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World Food Security, Pastoralism and Governance Reflections on global food security governance and participation in the wake of the 2007-2008 food price.

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Presentation on theme: "World Food Security, Pastoralism and Governance Reflections on global food security governance and participation in the wake of the 2007-2008 food price."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Food Security, Pastoralism and Governance Reflections on global food security governance and participation in the wake of the 2007-2008 food price spikes “ Governing global food security: The 2007-8 global food price rise and afterwards” Political Economy of Food City University, London March 7, 2011 Jessica Duncan ( )

2 Acronyms CAADP Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme CAPCommon Agricultural Policy (EU) CFAComprehensive Framework for Action CFSCommittee on World Food Security CGIAR Consultative Group on International Agriculture Research CSMCivil Society Mechanism CSOCivil Society Organization ECEuropean Commission EUEuropean Union FAOFood and Agriculture Organization GAFSPGlobal Agriculture Food Security Program GSFGlobal Strategic Framework (for the CFS) HLPEHigh Level Panel of Experts (to the CFS) HLTF UN High Level Task Force on the Global Food Security Crisis IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development MDGMillennium Development Goals RAI Principles for Responsible Agricultural Investment SRRTFSpecial Rapporteur on the Right to Food UCFA Updated Comprehensive Framework for Action UNUnited Nations UNCTADUN Conference on Trade and Development VGVoluntary Guidelines WBWorld Bank WFPWorld Food Programme WTOWorld Trade Organization

3 Structure of the Presentation  World Food Security Policy: What has happened since 2007?  Reform of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS)  Civil Society Mechanism  Review of Pastoralist constituency  Global Gathering of Women Pastoralists  CFS Reform within the context of Global Governance

4 World Food Security Policy DateLeadEvent/ActOutput 2008 World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on Food Security Global Agenda Council Food Security Report April 2008UN Establish High Level Task Force on the Global Food Security Crisis Comprehensive Framework for Action (2009) Updated 2010 June 2008UN High-Level Conference on Food Security and the challenges of bio- energy Declaration of the High-Level Conference on World Food Security: The Challenges of Climate Change and Bioenergy July 2008G8 G8 Summit Hokkaido Toyako, Japan Leaders Statement on Global Food Security. Tasked a G8 Experts Group on Global Food Security. September 2008 High Level Event on the MDGs DateLeadEvent/ActOutput October 2008 FAO/CFS Committee on World Food Security 34 th Session Final Report of the34th Session of the CFS Agenda Item V was CSO participation Agenda Item VI was a proposal to Strengthen the CFS to meet new challenges November 2008 FAO FAO Conference 35 th (Special) Session Follow-up to the Independent External Evaluation of FAO. January 2009 UN and Spain High Level Meeting on Food Security for All Final Statement January 2009 World Economic Forum Fresh Solutions for Food Security May 2009UNCSD-17Final Text July 2009G8L’Alquila Summit “L’Aquila” Food Security Initiative “L’Aquila” Joint Statement on Global Food Security

5 World Food Security Policy DateLeadEvent/ActOutput 2009G8/WB Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) Trust Fund September 2009 UN/USA Partnering for Food Security Side Event at 64 th Session on UN General Assembly Partnering for Food Security: Moving Forward October 2009 UN High-Level Expert Forum, How to Feed the World in 2050 October 2009 FAO 35 th Session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) Reform Document of the CFS November 2009 Civil Society People’s Food Sovereignty Forum Final Declaration November 2009 FAO Summit on World Food Security Declaration of the World Summit on Food Security January 2010 Regions Food Summit Summit of World’s Regions on Food Security January 2010 March 2010 Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development DateLeadEvent/ActOutput May 2010HLTF Consultation to update the CFA Updated CFA June 2010G8G8 Summit Muskoka June 2010 Mayor of Rome and WFP Meeting to endorse a the framework for Scaling up Nutrition (presented at the 2010 Spring Meetings of the IMF and WB) September 2010 Various Proposition: Scaling-Up Nutrition A Road Map for Scaling-Up Nutrition (1 st draft) September 2010 UN High Level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly Outcome document October 2010 CSO CSO Consultation in Advance of the CFS Civil Society Mechanism for the CFS October 2010 FAO-CFS36 th Session of the CFSFinal Report October 2010 APECFirst APEC Ministerial Meeting on Food Security Niigata Declaration on APEC Food Security

6 Committee on World Food Security 1974: Established upon recommendation of the World Food Conference – Response to 1970s food crisis 2009: 35th Session of the CFS: Reform process initiated – Goal of reform was to focus vision and role in the coordination of efforts to ensure global food security 2010: 36th Session = first of the Renewed CFS

7 Key Actors and Organizations CFS is made up of 192 Member Governments, participants (i.e., Civil Society Organizations, NGOs, Private Sector) and observers – They make up the Plenary Bureau: Executive Arm (12 countries, 2 per region) Advisory Group: UN Bodies, CSOs/NGOs; International Agricultural Research Bodies; International Financial and Trade Institutions; Private Sector/Philanthropic Foundations High Level Panel of Experts: Steering Committee and Roster of Experts Secretariat: Permanent, located in Rome and includes member of IFAD, and WFP


9 CFS Reform: Key Points The vision of the reformed CFS: – Central decision-making and discussion forum for food security within the UN – Work in a coordinated manner in support of country led processes that lead to food security. Using a phased approach CFS will: – Coordinate a global approach to food security – Promote policy convergence – Support and advise countries and regions – Coordinate at national and regional levels – Promote accountability and share best practices – Develop a global strategic framework for food security and nutrition From

10 Key Issues Addressed by the CFS At the 36 th Session, 3 policy roundtables were presented: 1.Addressing Food Insecurity in Protracted Crises: Issues and Challenges; 2.Land Tenure and International Investment in Agriculture; and, 3.Managing Vulnerability and risk to promote better food security and nutrition. Discussions on Mapping FS initiatives and the development of a GSF Session on global developments relevant to food security and nutrition HLPE undertake studies on: Land tenure and international investment in agriculture; and, Price volatility CFS to decide on Land Tenure and Investment (RAI & VG)

11 Civil Society Mechanism CSM facilitates the participation of CSOs and NGOs in the CFS, including input in negotiations and decision-making Provides a space for dialogue between a wide- range of civil society actors Made up of a Coordination Committee (CC) comprised of 40 focal points from 11 constituencies and 16 sub-regions

12 Sub-Regions (Total of 16, x1 focal point each) North AmericaSouth East Asia Central America & CaribbeanCentral Asia Andean RegionOceania and Pacific Southern ConeSouthern Africa Western EuropeWest Africa Eastern EuropeEast Africa West AsiaCentral Africa South AsiaNorth Africa Constituencies (Total of 24, x2 focal points each) Agricultural & food workersNGOs Artisanal fisherfolkSmallholder family farmers (4 focal points) ConsumersUrban poor PastoralistsWomen Indigenous PeoplesYouth Landless

13 Pastoralists

14 What is Pastoralism? Pastoralism is a socio-cultural and economic way of living that relies on rearing livestock on marginal lands and is sustained through migration – Includes nomadism and transhumance Animals include cattle, yaks, sheep and goats, horses and donkeys, camels (both one- and two-humped), llamas and alpacas, and reindeer

15 Why a Global Gathering? The goal of the Gathering was to contribute to the empowerment of women pastoralists in order for them to participate equitably in decision-making within their communities, governments and other local, national, regional and international forums, whilst also raising awareness of the specific challenges faced by women pastoralists in shifting social, economic and ecological environments.

16 Why pastoralists, why women, why India? Pastoralism, notably mobile pastoralism, is the most viable form of production and land use for most of the world’s fragile drylands. Yet it is under increasing legal, economic, social and political threat Women play a crucial role within pastoralist communities India’s pastoralist population of approximately 100 million, come from diverse cultural groups and rear a variety of livestock. – Women have traditionally played key roles in the communities – Changes in India: White Revolution; Forest Rights Act

17 Global Gathering of Women Pastoralists


19 Climatic Variability: Rains came early

20 Team Work: Building a path forward

21 Top Priorities Representation Communication and Networking Education, Training and Capacity Building Advocacy Development

22 Key Outcomes: Global Gathering of Women Pastoralists Mera Declaration Action Plan (2011-2013) Global network of pastoralist women Enhanced networks and communication Awareness building (media) Advocacy (links to Mera Declaration) e.g., presented at UNPFII Election of 2 CSM Focal Points  Next Steps: Working on regional-level follow up

23 Focal Points: Pastoralists Safouratou Moussa Kané Niger Lalji Desai India

24 Global Governance and the CFS Governance is the process of governing. It is the way in which society is managed and how the competing priorities and interests of different groups are reconciled. It includes the formal institutions of government but also informal arrangements. Governance is concerned with the processes by which citizens participate in decision-making, how government is accountable to its citizens and how society obliges its members to observe its rules and laws. Governance comprises the mechanisms and processes for citizens and groups to articulate their interests, mediate their differences, and exercise their legal rights and obligations. It is the rules, institutions, and practices that sets limits and provides incentives for individuals, organizations and firms. FAO. 2009. Discussion Paper: Towards Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land and Other Natural Resources. FAO: Rome  We can also add the rules and practices that set limits and incentive for governments.

25 Common Characterists of Global Goverance Pluricentric rathen than unicentric Networks play an important role Networks function to organize relations between relatively autonomous but interdependent actors Within contemporary governance systems, relations between actors pose risks and uncertainties. Sectors have developed institutions to support cooperation and reduce risk – Van Kersbergen and Van Waarden (2005:151)

26 Trends in Global Governance Vertical shifts – Downward (Nation state or international bodies to regional actors or sub-national level) – Upward (Nation state to International Institution with supra-national structure) Horizontal shifts – Executive and legislative powers to judiciary – Public to Semi-Public or Private Sector Network Governance

27 Useful Links Committee on World Food Security (CFS) Home Page: Reform Document of the CFS: 009_2_Rev_2_E_K7197.pdf 009_2_Rev_2_E_K7197.pdf Civil Society for the Committee on World Food Security (CFS4CSO): Global Food Security and Nutrition Dialogue: Civil Society Mechanism: Report on the Civil Society Consultation (with an explanation of the CSM): Network of Women Pastoralists: World Alliance of Mobile Indigenous Peoples:

28 Questions? Comments? Want to get involved? Download presentation: Thank you to Michael Benanav for granting permission to use his photos. ©

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