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Chapter 1 1. peculiar Chapter 2 2. suspend

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1 Chapter 1 1. peculiar Chapter 2 2. suspend
Walk Two Moons Ch Vocabulary Chapter peculiar Chapter suspend Chapter detect 8. mournfully 9. ambush Chapter peer 15. malinger 16. coaxed 17. console 18. amnesia 19. lather 20. predict Chapter pandemonium 11. potential Chapter omnipotent 4. dignified Chapter diabolic 6. divulge Chapter malevolent 13. deprived

2 Ch. 1 peculiar (adj.) pe⋅cu⋅liar [pi-kyool-yer]
1.strange; odd: peculiar happenings. 2.uncommon; unusual: the peculiar hobby of stuffing and mounting bats.

3 Ch. 2 suspend (v.) sus⋅pend [suh-spend]
to stop for a period of time; interrupt

4 Ch. 3 omnipotent (adj.) om⋅nip⋅o⋅tent [om-nip-uh-tuh nt]
1. having very great or unlimited authority or power.

5 Ch. 3 dignified (adj.) dig⋅ni⋅fied [dig-nuh-fahyd]–
–characterized or marked by dignity or nobility; stately: dignified conduct.

6 Ch. 6 diabolic (adj.) dia·bolic (dī′ə bäl′ik)
diabolical, diabolically 1. of the devil 2. very wicked or cruel; fiendish

7 Ch. 6 divulge (v) di·vulge [di vulj]
1. to reveal something: information, especially information that was previously secret

8 Ch. 8 detect (v) de·tect [di tekt]
1.To discover the fact of: to notice or discover the existence of something 2. Work on crimes: to investigate crimes or other matters as a detective

9 Ch. 8 mournfully (adv) mourn·fully [mawrnfelee]
1.Sorrowfully: grievingly: a youth with a mournful face 2. Causing or suggesting deep sadness

10 Ch. 8 ambush (v) am·bush [ambush]
To lie in wait; to attack by surprise An unexpected attack from a concealed position: They lay in ambush and waited for their victims.

11 Ch. 9 pandemonium (n) pan·de·mo·ni·um [pandə monnee əm]
1. chaos: wild uproar; noise 2. noisy confused place: a place or situation that is noisy and chaotic

12 Ch. 9 potential (adj) po·ten·tial [ pə tenshəl]
Capable of being, but not yet in existence: posed a potential danger Noun 1. Capacity for development: a capacity to develop, succeed, or become something

13 Ch. 13 malevolent (adj) ma·lev·o·lent [mə levvələnt]
1. having or showing intense often vicious ill will toward others 2. Harmful or evil: having a harmful or evil effect or influence

14 Ch. 13 deprived (adj) de·prived [di prīvd]
without basic needs: lacking the things needed for a comfortable or successful life

15 Ch peer (v) peer [peer] To look intently: to look very carefully or hard, especially at somebody or something that is difficult to see, often with narrowed eyes noun 1. Person of equal standing with another: in age or social class

16 Ch. 22 malinger (v) ma·lin·ger [mə ling gər]
1. to fake illness to avoid work

17 Ch. 22 coax (v) [kōks] coaxed, coax·ing, coax·es
1. persuade gently: to persuade somebody gently to do something 2. gently make something work: to manipulate something patiently until it moves or works

18 Ch. 22 console (v) con·sole [kən sōl]
1. to comfort: to provide a source of comfort to somebody who is distressed or disappointed

19 Ch. 22 amnesia (n) am·ne·sia [am neezhə]
1. loss of memory as a result of shock, injury, psychological disturbance, or medical disorder

20 Ch. 22 lather (n) lath·er [lathər]
soapy froth: foam that is produced by soap or detergent used with water 2. state of agitation: a state of agitation or nervous anxiety

21 Ch. 22 predict (v) pre·dict [pre dikt] tell about in advance: to say what is going to happen in the future, often on the basis of present indications or past experience

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