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Economic and Political Systems Muhammed Yunnus –Professor of economics –Met Sufiya Khatun Made stools –Started Bank loan small amounts to poor Join group.

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Presentation on theme: "Economic and Political Systems Muhammed Yunnus –Professor of economics –Met Sufiya Khatun Made stools –Started Bank loan small amounts to poor Join group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Economic and Political Systems Muhammed Yunnus –Professor of economics –Met Sufiya Khatun Made stools –Started Bank loan small amounts to poor Join group of 5 others who lend –Grameen Bank- “Village Bank” 1,000 offices Now it’s owned by those who borrow

2 Economic Systems Economy –System for producing, distributing and consuming goods and services. Owners and workers are producers Product made is called goods or services performed for others Consumers buy and use the goods and services

3 Economic Systems Types of Business –Basic Business Essential for a nation to function –Transportation, communication and electricity –Non-Basic Business “Nice” but not necessary –DVD, sports equipment, –Services can be both Hospitals are basic, nails are non-basic

4 Different Economic Systems Vary based on Cultures –Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism Capitalism –Most basic and non-basic businesses privately owned –US, South Africa and Japan

5 Economic Systems Socialism –Government owns most basic industries –Runs them for the good of society…no profit –Government dictates workers pay and how much to charge –Uses profits to pay for health care and education –Non-basic follow same model Privately owned –Spain, Portugal, and Italy

6 Economic Systems Communism –Central government owns all property All farms, factories –Controls all aspect of citizens life Prices of goods/services, how much product made, and workers pay –Cuba, China, and North Korea

7 Political Systems Government- system that sets up and enforces a society’s laws and institution. –Some controlled by few/ some by many

8 Direct Democracy Early government = simple Direct Democracy is where everyone participates in running the day-to-day affairs –Chiefs/elders –Based on the culture’s customs and beliefs

9 Monarchy Most common form of government until 100 years ago Monarchy- king or queen rules the government –Ruler inherits throne by birth Monarchies exist today –Sweden, Denmark, UK, Spain, Swaziland Not the same power as their ancestors They are constitutional monarchs –Constitutions Sets of laws that define and limit the government’s power King or queen is really just a symbol

10 Representative Democracy Citizen’s elect representatives to run country’s affairs –Constitutional monarchy follow this Democracy (greek)= demos- common people The common people hold power to govern and rule Elect reps who create laws Not re-elect if don’t like Power is shared –USA, Canada, and Israel

11 Dictatorship Government leader has total control Dictator decides what happens –Make laws –Decide if their will be elections Usually sound good at the start –More often they end up harsh

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