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Bringing Colour in Grey Literature Marjan Vernooy-Gerritsen euroCRIS - Rome – May 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Bringing Colour in Grey Literature Marjan Vernooy-Gerritsen euroCRIS - Rome – May 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bringing Colour in Grey Literature Marjan Vernooy-Gerritsen euroCRIS - Rome – May 2010

2 Agenda About SURF Grey Literature Social Relevance of Research ERiC, Evaluation Research in Context ERiC and CRIS

3 SURF SURF is the Netherlands higher education and research partnership organisation for network services and information and communications technology (ICT). The Mission of SURF is to exploit and improve a common advanced ICT infrastructure that will enable higher education institutions to better realize their own ambitions and improve the quality of learning, teaching and research.

4 Higher Education in the Netherlands Netherlands: 16½ million Inhabitants 500.000 students, 18-25 years old 13 Universities + 1 Open University 40 Universities for applied sciences 5 large public/private Research Institutes -National Library (KB), Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Knowledge for Business (TNO), and the Police Academy All participate in SURF voluntarily -as a paying member -represented in SURF Board

5 SURF Innovation for - Education - Management - Research Gigabit Internet for Higher Education and Research Legal software for an illegal price

6 ICT and Research SURFshare programme on sharing Knowledge -Scholarly Communication -Open Access to Research Output -Repository Infrastructure NL-RIS project, to a national CRIS for Higher Education (including University Medical Centers). Participation in EU projects -DRIVER and DRIVER II -PEER -OpenAIRE

7 Enhanced Publiation (compound object) Enhanced Publiation (compound object) ePRINT (text publication) ePRINT (text publication) Data Object (s) Compound Object(s) Metadata Definition Enhanced Publication x x y y z z And Or

8 8 Datamodel Enhanced Publication Object Metadata Agent Version

9 Sharing Research Data 9

10 10 2009 Year of Open Access Website Open Access:

11 Academic Information Domain


13 Systeem NARCIS portal (KNAW)

14 Danish design

15 wasstraat en doorgeefluik van informatie over onderzoeksresultaten in onderlinge samenhang (consolidatie, ontdubbeling, kwaliteitscontrole ) NL-RIS IRs Central Thesauri (DAI, Titles, Citations,....) OCW NWO Dutch design

16 DRIVER infrastructure: Narcis national aggregetor Enabling Layer Data Layer EU Open Access Repositories Functionality Layer Administrator End users D-NET / DRIVER portal National portals Project Application

17 Knowledge Exchange The Knowledge Exchange partners -Denmark’s Electronic Research Library (DEFF) in Denmark -German Research Foundation (DFG) in Germany -Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) in the UK -SURF Foundation in the Netherlands - Vision: to make a layer of scholarly and scientific content openly available on the Internet.

18 Knowledge Exchange CRIS-OAR Interoperability project -Metadata exchange format for publication information with an associated common vocabulary -Co-ordination Mikael Elbæk /Mogens Sandfaer PersID project ( -To guarantee persistent identification, persistent location and persistent access to electronic scholarly and cultural heritage resources -Governance Roadmap -Infrastructure of Uniform Resource Name (URN) based Persistent Identifiers -Coordination Bas Cordewener (SURF Foundation)

19 The Netherlands Problem -High ranking of universities and research groups, but a lack of innovation in important industrial activities and the public sector Solutions -Reinforcement of the link between education and knowledge institutions, businesses and civil organisations -Open Access to output of public funded research in NL -National Licence for Scientific Journals -Valorisation of research output …….> Grey Literature??

20 Grey Literature Definition -Papers, reports, technical notes or other documents produced and published by governmental agencies, academic institutions and other groups that are not distributed or indexed by commercial publishers. Problem -Many of these documents are difficult to locate and obtain. Solution -Depositing the documents in an Open Access repository -Recording as research output in a CRIS -Evalutation: credits for the researchers for Grey Literature of high quality

21 Evaluation of Research Standard Evaluation Protocol (SEP) for assessment of research -Common guidelines for the evaluation and improvement of research and research policy, based on expert assessments. Objectives of SEP 2009-2015 -Improvement of research quality based on an external peer review, including scientific and societal relevance of research, research policy and research management. -Accountability to the board of the research organisation, and towards funding agencies, government and society at large.

22 Evaluation of Research New: strong emphasis on Social, cultural and economic relevance: -Societal Quality -Societal Impact -Valorisation (re-use) Grey Literature -Essential part of research output -High societal impact -Opportunity for valorisation of research output

23 Evaluating social quality and valorisation ERiC protocol, Evaluating Research in Context -Stage 1: mission and compilation of self image -Stage 2: profile of the research group (quantitative) -Stage 3: stakeholder analysis (qualitative by interviews) -Stage 4: feedback and reflection (strategic discussion) √ Quantitative performance compared with qualitative assessment of users √ Empirical results compared with mission

24 Evaluating social quality and valorisation ERiC protocol, Evaluating Research in Context SIAMPI -International, interdisciplinary consortium of knowledge institutions supported by the European Commission that aims to develop methods to assess the social impact of research and research funding instruments. SIGLE  OpenSIGLE  OpenGrey

25 Evaluating social quality and valorisation of research output ERiC in the Netherlands SIAMPI in FP7 How could a CERIF compliant CRIS support the evaluation of Social impact of research?



28 DRIVER series - The European Repository Landscape 2008 : Inventory of Digital Repositories for Research Output - Van der Graaf, Maurits - Emerging Standards for Enhanced Publications and Repository Technology : Survey on Technology – Van Godtsenhoven, Karen et al. - Enhanced Publications : Linking Publications and Research Data in Digital Repositories - Woutersen-Windhouwer, Saskia et al.

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