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Georgia and the American Experience

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1 Georgia and the American Experience
Chapter 8: The Civil War, A Nation in Conflict Study Presentation

2 Georgia and the American Experience
Section 1: The Road to War Section 2: The War on the Battlefield Section 3: Life for the Civil War Soldier Section 4: Life During the Civil War

3 Section 1: The Road to War
Essential Question What strategies were selected to win the Civil War?

4 Section 1: The Road to War
What words do I need to know? conscription blockade blockade runner King Cotton Diplomacy strategy

5 The Leaders of the Confederacy
Pres. Jefferson Davis VP Alexander Stevens

6 The North Initiates the Draft, 1863:
Conscription: “A rich man’s war, but a poor man’s fight.”

7 Lincoln’s Generals Winfield Scott Joseph Hooker George McClellan,
Ulysses S. Grant

8 The Confederate Generals Nathan Bedford Forrest
“Stonewall” Jackson Nathan Bedford Forrest George Pickett Robert E. Lee

9 The War Begins April 10, 1861, Major General P.G.T. Beauregard leads bombardment of Fort Sumter, in Charleston Harbor Federal troops and laborers inside Fort Sumter surrender on April 13 Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia secede from the Union President Abraham Lincoln calls for 75,000 troops to put down the rebellion and protect Washington

10 Assembling Armies Most soldiers volunteered at first, but later men were conscripted (drafted to serve in the armies) Some men received bounties (money) to sign up; some signed up, received the bounty, then deserted Poorer men sometimes accepted money to fight in place of wealthier men who didn’t want to serve

11 North vs. South in 1861 North South Advantages ? Disadvantages

12 Resources, North and South
North had more people from which to create and resupply armies North had more factories, better railroad system, the most number of males in the region, and most of the nation’s wealth South had more experienced military leaders, and were highly motivated to defend their familiar homeland to win independence


14 Railroad Lines, 1860

15 Resources: North & the South

16 Men Present for Duty in the Civil War

17 Blockade Strategy Union blockaded all Southern ports to prevent cotton exports and imports of weaponry from Great Britain and France Privately operated blockade runners successfully slipped past Union ships to ship goods to and from Europe during the war The Union Navy included many ironclads (armored ships)

18 Other Wartime Strategies
“Anaconda Plan”: To squeeze Confederacy to death by capturing the Mississippi River and cutting off Louisiana, Texas, and Arkansas Capturing Richmond, the capital, might have ended the war early, but General Robert E. Lee’s Confederate Army prevented that for years

19 Overview of the North’s Civil War Strategy:
“Anaconda” Plan

20 The “Anaconda” Plan

21 Late War Strategy Destroy Confederate armies on the battlefield
Lay waste to the Southern land, so that civilians would call for an end to the war General William T. Sherman’s “March to the Sea” through Georgia was successful in the “lay waste to land” strategy

22 Southern Strategies Wear down the Union armies, which would hasten the northerners’ desire to end the war Use swift raiders to help break the Union blockade King Cotton Diplomacy: Temporarily stop exports to England and France to inspire those nations to help break the Union blockade; France and England instead starting importing Egyptian cotton Click to return to Table of Contents.

23 Section 2: The War on the Battlefield
ESSENTIAL QUESTION What were the major battles that took place in Georgia?

24 Section 2: The War on the Battlefield
What words do I need to know? Chickamauga Atlanta Campaign Emancipation Proclamation

25 Battle of Antietam fought on September 17, 1862, near Sharpsburg, Maryland, and Antietam Creek, It was the first major battle in the American Civil War to take place on Northern soil It was the bloodiest single-day battle in American history, with about 26,000 casualties. Union Victory and the Confederates retreat to Virginia

26 Battle of Antietam “Bloodiest Single Day of the War”
September 17, 1862 23,000 casualties


28 Freeing the Slaves Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on September 22, 1862 Document gave the Southern Confederacy a choice: Quit the war and keep slavery alive or keep fighting and slaves would be forever free Deadline was January 1, 1863 The Confederate leaders continued the war and the slaves were declared free by the United States government in 1863

29 The Emancipation Proclamation

30 The Famous 54th Massachusetts
Robert G. Shaw

31 Robert G. Shaw

32 African-Americans in Civil War Battles

33 Battle of Gettysburg fought in and around the town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, The largest number of casualties in the American Civil War on BOTH sides Is frequently cited as the war's turning point. Union Maj. Gen. George Gordon Meade defeated attacks by Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee, ending Lee's invasion of the North.

34 The Road to Gettysburg: 1863

35 Gettysburg Casualties

36 Gettysburg Generals Union Confederate George Meade Robert E. Lee

37 The Battle of Chickamauga
September 1863 Seven miles south of Chattanooga, Tennessee Chattanooga was major railroad center Union troops were driven back to Chattanooga; Confederates did not follow-up on their victory Union reinforcements later recaptured Chattanooga

38 Battle of Chickamauga Union Confederate Braxton Bragg
William S. Rosecrans

39 The Atlanta Campaign Late Spring/Early Summer 1864: Sherman’s Union Army fought series of battles against Joseph E. Johnston’s Confederate Army Confederates continued to retreat further southward into Georgia June 1864: Sherman attacked Johnston at Kennesaw Mountain; Sherman lost but continued toward Atlanta July 1864: John Bell Hood replaced Johnston, battled Sherman, then concentrated defenses in Atlanta

40 The Battle of Atlanta Sherman surrounded the city and laid siege
Hood wanted to lure Sherman into the city to fight, but that didn’t work Fighting continued during July and August 1864 Hood and Atlanta’s citizens finally vacate the city on September 1 Sherman burns the city in mid-November then begins his march toward Savannah and the sea

41 The Peace Movement: Copperheads: Northerners who supported ending the war and the Confederacy: Habeas Corpus

42 The March to the Sea Sherman’s Union army destroys everything in its path, 300 miles from Atlanta to Savannah A sixty mile-wide area is burned, destroyed, and ruined during a two-month period Estimated losses exceeded $100 million Captured, but did not burn, Savannah in December 1864 Loaded and shipped $28 million worth of cotton, stored in Savannah, to the North

43 Sherman’s “March to the Sea” Georgia, 1864

44 The Civil War Ends January 13, 1865: Fort Fisher in North Carolina captured;the last Confederate blockade-running port General Robert E. Lee’s Army of Virginia cannot defeat Union General U.S. Grant at Petersburg; he surrenders his army at Appomattox Courthouse on April 9, 1865 Confederate President Jefferson Davis flees and is eventually captured in Irwinville, Georgia

45 The Final Virginia Campaign: 1864-1865

46 Surrender at Appomattox: April 9, 1865

47 The Progress of War:

48 Civil War Casualties in Comparison to Other Wars

49 Inflation in the South

50 Jefferson Davis is captured…

51 Confederate Civil War Prisons
One of the Confederate prisons for Union soldiers was in Andersonville, Georgia. Prisoners were only given shelter that they could piece together themselves and there was not enough food, water, and medical supplies. During its operation, almost 13,000 Union prisoners died. Prison commander Captain Henry Wirz was executed for “excessive cruelty” in 1865.

52 Union Civil War Prisons
The harsh prison conditions were not only found in the South. A Union prison for Confederate soldiers was in Elmira, New York. One-fourth of the 12, 123 Confederate prisoners died there. Many prisoners faced malnutrition, exposure to cold, and poor medical conditions.

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