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WWI on the American Homefront HUSH Unit 2. Financing the War Liberty Bonds raised $20 billion Loaned $10 billion to Allies Boy and Girl Scouts sold bonds.

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Presentation on theme: "WWI on the American Homefront HUSH Unit 2. Financing the War Liberty Bonds raised $20 billion Loaned $10 billion to Allies Boy and Girl Scouts sold bonds."— Presentation transcript:

1 WWI on the American Homefront HUSH Unit 2

2 Financing the War Liberty Bonds raised $20 billion Loaned $10 billion to Allies Boy and Girl Scouts sold bonds

3 Regulating the Economy Back Home Industries converted to war goods The War Industries Board was created regulated production; controlled raw materials, production, and prices The War Trade Board was created punished firms dealing with enemy The National War Labor Board was created settled labor disputes

4 Changing Wasteful Habits Food Administration under Herbert Hoover Price controls Rationing Hoover chose voluntary restraint and efficiency appealed to women Daylight saving time was instituted to save fuel needed to produce artificial light

5 Patriotism…or Jingoism?? Fear of foreigners led to Nativism Fear of espionage and secret agents Feared sabotage of transportation and communications “Hate the Hun” hostility toward Germans Lynching of Robert Prager, a German-American " They stripped him of his clothes, bound him with cloth made from an American flag and lynched him in front of a crowd of some 500 or more people – all of whom cheered the effort on.

6 A Loss of American Civil Liberties?? Espionage Act 1917 Made it illegal to interfere with the draft Sedition Act: 1918 Made it illegal to interfere with the draft and to obstruct the sale of Liberty Bonds or discuss anything disloyal about the American government, the Constitution, or the army and navy 1,000 convictions Socialist Eugene Debs sentenced to 10 years for speaking against the war

7 Political Radicals Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) goal of overthrowing capitalism Vigilantes lynched and horse-whipped radicals

8 Social Changes The War cut off the flow of immigrants from Europe Women, African Americans, and Mexican Americans recruited by industry Great Migration: 500,000 African Americans went North

9 Prohibition The 18 th Amendment was ratified in 1919 Made it illegal to manufacture, sell, or transport alcoholic beverages Caused the onslaught of illegal alcohol in the 1920’s by “Bootleggers”


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