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Three challenging realities: The critical role that the oceans play in people’s daily lives is not understood by the general population Oceanographic.

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2 Three challenging realities: The critical role that the oceans play in people’s daily lives is not understood by the general population Oceanographic discoveries are not being translated into educational materials and experiences that are suitable for “students” of all ages Ocean sciences education needs to be coordinated on a national level From NSF ‘White Paper’ 1999 The Impetus for COSEE

3 A Brief History of COSEE Center for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence Workshop May 23-26 2000 in Long Beach, MS. Sharon Walker, PI. 73 participants from multiple sectors; community needs focus Priority Recommendations Document to NSF, April 2001, From nine member Implementation Steering Committee Special Issue of Current, the Journal of Marine Education, Volume 17 (2) in 2001; Executive Summary and Excerpts from Report; Steering Committee Priority Document First NSF proposal cycle 2001-2002; second cycle 2004-2005; third RFP released by NSF November 2006; Submission deadline March 1, 2007 Seven Centers & one Coordinating Office funded in 2002; three additional Centers in 2005. Addition of at least one more anticipated in 2007.

4 NSF GOALS for COSEE To develop catalytic multi-dimensional partnerships between ocean science researchers and educators To foster communication & coordination among ocean science education programs nationwide To promote ocean education as an interdisciplinary tool for improving science education –Increase science literacy by increasing knowledge and interest in ocean sciences –Increase the participation of students from under-represented groups in the ocean sciences

5 The COSEE Model A network of collaborative partnerships to link academic centers of ocean science research to schools, school districts and informal learning centers such as aquariums and science museums Partnerships must involve at least one research institution, one formal education entity and one informal education provider and must engage in catalytic activities Programs and educational materials must actively engage students and the public in the excitement of science Centers may have either a regional focus or a national thematic mission and must contribute to national COSEE network activities

6 Funding Sources 2002-2006 National Science Foundation National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Ocean Service National Sea Grant Office of Education and Sustainable Development Office of Ocean Exploration Southeastern Universities Research Consortium (SURA) United States Navy; Office of Naval Research COSEE is NOT an NSF exclusive but a model that others can contribute to and/or adapt

7 Scientists and educators working together to advance ocean discovery and make known the vital role of the ocean in our lives. COSEE Mission Central Gulf of Mexico COSEE/U.S. Navy

8 Increased ocean awareness Increased number of students choosing careers in ocean sciences and science Increased number of students from under- represented groups in the ocean sciences Increased knowledge and interest in ocean sciences resulting in an increase in science literacy COSEE Vision University of Delaware

9 Transformative Partnerships: “inter- organizational relationships where the participants engage in reciprocal patterns of communication for the purposes of identifying shared vulnerabilities, developing shared goals and a shared understanding of how they will pursue and achieve these goals. “ Such partnerships must: Identify shared vulnerabilities and shared goals Have a focused message and mission for all partners Have the right people (at the right levels) Have convening power somewhere in the partnership Be accountable and scalable Gordon Kingsley, PI keynote 2003 “Partnerships can be diverse and structured in many different ways and still be effective” (Kingsley, 2004)

10 A Diverse Set of Partnerships Serving Multiple Audiences


12 COSEE Center Highlights COSEE New England: short courses and seminars for scientists; teacher and informal educator professional development; logic model for collaborative centers COSEE Ocean Systems: thematic center to broad understanding of the oceans in the context of the earth and solar systems; focus on rural and inland audiences COSEE Great Lakes: freshwater and “inland sea” component; ocean literacy for Native Americans and urban teachers and students COSEE Mid-Atlantic: use of data from coastal observing systems in K-12 classrooms; teacher professional development; on-line resources for undergraduate courses COSEE SouthEast: programs linking educators and scientists; cultural diversity for the ocean sciences; regional networking and collaboration

13 COSEE Center Highlights COSEE Florida: Florida resources web portal; secondary marine science textbook materials; statewide capacity building program COSEE Central Gulf of Mexico: teacher institutes and “teacher at sea” programs; workshops for informal educators and scientists; internships for minority students COSEE West: ocean scientist lecture series and workshops; master teacher network for Los Angeles area; college mentorship program; on-line teacher workshops COSEE California: undergraduate ocean sciences course; website; connections between scientists and informal educators; K-8 whole school immersion in ocean science COSEE Ocean Learning Communities: thematic Center focusing on “ learning community” models for fostering collaborations

14 COSEE Central Coordinating Office “the face” for COSEE in Washington, DC CCO Staff at the Consortium for Oceanographic Research and Education (CORE) Network Director, Dr. Susan Ganter; Award Principal Investigator, Dr. Sue Cook; Education Associate Henry Hope Coordination of network meetings and workshops; focus on addressing needs common to all Centers Communications tools for the COSEE network, Lee Larkin, Virginia Institute of Marine Science Network-level evaluation and performance metrics Dr. Mike Seaman, U. South Carolina

15 COSEE Network Governance National COSEE Council Responsibilities include internal network and external communication, policy setting, identification and dissemination of “Most effective practices,” network expansion (assists new Centers and enhances existing Centers). [1 representative from each Center plus non-voting members from funding agencies ] National Advisory Board Responsibilities include advice for the Network and recommendations to improve effectiveness of the national COSEE program, input and feedback to the National COSEE Council. [up to 12 members, representing major stakeholders]

16 COSEE Milestones Year 1: 2002-2003 Establishing the network Initial PI meeting; Evaluators workshop; Formation of the COSEE Council Year 2: 2003-2004 Building a collective vision & infrastructure Formation of a National Advisory Board; Facilitator-led Development of Internal Network Strategic Plan and Standard Operating Procedures; Second Network Meeting to formally adopt plan Year 3: 2004-2005 A year of steady progress Cross-cutting, multi-Center projects move forward; key NAB input; revision of the Strategic Plan; expanded role for the CCO; NOAA funding for network Evaluation; ONR/SURA funding for enhanced and better integrated website Year 4: 2005-2006 A year of expansion and focus on sustainability Network expansion; Collaborators meeting; Sharing at Network meeting; Viability workshop – COSEE Blueprint - measuring impact & outcomes.

17 PUBLICATIONS, NATIONAL PROGRAMS & PLANS Education and Public Outreach Guide published 2006 by The Oceanography Society; prepared by staff from COSEE California, COSEE Mid-Atlantic and COSEE New England) COSEE collaboration with NMEA, NOAA and NGS on Ocean Literacy The Essential Principles of Ocean Sciences K-12 ( ) Award-winning Communicating Science/Ocean Sciences course (developed by COSEE California) currently taught in various formats at 13 sites nationwide including UC Santa Barbara, Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, Oxnard Community College, WHOI, Rutgers University and others COSEE Blueprint document to be published later this spring to inform the ocean science and education community of the network’s external goals and anticipated outputs and outcomes


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