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Classroom Management Vanessa Morgan SPED 835 Fall, 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Management Vanessa Morgan SPED 835 Fall, 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Management Vanessa Morgan SPED 835 Fall, 2001

2 Definition Classroom management refers to establishing a well-ordered classroom which enables the teacher to handle discipline problems, conduct effective lessons, and in general provide for student productivity and enthusiasm.

3 Organizational Pressure of Classroom Management Immediacy Public ness Multi-dimensionality Unpredictability History Simultaneity

4 Antecedents

5 Prevention

6 Physical Environment Public/Private Space Arrangement of furniture Movement in the classroom Visual lines Storage Aesthetics

7 Procedures, Routines, and Rules Effective Teachers Teach Procedures Using the washroom Fire and Disaster Drills Leaving the building Heading on the paper Collecting papers Bell assignments Sharpening pencils Movement in the class Answering questions

8 Procedures, Routines, and Rules Students learn routines

9 Procedures, Routines, and Rules Realistic Rules Rules are simple Rules are limited Rules cover behaviors Rules are posted

10 Instructional Strategies, Activities, and Management

11 Instructional Strategies, Activities, and Management Instructional Strategies, & Activities Instructional Strategies Lectures Drills Practices Learning Groups Cooperative Groups Interest Groups Instructional Activities Given to the student as soon as he/she enters the room Teacher can handle administrative task

12 Instructional Strategies, Activities, and Management Management Plan Prioritize Organize Proximity Withitness Materials Storage

13 Atmosphere Businesslike Classroom Takes Advantage of the new year Organized and preparedness Lessens the work efforts Non-threatening atmosphere Comfort level for students to risk

14 Summary I have come to a frightening conclusion!!!!!

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