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1 Workshop with R&D Research Centres Brussels, 8 January 2010 Future Internet Public-Private Partnership Setting the scene Luis Rodríguez-Roselló European.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Workshop with R&D Research Centres Brussels, 8 January 2010 Future Internet Public-Private Partnership Setting the scene Luis Rodríguez-Roselló European."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Workshop with R&D Research Centres Brussels, 8 January 2010 Future Internet Public-Private Partnership Setting the scene Luis Rodríguez-Roselló European Commission - DG INFSO Director a.i, “Converged Networks and Services” Presentation made on behalf of DG INFSO Directorates D and F

2 2  Lisbon Treaty and the new institutional setting  New European Commission  New ambitions and priorities (Barroso II ‘guidelines’)  Enhancing economic prosperity and social cohesion  Building on 50 years of achievements  From Lisbon Agenda to EU2020  Digital Agenda at the core of the new policy framework (post i-2010)  Future Internet as a key enabler underpinning multiple EU policies A new chapter in EU history

3 3  Work on the Future Internet as part of the Framework Programme is now ongoing for several years.  Numerous initiatives have been launched at Member State level.  Elsewhere in the world (US, Japan, China, etc), ambitious R&D activities are on-going.  Various motivations: Future Internet Economy – OECD Ministerial conference, Research programmes… Future Internet: A Global Issue

4 4 Holistic technological approach with about 100 projects working in the FI domain Architectures, socio economic drivers, technologies Clean slate and evolutionary perspectives Test-beds and infrastructure for experimental research Programmatic approach, federating effect on EU research community Future Internet Assembly, Future Internet Forum, consolidating the domain over time Strong links with MS national initiatives needed International co-operation moving forward: US, Japan, possibly Brazil. Future Internet - EU Bold Steps Very solid medium to long term research foundations put in place in the FI area

5 5  Going beyond an “R&D model only”  Leveraging early results of running efforts  Moving from a “technology push” to a “market/user” pull  Reinforcing the links with key EU policies  Engaging bold industrial commitment  Bringing users into the picture  Involving more closely Member States Closing the gap: R&D & Innovation Meeting the above requirements is key to the success of the Future Internet PPP

6 6  Communication on FI PPP

7 7 An EU-wide internet innovation strategy: create a public-private partnership (PPP) between public sectors and major ICT players! The initiative of a PPP on the Future Internet, activated and proposed by the industry, is supported by the European Commission with 300 million Euros for 2011-2013 in addition to the 200 million Euros spent per year for long term R&D. The Commission will develop the work programme, the specific evaluation and the modus operandi of the Future Internet PPP. Under a call of the Commission, industries must define a PPP content by mid-2010 to advance Europe's competitiveness in Future Internet technologies and systems and to support the emergence of Future Internet-enhanced applications of public and social relevance. The Commission will review the possibility of setting a Joint Technology Initiatives (JTIs) in the area of Future Internet. Communication Proposal in a Nutshell

8 8 Building on a Strong Momentum Malta: the worlds first smart grid Stockholm: the world first smart traffic system Amsterdam: mobility and energy intelligent management Malaga: energy intelligent connected grid Nice: waste management through capillary nets; Paris/Fing: “Villes 2.0” initiative Venice: tourism Luxembourg …. Coming soon: Hamburg, Lisbon,… Novel “smart” applications becoming major test cases for key emerging internet technologies. US (Internet) industry is already moving full speed into these promising fields.

9 9 Building a partnership  Operators, service developers and equipment manufacturers  Public stakeholders and utilities  Industry core group deriving from the ETP’s “G16”  Need to bring in research centres  Engaging actors in sectors such as healthcare, mobility, environment and energy management (Use cases)  Public contribution is key (openness requirements, infrastructure support…)  Eventually engaging users in validation phases

10 10 EU Action on the PPP  Develop the work programme and the specific evaluation and modus operandi in cooperation with industrial stakeholders  Using the mechanisms of the current Framework Programme  Allocation of 300M€ under the upcoming ICT work programme covering the period 2011-2013  The Commission expects industry support to define a focused PPP content by early-2010  Member States primarily involved through the Future Internet Forum to help refine policy/usage requirements  Review of the legal and governance structures of JTIs: the Commission will then examine the possibility of setting a JTI

11 11 2011  … FIA/FIFStockholm WP2013 WP2011-2012 Summer 2010 Nov 23-24 Deadline Call 5 28 October FIA/FIFValencia Official PPP Launch April 14-16 2010 New WP Call1 PPP Results of Call 5 Start 1st Wave PPP Projects Preparation of PPP action and Content Preparation of a restructured WP Oct 2009 Future Internet PPP Planning & Milestones FI PPP COM From now to April, PPP preparatory actions: - Workshops with research centres, “use cases” actors - Information day (March, TBD date)

12 12 FI-PPP and Research Centres Research Centres are expected to bring value to the PPP, notably through:  Their earlier work in use cases relevant to the FI-PPP (e.g. mobility, health, energy…)  NO Start from scratch!  Their position, bridging academic and industrial worlds, PPP increasing impact opportunities to earlier research;  Innovative approaches complementing those of industrial actors  Help in building constituencies and preparing for calls.  Supporting info day with “position paper” (TBC)

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