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SCHOLARLY COMMUNICATION EXPRESS ALCTS Discussion ALA Annual July 28, 2014 Sherri L. Barnes Scholarly Communication Program Coordinator UC Santa.

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Presentation on theme: "SCHOLARLY COMMUNICATION EXPRESS ALCTS Discussion ALA Annual July 28, 2014 Sherri L. Barnes Scholarly Communication Program Coordinator UC Santa."— Presentation transcript:

1 SCHOLARLY COMMUNICATION EXPRESS ALCTS Discussion Group @ ALA Annual July 28, 2014 Sherri L. Barnes Scholarly Communication Program Coordinator UC Santa Barbara Library

2 1.UCSB Background 2.UCSB Library Background 3.Scholarly Communication Program background 4.Scholarly Communication Express 5.Origin and purpose 6.Implementation Overview


4 Library Background 3+ million volumes 40 librarians 24 subject specialist New administration New repository Building project

5 Scholarly Communication Program Scholarly Communication Program Coordinator – 50% time, promote awareness, coordinate training, administer OA Fund, eScholarship contact, system-wide schol comm action group rep, coordinate the Schol Comm Group Scholarly Communication Group - coordinators of 4 collection groups, Head of CD, AUL for Collections, life sciences librarian, chemistry librarian, social science data librarian, 26 faculty champions Multidisciplinary approach to scholarly communication and publishing issues OA Week programming since 2010 UC Academic Senate passed an OA Policy July 24, 2013

6 SCHOLARLY COMMUNICATION EXPRESS http:// Topics Altmetrics Creating data management plans Creative Commons licenses eScholarship EZID accounts NIH Public Access Policy compliance Open access publishing UC OA Policy Understanding article publication agreements Concept I5-minute presentations, on trends in academic publishing, delivered to campus departments and organizations.

7 Origin & Purpose Tied to goals: Short term: create an active consultation and education program Long term: be the campus authority on scholarly communication and publishing To increase the Scholarly Communication Program's visibility To just be available to do presentations wasn't enough To have a way to track the presentations we were doing as a result of general outreach - tabling, programs, responding to OA Fund questions, and good old fashion liaison work To address the problem of low attendance at drop-in sessions and programs; if they won't come to us, we'll go to them

8 Implementation Outreach Department helped to develop branding and publicity - the flyer, the webform, website and easy to use URL; campus wide email announcement sent Be flexible! For example, when French & Italian dept. requested three presentations, but limited me to 30 minutes librarians can complete the request form for their departments longer presentations are available upon request Response & Feedback conducted 3 sessions between April and May (FRIT; Sociology; Office of Research) One librarian announced the program at a faculty meeting that she attended, and was pleased to be able to show and leave the flyer Fall outreach plans: info at Library Open House, Library newsletter article, emails from liaison librarians, Open Access Week programs and tabling, OA Policy implementation tie-in

9 Illustration by David Foster

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