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Simplify, Add, Subtract, Multiply and Divide

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Presentation on theme: "Simplify, Add, Subtract, Multiply and Divide"— Presentation transcript:

1 Simplify, Add, Subtract, Multiply and Divide
Square Roots

2 Simplifying Square Roots
Square root is in simplest form when….. The radicand of a square root does not have a perfect-square factor greater than 1. The radicand of a square root is not a fraction. The square root is not the denominator of a fraction.

3 Simplifying Square Roots
The radicand of a square root does not have a perfect-square factor greater than 1.

4 Simplifying Square Roots
The radicand of a square root is not a fraction.

5 Simplifying Square Roots
The square root is not the denominator of a fraction.

6 Adding and Subtracting with Square Roots
Simplify The sums and differences of square roots with similar radicands can be simplified based on the distributive property. addition

7 Subtracting with Square Roots
The sums and differences of square roots with similar radicands can be simplified based on the distributive property. subtraction

8 Multiplying with Square Roots
Product Property of Square Roots: For all positive real numbers a and b,

9 Dividing with Square Roots
Quotient Property of Square Roots: For all positive real numbers a and b,

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