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USTRANSCOM Joint Training and Education Program OPR: USTCJ3-Training and Exercise Division 2 March 2009 UNCLASSIFIED.

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1 USTRANSCOM Joint Training and Education Program OPR: USTCJ3-Training and Exercise Division 2 March 2009 UNCLASSIFIED

2 2 Purpose: Provide an information briefing covering the main points of the USTRANSCOM training and education program. Introduce for discussion a proposed modification to the “standard” depiction of the Joint Training System. Agenda Goals of the program Joint Training System at USTRANSCOM Individual, Staff and Collective Joint Training and Education Joint Deployment and Distribution Enterprise Competency Model Oversight Automated Training Management Purpose and Agenda

3 Commander’s Intent Commander’s Intent for Training and Education – If USTRANSCOM were to face a national crisis tomorrow, for example a major theater war demanding full mobilization, or a natural disaster of the scope of a Hurricane Katrina, we will be ready to execute our mission to the same high standards with which we conduct our day to day activities. To maintain this level of readiness, the training and education program has these three goals: 1.Treat job performance activities as training events. Link the activity to joint mission essential tasks and distribution process owner requirements and assess them periodically for improved effectiveness, efficiency and readiness. 2. Take full advantage of the major training events. Use challenging scenarios within our Tier 1 exercises to train and assess individual, staff, component and operations center performance. Adopt a “perform outside the business as usual box” attitude and integrate across the staff. 3. Maintain steady-state readiness in preparation for an uncertain future. Continue to execute sustainment operations in support of global commitments to high standards while at the same time developing individuals and teams that will ensure future success. Individual and directorate level training and education are key in this regard, including an emphasis on joint logistician development. 3

4 Joint Training System* *per the Joint Training Manual Derived from National Military Strategy and Assigned Missions Based on Commander’s Intent & Joint Doctrine Stated in Terms of Joint Mission Essential Tasks, Conditions, and Joint Standards Derived from National Military Strategy and Assigned Missions Based on Commander’s Intent & Joint Doctrine Stated in Terms of Joint Mission Essential Tasks, Conditions, and Joint Standards Commander Assesses:  Training Effectiveness  Joint Readiness Identify Ability to Meet Joint Standards: Strength/Deficiencies in Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership & Education, Personnel and Facilities Commander Assesses:  Training Effectiveness  Joint Readiness Identify Ability to Meet Joint Standards: Strength/Deficiencies in Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership & Education, Personnel and Facilities Joint Training Conducted by CJCS & Combatant Commands It is a Commander’s Responsibility to Ensure that All Joint Training Events are Evaluated Joint Training Conducted by CJCS & Combatant Commands It is a Commander’s Responsibility to Ensure that All Joint Training Events are Evaluated Driven by Mission Requirements, Training Audience, and Tools Creates Joint Training Plan and Establishes Objectives to Meet Training Requirements Guidance Provided and Schedules Deconflicted by CJCS and USJFCOM using JTIMS Driven by Mission Requirements, Training Audience, and Tools Creates Joint Training Plan and Establishes Objectives to Meet Training Requirements Guidance Provided and Schedules Deconflicted by CJCS and USJFCOM using JTIMS Requirements Plans Assessments Execution Improve Joint Readiness Improve Joint Readiness JTPMTA JMETL TPE

5 Individual Learning Plans Joint Training System at USTRANSCOM Phase I - Requirements Strategy &PlanningDocuments Phase II - Plans Joint Training Plan feedback Phase IV - Assessment JDDECompetencyModel Link to readiness reporting Defense Readines s Reporting System Phase III – Execution how we’ve done Processes supported by JTIMS Processes supported by LMS individual staff collective Distribution Academy Systems training Supply Chain Education Mandatory training Day-to-day activities design plan prepare execute evaluate Knowledge, Skills, Abilities Joint Mission Essential Task List things we’ve learned Table top exercises Joint exercises Academics

6 6 Individual Program PhaseRequirementsPlansExecutionAssessment Prior to arrivalAssess current level of competence Upon arrivalJDDE Competency Model Complete individual development plan Distribution academy Systems tng Mandatory tng Directorate orientations Review training and education qualifications During assignment Review ind dev plan at least annually Systems tng Supply chain education Mandatory tng Day-to-day activities Directorate programs At least annually in conjunction with performance evals

7 USTRANSCOM JDDE Competency Model SupplyTransportationPlanning Supplier Selection and Negotiation Supplier Relationship Management Sourcing & Procurement Strategy Inventory Planning Inventory Management Material Disposition (Disposal, Reclamation, Recycling, Repair) Return/Retrograde Demand Forecasting Network Optimization in Planning Requirements Planning (Deployment) Sustainment Planning Distribution Requirements Planning (DRP) Adaptive Planning Distribution Network Analysis Carrier Negotiation, Contract Management and Adjustment Inbound/Outbound Transportation Management Transportation Planning Transportation Marketplace Knowledge Deployment & Sustainment Optimization Joint Process & Systems Integration Regional COCOM Strategy & Interoperability Movement Requirement Forecasting Materiel Management/Readiness Transportation Mode Selection Contracting Joint Theater Logistics Host Nation Support Coalition Operations Joint Deployment & Distribution Architecture (JDDA) Distribution Portfolio Management (DPfM) End-to-End Analysis (Supply- Transportation-Theater Distribution) Joint Capabilities Integration & Development System (JCIDS) In-transit Visibility (ITV)/Asset Visibility Organizational Relationships Measures and Performance Management Multinational Relationship Management Service-to-Service Interoperability Joint Deployment and Distribution Enterprise Relationship Management Supply Chain Performance Management Key Performance Metrics Budget Administration Financial Relationship Management Joint Deployment & Distribution Leadership Risk Management Understanding of Organizations, Cultures, Individuals Joint Leadership Deployment and Distribution Strategy

8 JDDE Education & Training Catalog

9 9 Program has origins in a Training Model Individual Joint Training Staff Training Collective Training cyclical (training repeats over time) sequential (lower level training normally precedes upper level) integrated (vertical and horizontal integration, when applicable, across the command) linked to readiness (logical connectivity from JMET to training event) Distribution Academy Directorate/branch orientations DDOC tng Joint Deployment Distribution Enterprise competency model systems tng mandatory training (eg, portal) Learning Management System pre-exercise tng branch tng (cert) support to other COCOM exercises table-top exercises [JTF-PO, DDOC, ] Joint Exercises Joint Training Information Management System integration time National Strategic Operational Tactical READINESS Interagency piece Assignment to TC 1 234 reality

10 10 …that nests requirements… Core Joint Mission Essential Task List SN 4 Provide Sustainment SN 5.1 Operate and Manage Global Communications and Info Systems SN 5.7.7 Manage DoD Distribution Process SN 2.4 Produce Strategic Intelligence SN 1.2.8 Provide Global Patient Movement and Evacuation SN 1.2 Conduct Deployment and Redeployment Supporting JMETS Supporting JMETS Supporting JMETS Individual tasks derived from JMETS Individual tasks, knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes not derived from JDDE billets nor from JMETS Individual KSAA derived from JDDE billets Individual tasks derived from JMETS Supporting JMETS Supporting JMETS Individual tasks Individual KSAA Strategic Readiness Tactical ReadinessOperational Readiness READY TO FIGHT Ability to execute full range of National Military Strategy CJCS JOINT READINESS Ability to provide, integrate and synchronize forces to execute assigned missions (JFRR) COMBATANT COMMANDS UNIT READINESS Ability to provide designed capabilities (ESORTS) SERVICES JMETS PeopleEquipmentTraining SupplyOrdnance Combat Support Agencies

11 11 Staff Program PhaseRequirementsPlansExecutionAssessment USTRANSCOM JMETs Staff supporting JMETL tasks Joint Training Plan Day-to-day activities Academics Table-top exercises Tier I-IV joint exercises Monthly – JMETL tasks Cyclic – event related assessments Annually -

12 12 Collective Program PhaseRequirementsPlansExecutionAssessment JMETs Staff supporting JMETL Subordinate METs Joint Training Plan Academics Table-top exercises Tier I joint exercises Monthly Cyclic Annually

13 13 Joint Exercises National, Chairman’s and Joint Exercise Programs o Battlestaff and functional exercises at USTRANSCOM Levels of participation o Tiers I- IV Types of exercise support o modeling and simulation o Joint Training and Experimentation Network o Deployable Distribution C2 enablers

14 Requirements Module Scheduling Module Fulfillment Generator The Fulfillment Generator replicates the national stock level and depot system of all classes of supply and their stored locations. Requisitions are fulfilled and a movement request is sent to the Scheduler. Requirements Generator The Requirements Generator accepts inputs from a war fight model and generates requisition level detail for attrited and consumed goods. Requirements are generated from three primary areas: the war fight, planned sustainment, and force flow. Scheduler The Scheduler accepts movement requests and produces schedules and Transportation Control Number (TCN) level manifests for movement of requirements from fulfillment locations to the port of debarkation. Fulfillment Module The War Fight Model The War Fight Model generates attrition and consumption based on a particular Combatant Commander’s (COCOM) war fight. This information passes to the Requirements Generator to begin the process to replenish those goods attrited or consumed. Command and Control (C2) Systems C2 systems identified by COCOMS, component commands, and national partners are populated with schedules and TCN level manifests to provide Total Asset Visibility (TAV). JDLM War Fight Model SUSGEN JFAST GDSS C2/ ITV Systems GES COP SMS IC3 JOPES CAMPS JLVC/JMRM M & S Support – Distribution Environment Support System

15 Training and Education Oversight Directors, Division and Branch Chiefs – Identify requirements. Plan, Execute and Assess individual and staff training and education. Joint Training Working Group – action officers for all training and education activities; assisted by “distributed training support personnel”* Joint Training and Education Synchronization Council – O6 level; formed to influence and direct any training and education issue* Joint Exercise Planning Group – action officers for JELC exercise activities* Joint Exercise Control Group – “the white cell”; provides oversight for JELC exercise activities* 15

16 16 Joint Training Information Management System PhaseRequirementsPlansExecutionAssessment JTIMS supports linkage to DRRS/ESORTS JMETL developed in ESORTS and imported to JTIMS JTP Event Summary Training objectives Collection management task performance observations and training proficiency assessments Training proficiency assessments exported to DRRS

17 17 Learning Management System PhaseRequirementsPlansExecutionAssessment LMSIndividuals and supervisors are notified of, and determine, requirements Individual Development (Learning) Plan Facilitates online education; Notification and tracking tools

18 Individual Learning Plans Summary: Joint Training System at USTRANSCOM Phase I - Requirements Strategy &PlanningDocuments Phase II - Plans Joint Training Plan feedback Phase IV - Assessment JDDECompetencyModel Link to readiness reporting Defense Readines s Reporting System Phase III – Execution how we’ve done Processes supported by JTIMS Processes supported by LMS individual staff collective Distribution Academy Systems training Supply Chain Education Mandatory training Day-to-day activities design plan prepare execute evaluate Knowledge, Skills, Abilities Joint Mission Essential Task List things we’ve learned Table top exercises Joint exercises Academics

19 Conclusion Three goals –Treat job performance activities as training events. Link the activity to joint mission essential tasks and distribution process owner requirements –Take full advantage of major training events –Maintain steady state readiness with a program that includes the individual development component Program recognizes the individual training and education requirement throughout the process –JDDE competency model Yet to be done: the complete collective to individual connection 19

20 20 Questions / comments ?

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