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A Proactive and Positive Approach to Classroom Management

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1 A Proactive and Positive Approach to Classroom Management
CHAMPS A Proactive and Positive Approach to Classroom Management

2 Chapter 1 VISION Guidelines to Success Goals Expectations
Video posted on teacher’s school website. Letter home with goals, rules, consequences and/or posted on school website.

3 Decatur High School Guidelines For Success
Raiders Are Always…. R eaching for the Stars A ccepting Responsibility I ndependent Learners D eveloping good Study Habits E xpecting Success R espectful of Others S uccessful Students

4 Chapter 2 Organization Classroom Schedule Seating Arrangement
Attention Signal Beginning/Ending Routines (Entering classroom, taking attendance, dismissing students). Managing Student Assignments Dealing with students after an absence

Classroom Structure Classroom Rules Rule Violations Consequences Know When/When not to use Disciplinary Referral

6 Classroom Rules Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
Follow directions the first time they are given. Come to class every day that you are not seriously ill. Stay on task during all work times. Raise your hand and wait to be called upon before you speak.

7 Chapter 4 EXPECTATIONS Expectations for Instructional Activities (Voice Level) Expectations for Transitions Prepare Lessons to Communicate Your Expectations (Visuals)

8 EXPECTATIONS C Conversation H Help A Activity M Movement
P Participation S Success

9 Chapter 5 LAUNCH Summarize Your Classroom Management and Discipline Plan. Make Final Preparation for Day One Implement Your Plan Prepare Your Students for Special Circumstances (High, Medium or Low Control)

10 Chapter 6 OBSERVE Circulate when possible and scan all sections of the room continuously. Use data to monitor and adjust your Classroom Management and Discipline Plan (Recording sheet/Observation sheet)

11 Chapter 7 MOTIVATION Build Positive Relationships with Students.
Provide Positive Feedback. Provide Intermittent Celebrations. Strive to Provide a High Ratio of Positive Interactions (certificates/coupons from restaurant/extra points on a test/homework pass, etc.).

Effectively Employ a Class wide System or Systems to Increase Motivated and Responsible Student Behavior. Computer time, Homework passes, CHAMP ticket for Drawing on Friday.

13 Chapter 9 CORRECTING Analyze and Adjust the Implementation of Your Basic Management Plan. Analyze and Adjust the Strategies you are using to build a Positive Relationship with the Student. (9.1) Analyze the Misbehavior and Develop a Function-Based Intervention. (9.2)

14 0THER STRATEGIES White Boards Winner’s Bag Reading/Writing Activities
Games Letter Writing Response Worksheet/Rubric Exit cards or Tickets Cooperative Strategies: Turn to Your Neighbor, Think-Pair-Share, Jigsaw Reading.

15 MORE STRATEGIES (3 things I Learned/2 things that Surprised me/1 Question I still have). KWL (What I Know, What I Want to Know, What I Learned). Zero Slip No Assignment Form Toss the Cube Activity Observation Checklist

16 MORE STRATEGIES How to Group (UNO cards) ABCD Cards Tournaments

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