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CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT AYUKO FUJII. The school I worked ・ the smallest school ・ I taught Yr1 & 3 → Yr2, 3 & home economics → Yr1 & 3 → Yr1, 2 & home economics.

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Presentation on theme: "CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT AYUKO FUJII. The school I worked ・ the smallest school ・ I taught Yr1 & 3 → Yr2, 3 & home economics → Yr1 & 3 → Yr1, 2 & home economics."— Presentation transcript:


2 The school I worked ・ the smallest school ・ I taught Yr1 & 3 → Yr2, 3 & home economics → Yr1 & 3 → Yr1, 2 & home economics Kato city

3 Q. What is the key number as a teacher for you? 1? 2? 3? 4? 5? 1 0? 1 5? 3 0? 36 5? 1 2? 3

4 First 3 days(lessons) are important ★ Set the Rules and tell the students ★ ・ to create a peaceful atmosphere so that anyone is not afraid of making mistakes during the classes ・ to make every student feel comfortable in the class ・ to build up good relationships between students and students

5 My classroom rules 1. Positive attitude ・ volunteer ・ choose numbers (date, time, cards) stickers ※ praise when the student gives a wrong answer ※ the way of raising hand but sometimes

6 My classroom rules 2. well-controlled class and interact with classmates seat arrangement normal, pair work group work quiz, individual work

7 My classroom rules 3. homework Checking sheet ・ make a line with their homework and checking sheet during the break ☺ see how students spend their break no break ☺ see what they think through talking with them ☺ students can be punctual

8 My classroom rules 4. greetings 5. speak and listen to English as much as possible Let’s Try!! Classroom English

9 The school where I work now is … The differences ・ bigger ・ students ・ problems


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