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1 Summary of Commons Working Group (CWG) May 16, 2001 Meeting.

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1 1 Summary of Commons Working Group (CWG) May 16, 2001 Meeting

2 Agenda for CWG Meeting, May 16, 2001 Morning Session CWG Responses to Existing Commons Interface Specifications Survey Tool Commons V 2.0 Architecture J2EE Concept and Benefits Projected timeline for design and development Planned Deployment of X-Train v1.5 Anticipation of Future Requirements Institutional Registration : DUNS Profiles: Single point of ownership Providing Customized Views of Application/Award Status Information

3 The SNAP Noncompeting Award Process: Policy and Procedural Considerations for Streamlining Grants Policy Considerations Historical Perspective What we’ve tried before Proposed changes in current SNAP process Administrative information Scientific Progress Report and Related information Assurances and Certifications Agenda for CWG Meeting, May 16, 2001 Afternoon Session

4 CWG Responses to Existing Commons Interface Specifications Survey Tool General Comments Specific Issues Screen layout Text and Page flow Screen Functionality Navigation Help Features Other Functionality Needed

5 General Comments No surprizes – many comments supportive of the current functionality Dated appearance Too large icons, not intuitive Too much wasted space Dated navigation and flow Too many menus; too many links Help screens Text, context, FAQ’s need improvement

6 Specific Issues…6 Other needed features/functionality Redesign/define institutional hierarchy options Allow for definition of institution at “school” level Allow for definition (add/delete) at department level Provide more complete user administration reports Number of accounts by type, when created, when modified Session time, modules visited, last logon, when profile changes and how, password administration number of proposals submitted, upcoming application deadlines Comment field Revisit user types, roles, permissions, approvals Password for associates to access/assist

7 Specific Issues…7 Other needed features/functionality…cont. Improve creation of new user accounts Need better performance of unique person algorithm User-driven selection of correct person Consider having PPF as “path” driven Separate information by role: P.I.-related info, consultant-related info, administrative official info,

8 8 NIH Commons Version 2.0

9 Current Architecture (Commons Version 1.0) Client Layer HTML, CGI-Perl, Steel Blue on WEBSERVER (Presentation + Biz Logic ) SQL Database Server (Oracle DBMS),Stored Procedures ( Biz Logic +Data Access) Commons Data Data Primarily 2-Tier Client Server Web - External

10 Recommended N-tier Architecture Data Services Layer Presentation Layer (Client) Flat Files Database X External Systems External Systems Clients Services Business Services Layer (Biz Logic) Biz Service 1 … Biz Service 1 Biz Service n Database Y

11 Status - Completed Planning Phase Documentation eRA Technology Overview eRA Platform and Tools Recommendations eRA Project Management Plan Development Methodology (RUP, UML, etc.) Business Analysis Preliminary Tools Selection

12 Commons Version 2.0 Implementation Schedule Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep 20012002 Commons Version 2 Phase 1 Infrastructure Profiles X-Train 2.0 Status Admin Module Phase 2 Phase 3 Competing Application (R01) SNAP Progress Report * * Includes business process reengineering and design Legend: Analysis*DevelopmentDeployment StartContinuing BPR only

13 X-Train Version 1.5 First pilot deployment of X-Train Similar functionality as Version 1.0 Appointment, reappointment, termination Professional Profile information captured within the interface Uses Commons Version 1 technology X-Train Version 1.5 will serve as discovery vehicle for X-Train Version 2.0 requirements

14 Commons Version 2.0 Implementation Schedule Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep 20012002 Commons Version 2 Phase 1 Infrastructure Profiles X-Train 2.0 Status Admin Module Phase 2 Phase 3 Competing Application (R01) SNAP Progress Report * * Includes business process reengineering and design Legend: Analysis*DevelopmentDeployment StartContinuing BPR only X-Train Version 1.5 Version 2.0 Version 2.0

15 DUNS Benefits Universal number adopted by 62 million businesses worldwide DUNS provides links to describe organizational hierarchies Used as identifier by U.S. Govt. Contracting Required for Central Contractor Registry Promoted by Federal Commons for grantee unique identifier

16 Single Point of Ownership for PPF-Related Information Premise PPF-related information; name, address, expertise, employment record, educational experience, publications, funding record, can be likened to similar information found in a curriculum vitae. In this respect it must be treated as personal property. Without the expressed permission of the owner of the information, others should not modify such elements of a personal electronic record any more than they would modify a paper-based c.v. record.

17 Suggested Design to Accommodate Single Point of Ownership Observe single point of ownership Profile creation yields unique IMPAC II person profile I.D. I.D. is immutable I.D. always points to same profile Can only be modified by profile owner Allow for NIH staff to create versions Alternate version of any profile created by NIH staff Version always bounded by singly-owned profile through IMPAC II person profile I.D. i.e., NIH view can change, but profile is constant

18 Next Issues for CWG Feedback Institutional Report Requirements Improved report requirements for P.I. Improved report requirements for institutional officials Institutional Hierarchy Need for self-identification for inst. profile Justification for NIH definition of institutional hierarchy Institutional User Types: Approvals Define Institutional Roles and Rights Use MIT’s COEUS roles and rights definitions to start Improve creation of new user accounts Need better performance of unique person algorithm User-driven selection of correct person

19 The SNAP Noncompeting Award Process: Policy and Procedural Considerations for Streamlining Grants Policy Considerations Historical Perspective What we’ve tried before Proposed changes in current SNAP process Administrative information Scientific Progress Report and Related information Assurances and Certifications Agenda for CWG Meeting, May 16, 2001 Afternoon Session

20 Progress Reporting— Policy & Historical Perspective

21 SNAP: Progress Reporting SCIENCE REPORTING CURRENT SNAP MASTER AGREEMENT IFANIH REINVENTION CONCEPT AbstractPart of Competing Application Only (Public) Same as Current SNAP Updated with Progress Report (Public) Updated Annually in the Fall (Public)

22 SNAP: Progress Reporting SCIENCE REPORTING CURRENT SNAP MASTER AGREEMENT IFANIH REINVENTION CONCEPT Progress Report Annual Submission 2 Months Prior to Start Date Same as Current SNAP Anytime But Must Be Submitted in the Fall (Confidential) Research Accomplishments Part of Progress Report Same as Current SNAP Submit in the Fall as a Brief Narrative (Public)

23 SNAP: Progress Reporting SCIENCE REPORTING CURRENT SNAP MASTER AGREEMENT IFANIH REINVENTION CONCEPT SNAP QuestionsPart of Progress Report Same as Current SNAP Not Addressed CitationsListed in Annual Submission & 1 Copy Same as Current SNAP Anytime with Web Link to Publication

24 SNAP: Progress Reporting Administrative Assurance. & Certifications CURRENT SNAP MASTER AGREEMENT IFANIH REINVENTION CONCEPT Human SubjectsInformation Required with Annual Progress Report Same as Current SNAP Once A Year Reporting on All Grants Not Addressed Animal SubjectInformation Required with Annual Progress Report Same as Current SNAP Once A Year Reporting on All Grants Not Addressed OtherSignature on Face Page Same as Current SNAP Part of Agreement No Institutional Signature Not Addressed

25 SNAP: Progress Reporting Other SNAP issues CURRENT SNAPMASTER AGREEMENT IFANIH REINVENTION CONCEPT Financial Reporting Quarterly PMS 272 and FSR at End Competitive Segment Same as Current SNAP Not Addressed Notice of Grant Award Total Direct and Indirect Costs for Each Grant 1 Award for All SNAPs at 1 Time Same as Current SNAP

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