whatever means Malcom Xs Black Muslims/Nation of Islam want total separation of races

12 Black Panthers led by Huey Newton, Bobby Seale, Elridge Cleaver militant group and pro race war

13 MLK and RFK are assassinated (1968) White help rejected Fear of violence

14 White backlash from busing and affirmative action Not needed due to Achievements Last goal met when Civil Rights Act of 1968 bans housing discrimination

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