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Name of Institution Amity Business School Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Presented By: Shubham Chandra 108K40 Richa Chaudhary 108K23.

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1 Name of Institution Amity Business School Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Presented By: Shubham Chandra 108K40 Richa Chaudhary 108K23

2 Name of Institution Amity Business School Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award is an annual award that recognizes U.S. organizations in the business, health care, education, and nonprofit sectors for performance excellence. It is administered by the Baldrige National Quality Program, which is based at and managed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce. National Institute of Standards and Technology

3 Name of Institution Amity Business School The Award promotes awareness of performance excellence as an increasingly important element in competitiveness and information sharing of successful performance strategies and the benefits derived from using these strategies. To receive a Baldrige Award, an organization must have a role-model organizational management system that ensures continuous improvement in the delivery of products and/or services, demonstrates efficient and effective operations, and provides a way of engaging and responding to customers and other stakeholders.

4 Name of Institution Amity Business School The Award is not given for specific products or services. Up to 18 Awards may be given annually across six eligibility categories –  manufacturing,  service,  small business,  education,  health care, and  nonprofit.

5 Name of Institution Amity Business School The following organizations have received the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in 2009: Honeywell Federal Manufacturing & Technologies, Kansas City, MO (manufacturing). Midway USA, Columbia, MO (small business). Atlantic Care, Egg Harbor Township, NJ (health care). Heartland Health, St. Joseph, MO (health care). VA Cooperative Studies Program Clinical Research Pharmacy Coordinating Center, Albuquerque, NM (nonprofit).

6 Name of Institution Amity Business School Criteria for Performance Excellence The main uses of the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence are : Education Organizational self-assessment and Self-improvement. The Criteria are also the basis for giving Baldrige Awards and giving feedback to Baldrige Award applicants.

7 Name of Institution Amity Business School Criteria for Performance Excellence A Framework

8 Name of Institution Amity Business School The framework illustrates how the criteria provides a system perspective for managing the organization to achieve performance excellence. Consists of 3 basic elements from top-to- bottom: 1.Organizational profile 2.System Operations 3.System Foundation

9 Name of Institution Amity Business School Organizational Profile the way organization operates Profile comprise of environment, key working relationships and strategic challenges. System Operations defined by six operations that achieve results.

10 Name of Institution Amity Business School Leadership, Strategic Planning & Customer Focus: emphasizes the importance leadership Focus on strategy and customers Senior employees set the organizational direction and seek future opportunities for organization Workforce Focus, Process Management & Results: Focuses on the workforce and the key processes that accomplish the work of the organization that yields overall performance results.

11 Name of Institution Amity Business School System Foundation composed of measurement, analysis & knowledge management, which are critical to a fact-based, knowledge-driven system for improving performance & competitiveness. The arrows between the operations signifies the importance of feedback in an effective performance management system.

12 Name of Institution Amity Business School In addition, the Criteria have the following three roles in strengthening U.S. competitiveness: To help improve organizational performance practices, capabilities, and results. To facilitate communication and sharing of information on best practices among U.S. organizations of all types. To serve as a working tool for understanding and managing performance and for guiding planning and opportunities for learning.

13 Name of Institution Amity Business School THANK YOU

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