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Coordination Project # 2007-407-00 Heather Ray Executive Director Upper Snake River Tribes Foundation (USRT)

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Presentation on theme: "Coordination Project # 2007-407-00 Heather Ray Executive Director Upper Snake River Tribes Foundation (USRT)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Coordination Project # 2007-407-00 Heather Ray Executive Director Upper Snake River Tribes Foundation (USRT)

2  Restore the Snake River Basin to a natural condition and facilitate tribal unity to protect and nurture all Compacting tribes rights, languages, cultures, and traditions USRT Charter

3 USRT Membership  Burns Paiute Tribe Burns, Oregon  Paiute-Shoshone Tribe Ft McDermitt, Oregon/Nevada  Shoshone-Paiute Tribes Duck Valley, Idaho/Nevada  Shoshone-Bannock Tribes Fort Hall, Idaho

4 USRT Traditional Lands Traditional Western Shoshone Lands Traditional Eastern Shoshone & Bannock Lands Burns-Paiute Indian Reservation Burns-Paiute Indian Reservation Fort McDermitt Indian Reservation Fort McDermitt Indian Reservation Fort Hall Indian Reservation Fort Hall Indian Reservation Duck Valley Indian Reservation Duck Valley Indian Reservation

5 Background  1980 – Northwest Power Act -Directed NPCC & BPA to consult with Indian tribes 1982 = first Program  2007 – Regional Coord. workgroup defined -Coordination as the “Sovereigns ability to represent its interests and engage in process that affect those interests”  2009 – NPCC acknowledged -“knowledge of the plans and activities of other regional participants is essential” to avoid duplication within the Program

6 Fish & Wildlife Program

7 Fish & Wildlife Program related projects  198906201Program Coordination and Facilitation Services provided through CBFWA  199501900Burns-Paiute F&W Coordinator Middle Snake  199701900Evaluate The Life History of Native Salmonids In The Malheur Basin  200000900Logan Valley Wildlife Mitigation Project/ O&M  200002700Malheur Wildlife Mitigation Project  198909803Salmon Supplementation Studies in Idaho- Shoshone-Bannock Tribes  198906201Annual Work Plan CBFWA  199107100Snake River Sockeye Salmon Habitat and Limnological Research  199405000Salmon River Habitat Enhancement M & E  199201000Habitat Restoration/Enhancement Fort Hall Reservation  199505702Southern Idaho Wildlife Mitigation Program  199505703Southern Idaho Wildlife Mitigation Program  199500600Shoshone-Bannock/Shoshone Paiute Joint Culture Facility  199701100Enhance and Protect Habitat and Riparian Areas on the DVIR  198815600Implement Fishery Stocking Program Consistent With Native Fish Conservation  199501500Lake Billy Shaw Operations and Maintenance and Evaluation (O&M, M&E)  200000900Logan Valley Wildlife Mitigation  200002700 Malheur River Wildlife Mitigation  200302900Assess Upper Malheur River Above Beu  200712000Malheur Subbasin Habitat Restoration and Fish Enhancement  200717100Malheur River Subbasin Habitat  200709600Wildlife Inventory and Habitat Evaluation of DVIR  200890400 Salmon River Basin Nutrient Enhancement  200890300 ESA Habitat Restoration

8 Project Goals & Objectives  The facilitation and coordination of USRT assists the NPCC and BPA in achieving Fish and Wildlife Program objectives in a cost effective manner consistent with legal rights of tribes Photos: Burns Paiute Tribe

9 Project Goals & Objectives  USRT coordination and consolidation of common rights protection activities reduces stress on individual Tribal governments separated by hundreds of miles within the upper Snake River Basin  USRT office in Boise, ID provides a focused location for member tribes; increases and improves communication to coordinate activities Photos: Shoshone-Bannock Tribes

10 Accomplishments  USRT Charter (‘07)  Financial oversight controls (‘09)  Management Operations Manual (‘10)  Commission Meetings -7 meetings in FY’09, 5 in FY’10, 3 in FY’11 -9-14 in attendance  Website established (‘10)  Defined role and participation in CRT (‘09)  Outline U. Snake River Mitigation Plan (‘09)  EPA coordination-climate change funding (’10)

11 Accomplishments  Presentations - “Responding to the Global Water Crisis” (‘11) >25 in attendance -“Missing Salmon of the Boise River” (’11) >60 Boise community members in attendance -NPCC (’09,‘10)  Hosted CRT workshops - 30-50 in attendance (’10,‘11) -Common views, letters, policy  CBFWA (’09 -’12)  G. Basin LCC, Snake R. Recov. Plan. (’10 -’11)

12 Effectiveness Monitoring ISRP Memorandum (2007-14)  Metrics of Output -# meetings & participants -Degree of representation -Information exchanged  Metrics of Impact -Change in behavior -Value to members -User evaluation of product utility -Lack of redundancy

13 Future Work  Coordinate Fort McDermitt Paiute-Shoshone Tribe participation in Program  Coordinate USRT Data Management  Complete Upper Snake River Mitigation Plan  Additional meeting participation Photo: Fort McDermitt Paiute Shoshone Tribe

14 Thank you Photos: Shoshone-Paiute Tribes and Shoshone-Bannock Tribes

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