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Leading God’s People God’s Way Lesson 17 – The Law of Victory.

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1 Leading God’s People God’s Way Lesson 17 – The Law of Victory

2 The Law of Victory Leaders find a way for the team to win Proverbs 11:14 For lack of guidance a nation falls, but many advisers make victory sure. 1 Corinthians 9:24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.

3 Discussion (in groups of 3 or 4) a)Where there is no guidance or wisdom a nation, or a team, falls. But, where there is Godly, wise leadership, victory is sure. What are you doing in your life to grow in wisdom? b)Paul said when we run a race we should run in such a way as to win. In other words, we should think like a winner and expect to win. Do you think like a winner or a looser? How can you think more like a winner?

4 Our Story in History 750550650 Northern Kingdom of Israel taken into captivity by Assyria c. 722 BC Josiah becomes King of Judah at age 8, after his father Amon died c. 640 BC Josiah is killed in battle against Egypt. He ruled in Jerusalem for 31 years. c. 609 BC DavidJesus c. = circa (about) Israel 700600 Southern Kingdom of Judah taken into captivity by Babylon c. 586 BC Judah Josiah

5 Scriptures to Read 2 Chronicles 34:1-33 2 Chronicles 34:1-33 2 Chronicles 35:1-27 2 Chronicles 35:1-27

6 Kishon River Valley of Megiddo Sea of Galilee Dead Sea Jordan River Josiah Purges Judah And Jerusalem In the 8 th year of his reign, at the age of 16, Josiah began to seek the Lord In the 12 th year of his reign, at the age of 20, he began to purge Jerusalem and Judah of all worship of idols and false gods. Naphtali MANASSEH Zebulun Asher Jerusalem JUDAH EPHRAIM Samaria

7 Kishon River Valley of Megiddo Sea of Galilee Dead Sea Jordan River Josiah Purges all Israel Samaria Josiah also went throughout Israel and destroyed all traces of idol worship and collecting an offering to rebuild the temple. After he was done he returned to Jerusalem NAPHTALI MANASSEH ZEBULUN ASHER Jerusalem JUDAH EPHRAIM

8 Josiah Commissions the Repair of the Temple KIDRON VALLEY Wall of the city in Josiah’s time Meters Present day wall of Old City Josiah sent his officials to begin repairing the temple. While they were doing that, they found the Book of The Law and brought it to Josiah.

9 Josiah Has the Law Read to the People KIDRON VALLEY Wall of the city in Josiah’s time Meters Present day wall of Old City Josiah had the Book of the Law read before all the people. This lead to repentance and revival amongst the people.

10 Josiah Celebrates the Passover KIDRON VALLEY Wall of the city in Josiah’s time Meters Present day wall of Old City After Josiah read the Law before the people, he realized that they had neglected to celebrate the Passover as the Lord had said. So, on the fourteenth day of the first month. Josiah celebrated the Passover according to the directions that God gave Moses.

11 Josiah is Killed in Battle King Neco of Egypt was on his way to fight Carchemish on the Euphrates. King Josiah went out to meet him in battle, even though Neco said he did not want to fight Josiah. But, Josiah insisted, and was hit by an arrow in battle. He died on the way back to Jerusalem. Jerusalem Egypt Carchemish

12 Discussion (in groups of 3 or 4) a)Even as a young man, Josiah sought the Lord to walk in his ways. What are you doing in your life to seek the ways of the Lord, and to find out His will and purpose for your life? b)Josiah initiated reforms that led to the breakthrough that Israel needed to experience victory. He was always looking for a way to help the nation win. What are you doing to help your team or organization experience victory?

13 What Do We Learn From Josiah? 1. Victory is preceded by a breakthrough. 2. Victory is possible despite impossible circumstances. 3. A leader’s first victory is over himself. 4. The people’s victory follows the leader’s breakthrough.

14 Victory is preceded by a breakthrough Breakthrough precedes victory. Josiah did five things to ensure breakthrough: 1. He modeled openness and teachability 2. He created a hunger for change and renewal 3. He initiated reforms which led to breakthrough

15 Victory is preceded by a breakthrough Breakthrough precedes victory. Josiah did five things to ensure breakthrough: 4. He understood the root issues that would bring victory 5. He demonstrated commitment to getting the job done

16 Victory is possible despite impossible circumstances Success has nothing to do with luck, talent, or the family we are born into. Like most of the rest of us, Josiah had to overcome many obstacles: 1. His age 2. A horrible family background 3. The absence of a positive role model 4. The miserable spiritual condition of the nation

17 Discussion (in groups of 3 or 4) a)Breakthrough is often what makes the difference between being successful or not. Have you every experienced a breakthrough that led to a victory in your life? b)Success has nothing to do with luck, talent, or the family we are born into. Josiah had to overcome many obstacles before he was successful. Do you push through obstacles until you see success, or do you accept defeat?

18 A leader’s first victory is over himself How does a leader go about seeking the first victory over self? Here is what Josiah did: 1. He remained open and teachable 2. He removed obstacles from the past 3. He realized what he needed to give and gave it 4. He recognized the key to victory 5. He retained a personal commitment to succeed

19 The people’s victory follows the leader’s breakthrough Leaders must help their people to have breakthrough. Here are some things you can do: 1. Understand breakthrough timing 2. Pray for a breakthrough 3. Become a breakthrough person 4. Find breakthrough leaders

20 Discussion (in groups of 3 or 4) a)The first battle every leader must win is the battle with himself. You must learn to lead yourself before you can lead others. Are you taking responsibility for winning the battle over yourself? b)A leader must also help his people to experience breakthrough and victory in their lives. Are your people winning or losing? Are you helping them to experience breakthrough and victory?

21 Homework – Scriptures to Read 1 Kings 1:28-40 1 Kings 1:28-40 1 Kings 3:1-28 1 Kings 3:1-28 1 Kings 4:1-34 1 Kings 4:1-34 1 Kings 5:1-12 1 Kings 5:1-12 1 Kings 9:15-26 1 Kings 9:15-26

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