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 What do you think are the most common communicable diseases?  Discuss.

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Presentation on theme: " What do you think are the most common communicable diseases?  Discuss."— Presentation transcript:

1  What do you think are the most common communicable diseases?  Discuss

2 P. 454

3  Influenza  Pertussis  Streptococcus  Varicella  Pneumonia  Rubella  Measles  Mumps  Tuberculosis  Hepatitis  Mononucleosis  Treatment

4  Most Familiar and Most Common  Virus  Mild fever, runny nose, itchy eyes, sneezing, coughing, and sore throat  Over-The-Counter medications can help  Stay fit and active and the immune system will stay strong  24 Hour contagious period

5  The “Flu”  Virus  Several strains or types  Fever, exhaustion, chills, headache, body ache  Yearly vaccination (Flu shot) can help, older and younger people first  Vaccines that kill some strains may not kill other or new strains

6  Streptococcus  Streptococci Bacteria is the cause  Sore throat, fever, muscle pain, enlarged lymph nodes  If left untreated the bacteria will spread and there could be major complications

7  Lets examine Figure 17.4

8  3 types  A  B  C  Viral disease of the liver  The skin and eyes will yellow

9  Mono  Swollen and tender areas due to swollen organs  Sore throat and neck  Usually happens in teens and young adults  Direct contact  Feel weak and have no energy  Complete bed rest for 3 plus weeks

10  Good Diet  Get enough rest  Get enough physical activity  Avoid drugs, alcohol, and tobacco  Drink water from a clean supply  Avoid sharing personal items

11  Why is it important to take care of yourself?  What is the difference between a virus and a bacteria

12  Take out a half of a sheet of paper (name not needed)  Write down 1 thing you learned and 1 thing you do not understand

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