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Adding Tools to Your Box Implementing School Strategies Bonita Franklin, Principal Eastside Middle School Angela Binkley, Instructional Coach Becky Keller,

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Presentation on theme: "Adding Tools to Your Box Implementing School Strategies Bonita Franklin, Principal Eastside Middle School Angela Binkley, Instructional Coach Becky Keller,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Adding Tools to Your Box Implementing School Strategies Bonita Franklin, Principal Eastside Middle School Angela Binkley, Instructional Coach Becky Keller, Guidance Counselor

2 If the only tool you have is a hammer, then you will treat everything like a nail.

3 Eastside Middle School 548 Students 5 multidisciplinary teams 23 Content Teachers 4 Exploratory Teachers 5 Special Education Teachers 1 Principal 1 Assistant Principal 1 Guidance Counselor 1 Media Specialist 1 Instructional Tutor 3 Teaching Assistants

4 KPR200620072008 Reading 90.4102.4103.9 Math 79.184.2103.5 Science 76.489.198.9 Social Studies 82.088.494.9 Arts/Humanities 81.586.495.5 Practical Living 77.988.999.2 Writing 56.688.5103.8 Academic Index 77.490.499.2

5 Blue Prints CSIP Mission Leadership Teams –Principal Advisory League (students) –Professional Learning Communities(teachers) –SBDM (community) STW criteria (aligns with SISI)

6 4 Pillars of STW Academic Excellence Developmental Responsiveness Social Equity Organizational Structure

7 Academic Excellence Seminar Satellite Classes Morning Reading PLC/STAT Team Walkthroughs Friday Night School “Eagles that Soar”

8 BULLITT COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOL EXPECTATIONS FOR SUCCESS THE FOLLOWING NORMS WILL BE MONITORED BY CENTRAL OFFICE VIA WALK THROUGH OBSERVATIONS The original form (in your teacher handbook) has been modified to correlate with Eastside’s Mission of E+M=S and to serve as a walkthrough instrument. Expectations for success will be “checked” when observed. Engagement of student and teacher ______Students and teachers are actively engaged in STANDARDS- BASED LEARNING. ______ Teacher is responsible for holding students accountable for their learning. ______Student successes are celebrated. ______Teacher is incorporating differentiated instruction. Monitoring for Understanding _______Pre-Testing _______Higher Level questions _______Exit Slips/ Student Reflection _______Bell ringer and Flashback activities _______Individual Student Coaching _______Teacher providing Descriptive Feedback _______Post-test _______Evidence that testing is for learning not of learning. Success by Standards _______Instruction is aligned to the Combined Curriculum Document (Core Content and Program of Studies) _______ESSENTIAL QUESTION IS POSTED in student terms _______LEARNING OBJECTIVES are posted and referenced during instruction _______Assessments are aligned to (CONGRUENT TO) core content/program of studies, they are KCCT-LIKE, and are at the appropriate DOK level _______Current student work is displayed and reference the DOK level and the Essential Question. Walk Through Document

9 Developmental Responsiveness Positive Learning Environment Relevant lessons ILP/Project Wisdom Eagle’s Flight Connectivity for Every Student Eagle Reports

10 Weekly Focused Learning Plan Mrs. Binkley 8 th Grade SubjectWeek of: Instructional MinutesBenchmark 1 # of 504 Students:7C-0 7D-1 8A-0 8B-0 Unit of Study: E+M=S E ngaging: List by day the activities/strategies used to actively e ngage students in learning. Meaningful : How will the highlighted 4.1 CCA be meaningful to your students? *List essential questions & critical vocabulary for the week. *Include what students need to KNOW and be ABLE TO DO Success : Success must be sustainable. Attach copy of assessments * How will students demonstrate what they have learned? * What will the prescriptive plan be for those who do not demonstrate mastery? DayActivityAccommodation Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri.

11 Eagle Report

12 Social Equity Distinguished Eagles Eagles of the Month Eagle’s Flight Ambassadors P.A.L.

13 Organizational Structures Shared Vision Where classes are Engaging, Where lessons are Meaningful, & Where learning is Sustainable. Expectation for Success Documents Walkthroughs

14 Time Period Team ATeam BTeam CTeam DTeam EExploratory Team 7:55-8:05 HR Homeroom 8:05-8:20Reading 8:20-9:18 1stCoreContentClassCore Content Class CoreContentClassExploratory Core Content Class 4 Homerooms – PE/Art/Tech/Music 9:18-10:16 2ndSeminarCore Content Class CoreContentClassCore Core Exploratory Planning 10:16-11:14 3rdExploratory Core Content Class CoreContentClassCoreContentClassCore Content Class 4 Homerooms – PE/Art/Tech/Music 11:44 –12:42 4thCoreContentClass Core Content Class CoreContentClassSeminarExploratory 4 Homerooms – PE/Art/Tech/Music 12:42-1:40 5thCoreContentClassExploratory Seminar/7 th & 8 th Band CoreContentClass 4 Homerooms into 3 exp. PE/Art/Tech 1:40-1:55 Eagle’s Flight 1:55-2:55 6thCoreContentClass Seminar/6th Grade Band ExploratoryCore Content Class Core 3 Homerooms – PE/Art/Tech Team A6 th /6 th /7 th /7 th Team D7th/7th/8th/8th Team B6 th /6 th/ 6 th /6 th Team E8th/8th/8th/8th Team C7 th /7 th /7 th Exploratory Team 6th/7th/8th

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