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Compulsory Briefing Session 15 October 2013 Panel of Attorneys.

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Presentation on theme: "Compulsory Briefing Session 15 October 2013 Panel of Attorneys."— Presentation transcript:

1 Compulsory Briefing Session 15 October 2013 Panel of Attorneys

2 Agenda 1. Welcome 2. Introduction of RAF members 3. Circulation of Attendance Register 4. Presentation by RAF : a. Procurement b. Operations c. Scope of Work/Specification 5. Q & A 6. Closing

3 Bid Details

4 Background 1. The claims compensation scheme administered by RAF is fault-based and highly litigious 2. The RAF regularly receives summons on claims handled by it 3. There is a need to defend the actions when either the merits or the quantum of the claim is in dispute 4. Summons are issued from courts throughout the country 5. Suitably qualified legal firms to provide specialist litigation services per the following categories: 5.1 Magistrate court 5.2 High Court 5.3 High Value Matters (+R3 million)

5 Background (cont... 6. Bidders must submit a separate bid for each category 7. The appointment will be based on the capacity of the bidder/s as well as experience relating to personal injury litigation 8. The appointed legal firms will be used on an ‘as-and-when’ required basis 9. Firms appointed after the 2012 bidding process will remain registered with the RAF 10. Successful bidders will be listed on the panel for 3 years 11. Selected bidders must enter into the attached SLA with RAF 12. The successful bidder/s must, upon award, furnish an insurance policy in respect of professional liability

6 Scope of Work 1. Magistrate Court The RAF will list the top scoring bidders based on BEE as per the table below: Province Quantity Limpopo 1 North West 2 Northern Cape 2 Free State 2

7 Scope of Work 2. High Court The RAF will list the top scoring bidders based on BEE as per the table below: Province Quantity Gauteng 8 Limpopo 1 North West 2 Kwazulu Natal 3 Northern Cape 1 Free State 2

8 Scope of Work 3. High Value Matters The RAF will list the top scoring bidders based on BEE as per the table below: Province Quantity North West 1 Northern Cape 1 Free State 2

9 Matrix

10 Technical/Functional Criteria

11 Compliance Issues 1. Document check list in the bid document 2. No telephonic communication 3. Only email communication up to the 18 th of October 2013 4. Complete in full and sign the bid document 5. All supporting documents (where applicable) must be submitted 6. Bid closing date and time must be observed NB. Bidders may be disqualified for non-compliance, should applicable documents not be submitted

12 Mandatory Requirements 1. The bidder must confirm that they have read and understood the terms and conditions set out in the bid document, which terms and conditions the bidder accepts, in the event that the RAF awards the contract to the bidder pursuant to this bid 2. Failure by the successful bidder to conclude a contract following the issuing by the Fund of the award letter to the successful bidder, will result in the bid being deemed to be non-responsive which will then entitle the RAF to consider other responsive bids and award the tender to another bidder or bidders

13 Mandatory Requirements 3. A partner/director must have at least5 years experience on third party matters 4. Lead attorney must have at least 5 years post admission experience 5. Certificate of good standing not older than 6 months in respect of each attorney who will do RAF work – not the firm 6. No conflict of interest after entering into SLA with RAF 7. Fidelity fund certificates 8. R20 million insurance (high court and high value)

14 Mandatory Requirements (cont…) 9. Bidders will be disqualified if they fail to:  submit a valid and original tax clearance certificate  complete questionnaires in full  submit true and correct information  Comply with mandatory requirements  comply with prescribed response format

15 Evaluation Criteria 1. Technical Functional (Comply or Not Comply) 2. Technical Functional requirements = 100 points 3. B-BBEE = 10 points NB. Bidders who do not meet mandatory requirements may be disqualified


17 Response Format Bid response format to be strictly adhered to for easy reference 1. Indexing 2. Supporting documents 3. Anextures 4. Business profile 5. Binding documents !!!!! 6. Each JV/consortium partner/party to submit all required documents

18 Questions ?


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