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Lesson 7: Major Battles of the Civil War Motivational Question: What was the immediate cause for the Start of the Civil War? Aim: Explain the series of.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 7: Major Battles of the Civil War Motivational Question: What was the immediate cause for the Start of the Civil War? Aim: Explain the series of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 7: Major Battles of the Civil War Motivational Question: What was the immediate cause for the Start of the Civil War? Aim: Explain the series of events that led to the start of the Civil War.

2 Fort Sumter Was a Union controlled fort in South Carolina in 1861. The fort was important to Davis and the Confederacy because it guarded the Charleston Harbor. The Union’s soldiers were running low on supplies but they refused to surrender. The Confederacy forced their surrender by attacking the fort. The bombing of this fort was the immediate cause of the Civil War.

3 South Advantages-the best generals, fighting on their own land (know the land), on the defensive, skilled hunters Disadvantages-less industry, fewer factories, fewer railroads, smaller population War aim-independence Robert E. Lee-Confederate general

4 North Advantages-more industry (manufacturing), more factories, more railroads, larger population Disadvantages-fighting in unknown land, on the offensive (had to conquer the South) War aim-1861-to preserve (save) the Union, 1863 (after Emancipation Proclamation)-to save the Union and to abolish slavery. Ulysses S. Grant-Union general

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