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Writing Lab: 09/10/13 On your paper: Please write your name and your child’s name Use 3 Adjectives to describe your child Example: studious, smart, clever,

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Presentation on theme: "Writing Lab: 09/10/13 On your paper: Please write your name and your child’s name Use 3 Adjectives to describe your child Example: studious, smart, clever,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing Lab: 09/10/13 On your paper: Please write your name and your child’s name Use 3 Adjectives to describe your child Example: studious, smart, clever, etc.

2 -B.A. English, UC Santa Barbara -Teaching Credential, CSU Long Beach -Student teaching, 7 th and 8 th grade MBMS -9 th and 10 th grade English teacher, Lincoln High School LAUSD -9 th grade English teacher, Mira Costa High School, MBUSD - 7 th grade English teacher, Manhattan Beach Middle School DANA VACCARO

3 Daily agenda and homework – The daily agenda will allow you to see what we are doing in class, and where to find the materials (what folder in ebackpack) Contact the teacher Extra support What we are learning Encouraging creativity

4 Goals for the class Develop students’ ability to be independent learners Prepare students for 8 th grade, high school, and the real world

5 7th Grade---the big transition A huge transition occurs between 6 th and 7 th grade 7 separate classes Responsibility falls on the student Writing takes on the structure teachers use in 8 th grade and high school Students take on the challenge of balancing school and extracurricular activities

6 How we can support students Encourage your student to take the initiative (independence ) Help remind your student to check due dates and the homework on the agenda at home. Students will make mistakes. Help students learn how to rebound after slip ups

7 Guided Reading Curriculum In addition to completing an independent reading goal and reading several non-fiction texts, students will complete units on the following: 1 st Trimester – Summer Reading – Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry – A Christmas Carol (play adaptation), Charles Dickens 2 nd Trimester - The Giver, Lois Lowry - Selections from Chew on This 3 rd Trimester – The Adventures of Tom Sawyer – Assigned Biography/Autobiography

8 Writing Students will have many opportunities to practice writing skills. In-class and take home essays Based on California State Writing Standards Focus on writing for different purposes/genres Narrative Literary Analysis/Informational Persuasive

9 How you can help ! Remind students to check their planner/calendar at home Check out bloggiwog to see what we are up to! Helpful classroom supplies – Composition notebooks for writing workshop – Tissues – Antibacterial cleaning wipes – Pens/pencils (used are fine!) – Highlighters – Post-its (all sizes) – Middle school level books – Hand sanitizer – Dry erase markers

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