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Published byPhilomena Norman Modified over 9 years ago
Chapter 5 Called to the Ordained Life
The Sacraments The Sacraments of Initiation Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist establish our relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, call all of us to holiness, and consecrate us to be part of the Church’s mission to evangelize the whole world. The Sacraments of Healing Penance (or Reconciliation) and Anointing of the Sick continue Jesus’ ongoing ministry of healing and salvation; they offer God’s forgiveness and a way to experience and celebrate ongoing spiritual growth and conversion.
The Sacraments The Sacraments at the Service of Communion Holy Orders and Matrimony (Marriage) are given to foster the good of others, and they focus on the salvation of others, and also enhance personal salvation through serving others. (See Catechism, 1533.)
Quick Check What did Jesus teach us – by word and example – about service?
Quick Check What did Jesus teach us – by word and example – about service? Jesus modeled service by showing us unconditional love. He showed us service by the love he had for others, and his interactions with people. Jesus ’ love is active, does not discriminate, and is not concerned with what society thinks. He completely gave love in his sacrifice on the Cross.
Quick Check Who are the clergy?
Quick Check Who are the clergy? The clergy are deacons, priests, and bishops in the ordained ministry.
Quick Check What is the difference between the common priesthood and the ministerial priesthood?
Quick Check What is the difference between the common priesthood and the ministerial priesthood? All of the baptized are a part of the common priesthood of believers, and they give themselves to God and others in love in their particular circumstances. The ministerial priesthood consists of priests and bishops in ordained ministry who use their gifts and talents to respond to God ’ s call to serve him and his People. These men receive the Sacrament of Holy Orders.
Quick Check What does the Church mean by Sacraments at the Service of Communion?
Quick Check What does the Church mean by Sacraments at the Service of Communion? These sacraments are given to foster the good of others, they focus on the salvation of others, and enhance personal salvation through serving others.
Three Degrees in the Sacrament of Holy Orders The Order of Bishop: Pontiff and Pastor The episcopacy, the Order of Bishop, is the highest degree of Holy Orders. The bishops are in a direct, unbroken line from the Apostles who received their mission from Jesus, as well as the power to act in his person. The Order of Presbyter: Coworker of the Bishop Priests form around their bishop a presbyterium – “an intimate sacramental brotherhood” – that helps them serve and govern the local Church, or diocese. Each priest receives from the bishop the charge of a parish community or is appointed to a special ministry to serve God’s people.
Three Degrees in the Sacrament of Holy Orders The Diaconate: To Be the Servant Christ The word deacon means “servant.” Deacons participate in Jesus’ work and grace by modeling their ministry after Christ. They are ordained to assist the bishop in his works of service. Deacons assist the bishop and priests in the celebration of the Eucharist and distribution of Holy Communion, they bless marriages, proclaim the Gospel, preach, baptize, preside over funerals, and engage in various ministries.
Quick Check What are the three degrees (or orders) of the Sacrament of Holy Orders?
Quick Check What are the three degrees (or orders) of the Sacrament of Holy Orders? The three degrees (or orders) of the Sacrament of Holy Orders are the Order of Bishop, the Order of Presbyter, and the Order of the Diaconate.
Quick Check What is the College of Bishops and how is it symbolized at the ordination of a bishop?
Quick Check What is the College of Bishops and how is it symbolized at the ordination of a bishop? The College of Bishops is the community of bishops. It is symbolized by the presence of at least two other bishops besides the principle ordaining bishop at the ordination.
Quick Check What is a presbyter and what does he do in the Church?
Quick Check What is a presbyter and what does he do in the Church? A presbyter is a priest who is a part of the presbyterium, “ an intimate sacramental brotherhood, ” that helps the bishop serve and govern the local Church. The presbyter receives from the bishop the charge of a parish community, or is appointed to a special ministry to serve God ’ s people, for example as a teacher, canon lawyer, or diocesan official.
Quick Check What are the three main areas of service that deacons undertake?
Quick Check What are the three main areas of service that deacons undertake? Deacons serve God ’ s people through the ministries of the word of God, of the liturgy, and of charity and justice. Deacons assist the bishop and priests in the celebration of the Eucharist and distribution of Holy Communion, they bless marriages, proclaim the Gospel, preach, baptize, preside over funerals, and engage in various ministries.
Quick Check How do priests and bishops help build up God ’ s kingdom through the celebration of the sacraments?
Quick Check How do priests and bishops help build up God ’ s kingdom through the celebration of the sacraments? It is through the sacraments that all baptized Catholics, regardless of their state in life, meet Christ and receive his grace. The sacraments make our life possible, and they share God ’ s life with us, and lead us to him.
Quick Check How does the practice of celibacy in the priesthood differ between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Catholic Churches?
Quick Check How does the practice of celibacy in the priesthood differ between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Catholic Churches? In the Roman Catholic Church, priests are not permitted to marry, and are not chosen from among married men. The exception is the Protestant married clergy who becomes a priest — he may remain married. In the Eastern Catholic Churches, married men can be ordained as deacons or priests. Bishops, however, can only be chosen from among celibate men, and once a man is ordained, he is not allowed to marry.
Quick Check How would you describe a priest ’ s daily life?
Quick Check How would you describe a priest ’ s daily life? Key ideas: all priests pray the Liturgy of the Hours every day, and focus on the spiritual dimensions of their lives through celebration of the Eucharist, prayers, devotions, reading of Scripture, and meditation. Priests ’ daily life activities vary depending on their ministry focus. They might work in a parish ministering to the people, and celebrating the sacraments. They have paperwork to attend to, bills to pay, hospital visits to make, and so on.
Quick Check What is the difference between a diocesan priest and a religious order priest?
Quick Check What is the difference between a diocesan priest and a religious order priest? Diocesan priests are not members of religious orders. A religious order priest belongs to a religious community and professes vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. He often wears a distinctive habit, and his ordination may be conferred by the local bishop, or by the abbot of his order. Diocesan priests ’ ordination is conferred by the bishop, they promise to be obedient to the bishop and to remain celibate, but do not take a vow of poverty. They do not wear a religious habit, but wear a black suit or cassock with a Roman collar to identify them as priests.
Bishops as Successors of the Apostles While Jesus was with them on earth, he prepared the Apostles to lead the Church after he ascended into heaven. He gave them authority to cast out unclean spirits and to heal the sick. He sent them out two by two to preach and heal. On the night before he died, Jesus gave his Apostles his Body and Blood and the power to “do this in memory” of him, and thereby make him present once again changing bread and wine into his Body and Blood.
When the risen Christ came to the Apostles in the upper room, Jesus said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained” (John 20:23). He directed Peter, as the first bishop and pope, to lead his sheep. This began the succession of Apostles in the episcopacy and lent great stability to the early Church. As he prepared to ascend to heaven, he gave them the mandate to “ Go therefore and make disciples of all nations ” (Matthew 28:19). On Pentecost Sunday, he sent his Holy Spirit to empower them.
Responsibilities of the Bishop In each diocese the bishop has the responsibility to: authentically teach the faith celebrate divine worship, especially the Eucharist oversee the spiritual ministry of all Catholic parishes, schools, or other ministries in the diocese of the bishop guide his Church as a true pastor work with the diocese’s presbyterium, religious communities, and laity.
Quick Check What is apostolic succession?
Quick Check What is apostolic succession? The Church was meant to live on into the future, so the Apostles identified and raised new leaders for the Church, just as Jesus did. This practice continues to this day. Apostolic succession assures us that today ’ s bishops are successors of the Apostles in a direct, unbroken line.
Quick Check What is the role of the pope?
Quick Check What is the role of the pope? The pope is the Bishop of Rome and the head of the College of Bishops today. He is the “ vicar ” or agent of Christ, and the universal Pastor of the Church on earth. He is the Pontiff, or “ bridge maker, ” who acts as a bridge between God and the Body of Christ, the Church.
Quick Check What is a local ordinary called to do for his diocese?
Quick Check What is a local ordinary called to do for his diocese? The bishop ’ s role is to shepherd his people. He authentically teaches the faith, celebrates the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, oversees the spiritual ministry of all Catholic parishes, schools, or other ministries in the diocese, guides the Church as a true pastor, and works with the diocese ’ s presbyterium, religious communities, and laity.
Quick Check How are bishops God ’ s stewards?
Quick Check How are bishops God ’ s stewards? A steward is a servant who cares for someone else ’ s property or household. The bishop is God ’ s steward because he is responsible for God ’ s people. He must live in accordance with God ’ s word and the teachings of the Church, preach with sound doctrine and argue effectively with anyone who refutes God ’ s word.
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