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Presented by Denise Teague Michigan Department of Education Office of Career and Technical Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Denise Teague Michigan Department of Education Office of Career and Technical Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Denise Teague Michigan Department of Education Office of Career and Technical Education

2 Agenda  Review purpose of meeting  Questions about the CIP Self Review  Questions about best practices  Common issues leading to recapture  What to expect on visit day 2

3 What is MCCTE-Navigator? 3 A web-based, online system that is comprehensive, statewide, user-friendly, instructor-driven, and can be used for managing: StandardsGap AnalysisSegmentsAcademic alignmentResourcesCIP Self Review

4 MCCTE Navigator Activation Process 4 CEPD Administrator Activated by OCTE – MCCTE Administration Operating Building Administrator Activated by CEPD Administrator CTE Teacher of State Approved Program Activated by Operating Building Administrator Activated by CEPD Administrator

5 5

6 CIP Self Review (Revised 10-16-2013)

7 CIP Self Review Instructions Resources CIP Self Review 7

8 8 Lead Teacher Access Requires Log-In

9 C01 9

10 C02 10

11 C06 11

12 CIP Self-Review C-10 1. GAP Analysis 2. Syllabi 3. Instructional Design Model 4. Safety 5. Work based learning 6. Leadership 12

13 C-10 13

14 Gap Analysis 14 Completed by CTE teacher electronically or hardcopy

15 Electronic “My GAP Analysis” 15

16 Gap Analysis Ratings N=Not Exposed to the Task 1=Exposed to the task 2=Accomplishes task with help 3=Accomplishes task to criteria 4=Exceeds criteria and/or able to teach task 16

17 Sample Plan of Improvement 17

18 C-10 Program Delivery Model Instructional Design A series of courses One Instructional Design Form Multiple teachers/delivery methods must be reported by the PSN Instructional Design Forms are on Navigator under Resources 18

19 C-10 SafetyWork based learningLeadership 19

20 C-13 20

21 C-16 21

22 Thank You 22 Questions or Comments? Denise Teague, CTE Curriculum Consultant Email: Phone: (517) 335-0381

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