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The challenge of effective Knowledge Transfer in Europe Petr Holec, Brno University of Technology.

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1 The challenge of effective Knowledge Transfer in Europe Petr Holec, Brno University of Technology

2 November 5, 2004Entrepreneurial Days, Sofia2 Goal of the presentation  To explain how the science can bring dynamics to the economic development  To present contemporary views on the different routes of the knowledge commercialisation  To present outputs of two European projects which can support this process

3 November 5, 2004Entrepreneurial Days, Sofia3 Basic Paradigma Of Economic Development Based on Science money knowledge research innovation

4 November 5, 2004Entrepreneurial Days, Sofia4 Government, Parliament, budget Grant agency FR RESEARCH Universities Academy of Sci Other Res.I. grants AR MARKET taxes requirements, products COMPANIES SMEs Big ones (R&D) FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Loans, equity Requirements, solutions SUPPORT INSTITUTIONS patenting, legal svc, licensing PUBLICITY, ENLIGHTMENT B IFIF PFPF VFVF SFSF BABA Knowledge Transfer TT agencies Technology parks BICs Spin-outs Knowledge Transfer Offices Res.contracts

5 November 5, 2004Entrepreneurial Days, Sofia5 Triple Helix Participants in the process:  Government  Scientific Community  Entrepreneurial Community

6 November 5, 2004Entrepreneurial Days, Sofia6 Role of Government  To create stable environnment  Legal frame  Innovation policy (incl. funding)  Scientific policy  Education policy

7 November 5, 2004Entrepreneurial Days, Sofia7 Role of Sci Community  To utilise the funding of science in creative way  To educate and bring up new scientists NEW !  To take over co-responsibility for the dissemination and utilisation of the created knowledge  To communicate with industry its needs

8 November 5, 2004Entrepreneurial Days, Sofia8 Role of Entrepreneurial Community  To create a long term vision of each ones company, inclusive innovation strategy  To keep the communication with the scientific community, bringing them the knowledge of market needs  To respect the specifics of research (no garranty of the proper solution)  To bring additional funding for the solution of particular propblems

9 November 5, 2004Entrepreneurial Days, Sofia9 Conference, Febr 04, Brussels „Effective Collaborative R&D and Knowledge Transfer“ Partners: EIRMA EUA EARTO ProTon Europe

10 November 5, 2004Entrepreneurial Days, Sofia10 Public Funding Education programs Donations Infrastructure Scientists RESEARCH Discoveries PUBLICATION RESEARCHRESEARCH INNOVATIONINNOVATION DEVELOPMENTDEVELOPMENT Open Science Model Innovation Model UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY INDUSTRYINDUSTRY The Old Model of Classic Science

11 November 5, 2004Entrepreneurial Days, Sofia11 Public Funding Education programs Donations Industry Sponsoring Infrastructure Scientists RESEARCH Discoveries INVENTIONS PROTECTION Intellectual property PUBLICATION PROOF OF PRINCIPLE SCIENCE INCUBATORS SPIN-OFFS & CAMPUS COMPANIES SEED CAPITAL RESEARCHRESEARCH INNOVATIONINNOVATION DEVELOPMENTDEVELOPMENT Licences Royalties New Companies Ownership Open Science Model Innovation Model UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY INDUSTRYINDUSTRY The US Innovation Model

12 November 5, 2004Entrepreneurial Days, Sofia12 Public Funding Education programs Donations Industry Sponsoring Infrastructure Scientists RESEARCH Discoveries INVENTIONS PROTECTION Intellectual property PUBLICATION PROOF OF PRINCIPLE COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH with INDUSTRY SCIENCE INCUBATORS SPIN-OFFS & CAMPUS COMPANIES SEED CAPITAL Public Funding Economic Programs EC FP RESEARCHRESEARCH INNOVATIONINNOVATION DEVELOPMENTDEVELOPMENT New Products New Services Licences Royalties New Companies Ownership Open Science Model Innovation Model UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY INDUSTRYINDUSTRY The Innovation Model (European)

13 November 5, 2004Entrepreneurial Days, Sofia13 Consolidation: the « Innovation » Model  PROs can contribute effectively to innovation only by the combination of the 3 models: u IP management & licensing as common core u Interaction with industry for medium term development of the economy u Creation of new companies for long term rejuvenation of the economy.  Innovation is not a linear process. It is the « conversion of new knowledge into economic and social benefits – now acknowledged to take place as the result of complex long-term interactions between many players » (Source: Cordis glossary of innovation)

14 November 5, 2004Entrepreneurial Days, Sofia14 What is at stake?  The recognition and sustainability of the research mission of PROs  Retaining and motivating good scientists  Justify sufficient funding of Research  The rejuvenating of European economy with new technology based SMEs  The competitive position of our industry partners and the maintenance of a strong R&D activity in Europe.  The success of the European Research Area (conclusion reached by EURAB)

15 November 5, 2004Entrepreneurial Days, Sofia15 The Knowledge Transfer Office (KTO or TO)  May take many different forms: university department, separate limited liability company  Mission: increase the chances that PRO discoveries be turned into useful products and services so the the public shall benefit.  Very difficult function. Requires: u Competence (science, IP management, business development, law, etc.) u Talents (negotiation, psychology, etc.) u Experience (academic and business)  Poorly funded, staffed and recognized.  Perceived as cost center by PROs, obstacle by Industry

16 November 5, 2004Entrepreneurial Days, Sofia16 Two EC projects supporting KTOs  ProTon Europe Aim: to increase the quality of the Science – Industry interface by training of KTO staff, to establish the new profession of Knowledge Transfer Managers (KTM)  Global Start Aim: to prepare the set of tools (verified standard procedures) for KTM which would make their work easier and more efficient

17 November 5, 2004Entrepreneurial Days, Sofia17 The ProTon Europe Project (Public research organisations Technology offices network-Europe)  Thematic network funded by the EC as part of the Gate2Growth initiative to promote innovation  Core team of 12 experienced Technology Offices from reputable universities + TII and EARMA  Coordinator: SOPARTEC (UCL), Dr Giles Capard  53 project members (TOs) from 15 different European countries  All TOs affiliated to European research universities and other public research organisations (PROs) can register as members

18 November 5, 2004Entrepreneurial Days, Sofia18 Terms of Reference  Establish a professional association of KTOs that is representative at European level  Contribute to establish high standards of conduct and to raise the profile of KTOs  Boost knowledge transfer by:  Professional Development  Dissemination of Good Practices & Tools  Staff Exchanges  Networking  Minimum 250 PROs from 25 European countries  Self sustainable in 4 years

19 November 5, 2004Entrepreneurial Days, Sofia19 Contrasting PROTON with AUTM AUTM Actual 2000 PROTON Target 2007 Year started19752003 # of countries2 (US + CA)>30 # of languages1>20 # legal frameworks 2 Bayh Dole in USA >30 Few countries have Bayh-Dole-like laws Scope Mainly licensing Licensing + interaction+spin-out # members PROs (1) # individuals from PROS # individuals other 190 1,500 >250 Conditions to be defined Political strengthYesTo be earned (1) Reponding to AUTM surveys

20 November 5, 2004Entrepreneurial Days, Sofia20 Positioning of ProTon Europe  There are no best practices applicable to all Europe, but a collection of good practices adapted to each national environment.  Federating existing national networks and others to be formed  Collaboration with specialized europeans networks providing significant services to TOs  Emphasis is not on developing new content but on making available existing content and good practices from many sources  The model of ProTon Europe is that of a cellular living association, fed by all available good practices and experience.

21 November 5, 2004Entrepreneurial Days, Sofia21 Status of development  Current needs and available practices have been surveyed  125 KTOs from PROs have signed as Full Members  Positioning supported by all national TO associations contacted so far, representing more than 600 PROs  Several European associations have agreed in principle to partner  First annual conference held November 19-21, 2003, Second annual conference will be in Dublin, Nov 21  Charter has been approved by the first general assembly of November 21, 2003  A standardised system of training with EC atestation is planned to be introduced through national training bodies

22 November 5, 2004Entrepreneurial Days, Sofia22 Global Start  Co-ordinator: Pieter van dar Sijde, Twente University, Enschede, NL  Focus on spin-out (incubation) process, quality management handbook  Experience: spin-out process with gradual growth, projects: TOP, EMBRYO, dissemination: SPIN-OUT  Global Start: incubation processes of the spin-out with globally distributed resources and/or customers

23 November 5, 2004Entrepreneurial Days, Sofia23 Project web sites

24 November 5, 2004Entrepreneurial Days, Sofia24 Conclusions  Soon Bulgaria will join EU  Need to think in European dimension  Challenge!!  New opportunities for the prepared ones  BE PREPARED FOR THIS CHALLENGE!! Thanks for your attention

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