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United Nations International Programme for Short-term Statistics United Nations Statistics Division Training Workshop on the Compilation of Quarterly National.

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Presentation on theme: "United Nations International Programme for Short-term Statistics United Nations Statistics Division Training Workshop on the Compilation of Quarterly National."— Presentation transcript:

1 United Nations International Programme for Short-term Statistics United Nations Statistics Division Training Workshop on the Compilation of Quarterly National Accounts for Economic Cooperation Organization Member Countries 8-11 March 2015 Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran

2 2  Background and origin  Overview and objectives  Status Outline of Presentation

3 3  40 th session of UNSC called for swift and coordinated statistical initiatives in response to global economic and financial crisis  UNSD organized 3 international seminars in collaboration with Eurostat, Statistics Canada, Statistics Netherlands and Russian Federal State Statistics Service Ottawa, Canada (27-29 May 2009) Scheveningen, Netherlands (14-16 December 2009) Moscow, Russian Federation (17-19 November 2010)  European Colloquium in Luxembourg (26-29 September 2010) also discussed statistical initiatives in response to the crisis Background and origin

4 4  Outcome: An international work programme for short-term statistics with 4 themes was developed for consideration by UNSC Cyclical composite indicators Economic tendency surveys Rapid estimates Data template and analytical indicators Background and origin

5 5  Each theme was led by a working group Cyclical composite indicators ▫Statistics Netherlands (lead agency) ▫Eurostat ▫Conference Board ▫UNSD Economic tendency surveys ▫UNSD (lead agency) ▫Eurostat ▫European Commission ▫OECD ▫KOF-ETH Zurich Background and origin

6 6 Rapid estimates ▫Eurostat (lead agency) ▫Statistics Netherlands ▫UNSD Data template and analytical indicators ▫UNSD (lead agency) ▫Eurostat ▫NSOs of Brazil and India  42 nd session of UNSC agreed with proposed international work programme Background and origin

7 7 Cyclical composite indicators  Cyclical composite indicators Address ongoing concerns in respect of assessing short- term changes in economic activities Serve as integral part of early warning system by providing information on occurrence and timing of economic upturns and downturns  Aims to provide best practices and harmonized principles on compilation and reporting of cyclical composite indicators  No existing international statistical guidance  Key deliverables Handbook on cyclical composite indicators Inventory of country practices through a global assessment Overview and objectives

8 8 Economic tendency surveys  Economic tendency surveys Provide qualitative information that cannot be collected using quantitative statistical methods Provide cost-effective means of generating timely information on short-term economic developments Serve as integral part of early warning system  Aims to provide best practices and harmonized principles on tendency survey sample selection, questionnaire design, survey questions, survey execution, data processing and use of composite tendency indicators  Key deliverable Handbook on economic tendency surveys Overview and objectives

9 9 Rapid estimates  Rapid estimates Are available with relatively shorter time lag Provide first official assessment of short-term changes in economic activities  Aims to develop international statistical guidelines on best practices and harmonized principles on compilation and reporting of rapid estimates of key macroeconomic indicators  No existing international statistical guidance  Key deliverables Glossary of terms Handbook on rapid estimates Inventory of country practices through a global assessment Overview and objectives

10 10 Data template and analytical indicators  Aims to establish internationally-accepted data and metadata template for short-term statistics for use in Macroeconomic surveillance Early warning of economic and financial vulnerabilities Detection of turning points in business cycles  Key deliverables Internationally-accepted data template with corresponding metadata Handbook on data template and metadata for short-term statistics Updated knowledge base on economic statistics Overview and objectives

11 11  Data template for short-term statistics Overview

12 12  Data template for short-term statistics Overview and objectives

13 13  Data template for short-term statistics Overview and objectives

14 14  Chapter 1: Data template for short-term statistics Overview and objectives

15 15  Chapter 1 (Data template for short-term statistics) Overview and objectives

16 16  Data template for short-term statistics Overview and objectives

17 17  Activities including the preparation of handbooks under each of the 4 themes are in various stages of progress under the aegis of a steering group on short-term statistics comprising Statistics Canada Statistics Netherlands Russian Federal State Statistics Service UNSD Eurostat  First draft of handbook on economic tendency surveys was circulated for global consultation in June 2014 Status

18 18 Thank You

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