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Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop1 January – February 2006.

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1 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop1 January – February 2006

2 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop2 Objectives and Agenda District STAR coordinators will follow correct STAR procedures and train site coordinators to conduct testing consistently What’s new? Preparation Before testing Security During testing After testing H 1

3 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop3 Prepare

4 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop4 Prepare Before Testing

5 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop5 Prepare Before Testing During Testing

6 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop6 Prepare Before Testing During Testing After Testing

7 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop7 What’s New? Science operational in grades 8 and 10 No below-level testing Answer docs –A1, A2, A3, A4 –EL in U.S. less than 12 months M 2

8 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop8 More New Report irregularities using form SGID –0000001 only for NPCS –9999999999 for Katrina-relocated students SSID (CSIS) code on answer docs labels M 3

9 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop9 More New Braille: uncontracted at grade 2 only Writing test: plan page with directions in DFA; no scratch paper End-of-Course (EOC) Science: no UC d, g requirement Supplemental Orders: call in M 3

10 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop10 Preparation for Testing Train site coordinators –Who train examiners Schedule –Either by district OR –By site Correct data in Pre-ID M 4-19

11 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop11 Training Tips Mnemonic Devices P is for Parent Exemption. Every good boy does fine. Item and Time Chart Recommended 1 part/day, grades 2-3 Scheduling Tips H 2 M A-27

12 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop12 CST Test Parts Multiple-Choice Multiple sections of each subject Parts administered consecutively Options for scheduling: –Same day, with break –Consecutive days; recommended for grades 2-3 Writing: No break CAT/6 test parts: timed All of one subject on same day 10 minute break M A-27

13 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop13  How much testing time does a 7 th grader need? Writing 75 Multiple-Choice 320 Breaks in MC 20 CAT/6 Survey 180 Total Time 595 H 2

14 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop14 Correct Pre-ID Data without Charge Two chances before testing: When first uploading, receive zip file of all students with blanks in key fields (ethnicity, language fluency, disability, CBEDS, mobility, NSLP) –Resubmit, Enter data on screen or hand-grid At cut-off date, receive zip file of all students with blanks in key fields –Hand-grid on answer doc During scoring and after data reporting, districts charged for corrections

15 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop15 Before Testing Delivery –How do you know when? –What if scheduled during spring break? Keep secure Inventory materials –Track –How are they packaged? Distribute M 6 - 7 M 20 M A-52 - 65

16 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop16 Delivery: How do you know when? MC: 10-20 days before testing; writing Feb 21-28 (April 18-25) See Test Administration Summary screen on STAR Management System No deliveries during district office breaks (not included in delivery window) H 3

17 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop17 Inventory Materials Keep secure Inventory –Use Tracking Sheets –CAPA and EAP in separate boxes H 3 M A-52 - 65

18 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop18 Box 1 District Box 1 One copy of each DFA SGIDs Freight Kits Paper Rulers Paper Bands Processing Form Materials Receipt Acknowledgement Form District Overage School Box 1 Test Site Manual Info SGIDs Freight Kits Paper Rulers Paper Bands Master File Sheets Instructions for Pre-ID Documents Site Overage

19 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop19 Other Boxes For Each Site EAP CAPA Test Booklets, Answer Documents Labels, separate shipment

20 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop20 Supplemental Orders What you receive with initial order: –Booklets ordered –Plus 5% overage at district; 10% overage at site –Packaged by 5s and 20s To order more, call STAR TAC (800-955-2954) Caution: Excessive ordering charged if less than 90% of booklets ordered are used H 3

21 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop21 Distribute to Testing Sites Writing tests: Feb. 27 – March 3 (April 24 – 28) –To examiner day of test only Multiple-Choice: 5 – 10 days before first test –To examiner day of test only CAPA: 5 – 10 days before first test –Examiners should review the week before first test H 3

22 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop22 During Testing Ensure correct booklets go to right student (EOC math and science) Emphasize following DFAs and reading “Say Boxes” exactly Report –Irregularities to CDE; use form or e-mail –Administrative errors to district coordinator M A-18 - 19 M A-31 - 35

23 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop23 Test Books One Book For Each Grade Grade 3: 2 books (CAT/6 timed) Writing (March 7, May 2) CAPA (10 questions each subject) EAP Essay (admin before May 3) EOC Math/Science H 4

24 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop24 Math (grades 8-11) Given to students completing standards- based course Must code appropriate test or not scored Required of all 8 th and 9 th graders General Math – All 8 th, 9 th grade students not completing standards-based course this year (e.g. taking business math) Grades 10, 11 take Math CST if –Completing course aligned with standards –If no Algebra II and no CST math currently, no test M A-18

25 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop25 High School Summative Math Completed Algebra II or Integ. III CST –Enrolled in more advanced math –Or taking no math May be repeated M A-18

26 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop26 Science (grades 9-11) EOC science given to students completing standards-based course Must code appropriate test or not scored All 8 th and 10 th grade booklets include science; reference sheets for grade 8 Some 10 th graders will take 2 science tests; up to 5 CST tests M A-19

27 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop27 DFAs SAYLook at the front cover of your test booklet. Be sure your name is written in Section 1 at the top of the front cover. If your name is not written there, please raise your hand. H 5 T  What are differences among DFA excerpts?

28 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop28 Report Irregularities Only by form or e-mail; no calls CDE may direct you to enter something in A1. Track administrative errors in district M A-31 - 35

29 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop29 After Testing Grid A2, A3, A4 Ensure all demographics correct if hand-gridded Separate scorables from non- scorables Complete paperwork for scorables Return all secure materials; use correct labels M A-11 - 13

30 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop30 Accommodations vs. Modifications Accommodations result in valid test Testing accommodations must match instructional accommodations Decided by IEP or 504 only –IEP cannot exempt any students Modifications change test interpretation (not a valid result) – Far Below Basic on aggregated reports –Actual score on individual reports –Not counted as tested for AYP H 6; M A-20 - 25

31 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop31 Adults Grid A2, A3, A4 By Individual Tests: see key in DFA (inside back cover, manual pp. A-11-13) A2: Special Conditions Not tested: PATEM Enrolled after first day and tested: L Tried to test: F, Z Leave blank: N, C H 6-7; M A-11 - 13

32 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop32 A3, A4 A3: Accommodations and Modifications A4: English Learner Test Variations –A: Translated directions –B: Breaks –C: Tested separately with other ELs –D: Used Glossary/Word list  Work with a partner to discuss how to handle A2, A3, A4 in your districts. H 6-7; M A-11 - 13

33 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop33 Scorables 2, 3 test booklets Writing booklets EAP essays 4 – 11 Answer docs CAPA Answer docs SGIDs Master File Sheets Processing Form (district only) Secure Non-Scorables CAPA Examiner’s Manuals 4 – 11 booklets EOC math, science booklets Grade 2, writing DFAs Voided answer docs Braille, large print booklets EAP Essay prompts Unused 2, 3 booklets

34 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop34 Pack Scorables Inspect scorables for completeness 1 Master File for school for each admin for each school on top SGID for each grade; 1 for all of CAPA CAPA on top of lowest grade (not return stimulus cards) Lowest grades on top Highest grades on bottom  List the order that a site coordinator should pack the scorable documents. H 8

35 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop35 If Scorables Found Later, Call STAR TAC If processing not started, rush return (cost: shipping) If processing occurring, return with P.O. for $4.75 per document; reported with rest If processing completed, return with P.O. for $360; not in reports, but counted in AYP, API H 8

36 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop36 SGID 0000001 only for NPCS 9999999999 for students relocated due to Katrina No grade for CAPA Back –Instructional Materials for grades 2 – 8 only –Teacher names (optional) Caution: If SGID is a different grade than answer sheets, no scores for students, but counted as participating

37 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop37 Teacher Names on SGID Group Name for Teacher Reports Take precedence over teacher names on Pre-ID Use teacher names with separate SGID for each classroom Teacher reports then have stats for a single teacher names rather than for a whole grade

38 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop38 When to Return Writing Site to District: working day after testing (March 9, May 4) District to Scoring Center: working day after receipt from site (March 13, May 8) Do not return with scorables if not answered H 9

39 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop39 When to Return Multiple-choice and CAPA Site: 2 working days after last test of that admin District: 5 working days after last test of that admin Keep each administration separate H 9

40 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop40 When to Return EAP Essay Site to District: –Working day after testing –No later than May 4 District to Scoring Center: –5 working days after testing –No later than May 5 or not counted H 9

41 Jan/Feb 2006Pre-Test Workshop41 Summary Security: Most important Prepare: train, schedule, correct Pre-ID Before: inventory, supplemental orders, keep secure, distribute During: correct booklets to students; DFAs, irregularities After: Grid A2, A3, A4; scorables, non scorables; pack; SGID; when to return Quiz answers Evaluations

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